译者 | 徐志成 UCLA LL.M.
审稿 | Jessie PKU硕士 
岳文豪 上海交大硕士
编辑 | MC BU LL.M.
编辑 | 陈远航,美国西北大学LL.M.
A Transaction Cost Assessment of SEC Regulation Best Interest
作者:D. Bruce Johnsen
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) is required to provide an economic analysis of proposed regulations and to show they plausibly meet a cost-benefit test. It recently proposed Regulation Best Interest (RBI) to replace the longstanding suitability rule for securities brokers when providing their retail clients with incidental investment advice. Despite a dearth of empirical support, the proposing release concludes that a best interest standard would better mitigate the conflicts of interest brokers face between providing their clients with impartial advice and inflating their own compensation. The empirical vacuum is a result of the SEC’s failure to ask the right economic questions, which Nobel laureate Ronald Coase raised over half a century ago: why does the rule of liability matter? What transaction costs prevent parties–who in this setting negotiate face-to-face–from correcting any market failure through private ordering? This essay provides a transaction cost assessment of RBI and concludes that a far more thorough economic analysis is necessary to justify imposing a best interest standard on retail brokers.
美国证券交易委员会(SEC)被要求为其提议的规则提供经济学分析,并证明它合理地满足了成本-收益测试的要求。最近,SEC提议以“最佳利益规则”(RBI)代替先前长期使用的规范证券经纪人向其零散客户提出附带建议的合适性规则。尽管缺乏实践经验,但提案得出的结论是最佳利益标准能够缓和证券经纪人在为客户提供公正建议和增加自身报酬之间的利益冲突。SEC对某些经济问题考虑的欠缺导致了这类实践经验的空白。而诺贝尔奖得主罗纳德·科斯(Ronald Coase)早在半个多世纪前就已经提出了这些问题:为什么责任规则如此重要?什么交易成本阻止了磋商双方通过私人秩序纠正市场失灵?本文为最佳利益规则提供了交易成本的评估,并得出以下结论:为了证明对从事零散服务的证券经纪人实施最佳利益标准的正当性,需要进行全面经济学分析

作者:Morgan Ricks
Traditional infrastructure regulation–the law of regulated industries–rests atop three pillars: rate regulation, entry restriction, and universal service. This mode of regulation has typically been applied to providers of network-type resources: resources that are optimally supplied as integrated systems. The monetary system is such a resource; and money creation is the distinctive function of banks. Bank regulation can therefore be understood as a subfield of infrastructure regulation. With few exceptions, modern academic treatments of banking have emphasizes banks’ intermediation function and downplayed or ignored their monetary function. Concomitantly, in recent decades U.S. bank regulation has strayed from its infrastructural roots. This regulatory drift has been unwise.
Sunrise, Sunset
An Empirical And Theoretical Assessment of Dual-Class Stock Structures
作者:Andrew Winden
A battle is brewing for control of America’s most dynamic companies. Entrepreneurs are increasingly seeking protection from interference or dismissal by public investors through the adoption of dual-class stock structures in initial public offerings. Institutional investors are pushing back, demanding that sucks structures be abandoned or strictly limited through subset provisions. The actual terms of dual-class stock structures, however, have been remarkably understudied, so the debate between proponents of prohibition and private ordering is ill-informed. This paper presents the first empirical analysis of the initial, or sunrise, and terminal, or sunset, provisions found in the charters of dual-class companies, with a data set of 139 U.S. pubic companies. Careful selection of such provisions can satisfy both the desire of entrepreneurs to pursue their idiosyncratic visions for value creation without fear of interference or dismissal and the need of investors for a voice to ensure management accountability. Private law firms representing entrepreneurs in initial public offerings play a critical role in the selection of charter provisions, so the onus is on such firms to ensure that private ordering produces a satisfactory resolution before momentum builds for a regulatory solution to investors’ concerns.
Hacking Our Securities Disclosure System
The Need for Federal Broker-Dealer Disclosure Requirements Vis-À-Vis Cyber Incidents
作者:Jason Auman
Broker dealers provide investors with the platform to access security markets. To facilitate this access, clients entrust them with sensitive information, including their names, addresses, and social security numbers. Cyberattacks on the financial sector have advances in sophistication and grown more frequent due to technological advances, adjustments in firm business models, and changes in customer behavior, causing new vulnerabilities in firm information systems. However, even with this increase of cyberattacks against broker-dealers, the lack of public disclosure requirements means little is known about the extent of broker-dealer cyber safety.
Under current SEC regulations, broker-dealers must take preventative action, such as establishing safeguards against cyber breached and maintaining security programs that can identify red flags. However, after a cyberattack occurs, firms are only required to file a Suspicious Activity Report to FinCEN, a bureau within the Treasury Department. Unlike public companies and banks, broker-dealers do not have any federal disclosure requirement to the general public for cybersecurity incidents. Addressing this gap requires a comprehensive examination of the tradeoffs involved in implementing broad new federal disclosure requirements for broker-dealers following cybersecurity incidents.
Move Last and Take Things
Facebook and Predatory Copying
作者:Josh Obear
Facebook’s now decade-long dominance of the social media landscape stands in start contrast with the industry’s early history of dynamism and disruption. The company played a key role in growing the social media industry from the small, niche communities of the early 2000s into the omnipresent societal force it is today. Capitalizing on this growth, Facebook pioneered a business model that now transforms the attention of billions of users into billions of dollars of advertising revenue. But for all of Facebook’s success, perhaps its greatest triumph has been in defending its golden goose from a swarm of competitors eager to claim a share of the profits. Countless challenges from Snapchat, Twitter, Google, and dozens of social network startups have all failed to break Facebook’s hold of the market.
This Note argues that Facebook has exploited its market dominance to exclude competitors in the social media market. Despite complaints from competitors and business commentators, Facebook has so far avoided serious antitrust inquiry. By examining Facebook’s history, its business model, and the structural incentives of the social media market, one can see how Facebook leverages its position toward anticompetitive ends. In particular, this Note explores how Facebook copies the popular apps and features developed by its rivals in order to prevent those rivals from establishing a foothold in the social media market. This copycat strategy causes significant non-monetary consumer harms, such as product degradation and stifled innovation, currently neglected by antitrust doctrine. Facebook’s copying campaign highlights the need for courts o consider new frameworks and theories that help identify new forms of anticompetitive conduct.