1    孤独的天才
这位孤独的天才,就是自称为“实验物理学教师”的遗传学之父:孟德尔(Johann Gregor Mendel1822-1884)。
我认为,生物学有两座智力高峰:第一次是1854年至1866年孟德尔独自一人;第二次是1951年至1965年克里克(Francis Crick)及其合作者们。两个高峰碰巧相隔一百年。
1.1    孟德尔的论文和思路
孟德尔的时代,人们对遗传的认识还很粗浅,基本认同“混合遗传”(blending inheritance)学说:遗传是+=,父母的黑和白简单融合得到子代的灰。此学说虽未被正式提出和论证,却是一个普遍接受的、朴素的、以为不证自明的规律。
而孟德尔不以为然,他设计实验,通过锲而不舍的研究,发现了与此不同的学说。从1854年开始,孟德尔用豌豆做了一系列遗传学实验,时间长达十年。他于1865年公布所发现的遗传学规律,并于次年以德文在布鲁恩自然史学会杂志》发表了论文《植物杂交的实验》(Versuche über die Pflanzen-Hybriden)。
引言部分,孟德尔简要回顾以往研究,指出Josef Gottlieb Kölreuter (1733-1806)和Carl Friedrich von Gärtner (1772-1850)等坚持做过大量杂交之后,立即明确提出问题:无人成功地提出过对杂交体形成和发生普遍适用的规律。
后人认为,为了选择到合适的实验材料,孟德尔有可能考虑过二十多种植物。孟德尔说他因为花形状的奇异而试了豆科(Leguminosae),后决定用豌豆(Pisum)。对所用豌豆的确切生物学分类,孟德尔并不是很确定,说专家意见说大多数是Pisum sativum,还有几种,不过他明确指出分类对其研究并不重要。
孟德尔在发现各对性状独立传代后,他在文章中可能考虑了自己的发现与进化论的关系。我们现在知道,他读过第二版《物种起源》德译本,在书的边缘做了评注。可能由于自己在修道院吃饭,他不能公开说接受进化论,所以在论文中完全没提进化论。但是,他文章故意讨论了性状独立遗传的意义。他指出:如果一个植物有7种不同的性状,产出后代就有27次方(128)种不同的组合。孟德尔的这个算法其实解决了 “混合学说给达尔文进化论造成的矛盾。混合学说导致每一代比上一代更少样(黑加白得到灰,灰加灰得此灰,以此类推),而不是多样,可供选择的越来越少,生物应该退化。而孟德尔推出不同组合的数量很多,每代的多样性在增加,进化就有很多可以选择。
因为孟德尔希望找到普遍适用的规律,所以,他论文最后一部分实验是其他种属植物杂交体的实验,检验他从豌豆发现的规律是否适用于其他植物。在论文发表时,他说开始用了几种其他植物,其中用大豆做的两个实验已经做完。用Phaseolus vulgarisPhaseolus nanus(两者都是菜豆)做的杂交结果,发现后代好几个性状的传代完全吻合符合他从豌豆得到的规律。但是,用Ph nanusPh multiflorus做杂交时,其花色有较多变异。孟德尔觉得花色仍符合他发现的遗传规律,提出要假设花色是两个或更多独立颜色的组合,花色A由单个性状A1+A2+…..的组合而成。他实际上提出了多基因遗传,而通常误解导致“孟德尔遗传学”被误认为单基因遗传学。
然后孟德尔提出:(杂交体)发育遵循一个恒定的定律,其基础就是细胞中生动地结合的因子的物质组分和安排(material composition and arrangement of elements)”豌豆的胚胎毫无疑问是亲本两种生殖细胞中因子的结合。如果生殖细胞是同类的,那么新个体就像亲本植物如果杂交后代不同,必需假设卵细胞和花粉细胞的分化因子间出现妥协,形成作为杂交体基础的细胞,但矛盾因子的安排只是暂时的,分化的因子在生殖细胞形成时可以自我解放。在生殖细胞形成时,所有存在的因子完全自由和平等地参与,分化的因子互相排斥地分开。这样,产生卵细胞和花粉细胞的种类在数量上相同于形成因子可能的组合数量。
1.2    其他科学家对遗传学的理解
孟德尔之前科学家认识到植物有性别,用植物做杂交的实验也在孟德尔出生一百多年前就开始了。德国的Josef Gottlieb Kölreuter (1733-1806)和Carl Friedrich von Gärtner (1772-1850)系统地做过大量植物杂交实验。而孟德尔之前,至少有五位做过豌豆的杂交、一位做过获得类似结果的香瓜杂交实验。独立于孟德尔但发表时间稍后还有三位科学家做过豌豆的杂交实验。
1729年,英国神父Thomas Henchman 1666-1746?)的豌豆实验观察到同一个豆荚可以含有蓝色和白色的豌豆。
英国的Thomas Andrew Knight (1759-1838),曾任皇家园艺学会主席,与达尔文有长期交流,杂交实验为达尔文的《物种起源》所引用。Knight主要目的是改良品种,特别是苹果。因为用苹果做实验慢,自1787年他就开始用过豌豆做杂交实验。他选豌豆的原因是其不同形态、大小、颜色,而且是开花模式不容易被昆虫和外来花粉所污染。1799年就发表了他的实验方法,去除雄的部分几天后引进另外的花粉。断断续续到孟德尔出生的第二年(1823年),Knight还发表了豌豆杂交的实验结果。1799他报道观察到的结果:白色豌豆的后代都是白的;而如果花粉来自有颜色(灰或紫)父本,即使母本为白色,后代也都有颜色(灰或紫);灰色总是可以传后代,即使母本为白色。
1822820日,皇家园艺学会宣读了苏格兰的Alexander Anderson Seton1769-1850)的研究结果。他观察到绿豌豆和白豌豆杂交的后代为绿豌豆。
18221015日,皇家园艺学会宣读了英国农民John Goss1787-1833)投寄的研究结果。他报道:1820年夏杂交白色豌豆(西班牙矮)与蓝色豌豆(普鲁士蓝)杂交,后代为白色豌豆;杂交以上豌豆,得到的豌豆,在同一个豆荚里,可以全部是蓝色,全部白色,或者蓝和白都有;以上蓝色的豌豆与蓝色的豌豆杂交,后代全部是蓝色,而以上白色的与白色杂交,后代可以豆荚里面都是白色,或者白色和蓝色都有。
SetonGoss的结果都刊出在1824年集结出版的第五卷《皇家园艺学会会志》。紧接着他们刊出的是18221115日宣读的Thomas Andrew Knight有关培育西瓜方法的改进。同一卷杂志,还在后面刊出182363Knight的实验结果。他发现,灰色豌豆与白色豌豆杂交后代为灰色,灰色再与“恒定习惯种类的白色”杂交后代有灰色,但也重新出现了白色。
法国植物学家Augustin Sageret1763-1851)于1826年发表甜瓜与香瓜杂交的实验结果。他用的甜瓜种子是黄色的、瓜皮不平,而香瓜种子白色、瓜皮平滑。杂交后代的种子为白色、瓜皮不平。杂交后代瓜子是白色、瓜皮不平。
德国植物学家Carl Friedrich von Gärtner1772-1850)在1849年发表的书里面,有较多植物杂交的实验结果。其中,他观察到,黄色豌豆与绿色豌豆杂交的后代为黄色。
法国植物学家Charles Naudin1815-1899)与孟德尔开始杂交实验是同一年(1854)。他开始是杂交报春花,发明了回交。1856年,他发表文章,观察到了杂交性状的自动回复,也观察到了性状的分离。1861年,他给法国科学院的报告(1863年刊出),提到后代的性状有些完全如父本、有些完全如母本,而不是中间状态。
十九世纪还有两位科学家的文章在孟德尔后面发表,但估计并不知道孟德尔的研究。Thomas Laxton1830-1893)对英国豌豆品种改进有重要贡献,有以他命名的豌豆。1866年在国际园艺展和植物大会上,1872年在皇家园艺学会杂志上,他介绍了研究结果:白色的豌豆杂交紫色的豌豆,后代为紫色;白色的杂交棕色后代为棕色。1893年,荷兰的E Giltay1858-1935)发表其豌豆杂交的实验结果:黄的与绿的后代为黄的。
达尔文从Thomas Laxton那里知道豌豆杂交实验的结果。1868年,达尔文引用Laxton的结果,称白色的与有色的豌豆杂交后代失去白色种类的特征,无论父母本何者为白色。1876年,达尔文引用Laxton的新结果,豌豆杂交后代的活力。
对比孟德尔的实验和推理,可以看到达尔文的问题:1)达尔文没有意识到样本量太小,实验设计有问题,没有做到孟德尔论文很前面就提到的“从开始就避免获得有疑问的结果”;2)达尔文在获得F1代的结果看到都是C性状时,和其他做杂交实验观察到同样现象的人一样,没有提出显性和隐性的概念;3F2代重新出现F1代不见了的p性状,达尔文也仅看到现象,提出所谓“回复原理”(Principle of Reversion)复述现象,并无原理;4)在F2得到数量时,他没算两种性状的比例(2.38:1),也不知道比例蕴含的意义;5)没有推测而发现下一步的1:2:16)没有数学模型;7)没有从实验结果中发现规律,提出错误的遗传理论。
我们不知道达尔文是否读过孟德尔的文章。有些人认为,假如达尔文读了,也读不懂,或者不能接受孟德尔的理论。我们知道孟德尔在达尔文1860年第二版《物种起源》的德译本上有批注。孟德尔1866年的论文有时好像是他希望给达尔文的进化论提供遗传基础。孟德尔从自己发现的多个性状自由组合规律,推算如果有7对不同性状的两种植物间授粉,可以产生很多不同的组合,从而解释了多样性。孟德尔很可能在1866年就想到了自己发现的规律对于进化论的意义。当然,孟德尔当时的实验没有考虑进化论还需要的一部分:变异如何出现。要等七十年后,到1930年代后,英国的费舍尔(Ronald A Fisher1890-1962)和霍尔丹(JBS Haldane1892-1964)、美国的莱特(Sewall Wright1889-1988)杜布赞斯基(Theodosius Dobzhansky1900-1975)等才成功地将孟德尔遗传学和达尔文进化论结合起来。
一般教科书说三位科学家1900年重新发现孟德尔:德国的Carl Correns (1864-1933)、荷兰的Hugo de Vries (1848-1935) 和奥地利的Erich von Tschermak (1871-1962),虽然von Tschermak已被遗传史学家排除在重新发现者之外。这几位所谓重新发现孟德尔的人,理解程度当时都还低于孟德尔。de Vries重新写数学公式不如35年前孟德尔的公式。三人的工作量加起来也远不如孟德尔一人。CorrensNägeli的学生和亲戚,推动了对孟德尔的认识。英国的William Bateson (1861-1926) 对孟德尔学说的推广起了很大作用。
第二伟大的遗传学家,无疑是美国的摩尔根(Thomas H. Morgan1866-1945)。但是,直到1909年,摩尔根还发表文章称孟德尔的方法是玩数字的高级杂耍(superior jugglery)。事实上,摩尔根当年不仅不信孟德尔,也不信遗传的染色体学说。是1910年他自己发现了白眼突变果蝇的事实后,他也做了和孟德尔一样的交配实验,取得数据和比例。为了解释事实,摩尔根不得不沿着孟德尔的思路,也提出因子,也进行拼凑数字的“高级杂耍”,最后奠定了遗传学的现代基础。在事实面前,摩尔根不得不出尔反尔,因为科学真理高于个人偏见,也不会败于俏皮话的讥笑挖苦。
1.3    孟德尔的生平
孟德尔出生地德文称Heinzendorf,捷克称Hyncice现在捷克境内,当时属于奥匈帝国。孟德尔的父亲是佃农,每周四天料理自家的田地,三天给一位女伯爵干农活。命运似乎注定了孟德尔不得不子承父业,终其一生在农田中度过,但当地的神父Johann A.E. Schreiber 1769-1850鼓励孟德尔的父母让他多受教育。孟德尔自己也要与命运抗争,并得妹妹的支持。孟德尔后来为报答妹妹的支持,资助了她的孩子读书。
1843年,不满21岁的孟德尔进入布鲁恩Brünn现称Brno的圣汤玛斯修道院(the Abbey of St. Thomas),并于184725岁成为神父。孟德尔原名Johann,入修道院后加Gregor
到修道院后,他同时做过代课老师。那时,中学老师已需要证书。孟德尔第一次教师资格考试没通过,被送到维也纳大学去学习,这加强了他的科学背景。孟德尔曾再考教师资格,还是没能通过,而且,估计两次都是没过生物学,所以后来只能做代课老师,在当地的实科中学(Brünn Realschule教了14年低年级物理学和自然史。他一直以实验物理学教师自称,而不说是生物学家。
园艺协会刊物讣告称:他的植物杂交实验开创了新时代猜想讣告作者是刊物主编Josef Auspitz1812-1889),他曾任实科中学校长,支持孟德尔无证代课14年,是孟德尔的重要支持者和欣赏者之一。但是,讣告的溢美之辞远非共识。
据他的朋友Gustav von Niessl (1839-1919)说,孟德尔生前相信我的时代会到来。确实如此。但是,要等他去世16年、理论公布34年以后。
1900年声称重新发现孟德尔的三位科学家。其中de Vries的第一篇论文没有提孟德尔,后来可能因为隐瞒不住曾借鉴孟德尔的事实(包括难以解释如果他没有读过孟德尔,为什么他第一篇文章用了孟德尔的dominantrecessive两个词),在第二篇论文中说是重新发现孟德尔。von Tschermak可能不懂孟德尔也说自己重新发现了孟德尔,所以史学家认为不能算。有趣的是,von Tschermak的外公 Eduard Fenzl1808-1879是维也纳大学教孟德尔的生物老师之一,不仅教学保守,也可能是没让孟德尔第二次考到教师证书的考官之一
1.4    孟德尔“造假”案
反击孟德尔造假说法的文章也不断。最近一篇较好的反击是2007年哈佛大学Hartl Fairbanks 发表于《遗传》杂志的文章。
1.5    孟德尔的精神遗产
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Mendel G (1866)Versuche über Pflanzen-Hybriden. Verhandlungen des naturforschenden Vereines, Abhandlungen, Brünn 4:3-47,英译本Experiments in Plant Hybridization in Genetics: readings from Scientific American pp. 8-17. W.H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco-USA.
饶毅(2008) 一意孤行的伯乐
饶毅(2008) 达尔文的泛生论
Chapter 1 A Lonely Genius
Abandoning natural rights for intellectual pursuits;
Making core discoveries outside the inner circle of science;
Succeeding in applying mathematics to biology;
Ushering in an entirely novel science with a single paper from 10 years of work;
Standing lonely with his theory never accepted by peers in his life time;
Being ridiculed by the second greatest scientist in the discipline he created;
Being underestimated for intellectual height partly because of apparent simplicity of his conclusions;
Being suspected of misconduct though the purpose of research was for curiosity not for personal gains.
The lonely genius was disguised asa teacher of experimental physics in his self description, but in truth, the founding father of genetics: Johan Gregor Mendel (1822-1884).
There were two intellectual peaks in biology: the first was Mendel alone from 1854 to 1866, and the second was Francis Crick and his collaborators from 1951 to 1965, separated by exactly 100 years.
It is meaningful today for us to read Mendel (1866), tracing the origin of genetics.
1.1Mendels Paper 
Because few contemporaries understood the importance of Mendels research, little was preserved of him. The most important of Mendels legacy was a paper on genetics. In addition, he had two papers on insects unrelated to genetics, another paper on genetics and ten letters to a botanist explaining his genetic studies.
Mendels major paper was written lucidly, showing his line of reasoning, helpful for tracing the birth of a concept.
In Mendels time, there was little understanding of genetics and blending inheritance, while never validated, was tacitly accepted for its simplicity: that black and white gave rise to the gray, with contributions of parents blended in the progeny. 
Mendel did not take it for granted. He designed experiments, working on them for 10 years, and proposed a novel theory. Beginning in 1854, Mendel used the garden pea to do a series of experiments, announced the general law in 1865, and published his paper Versucheüber die Pflanzen-Hybriden in the Journal of the Society of Natural History, Brünn in 1866.
Mendel’s paper informed us how he did research: finding an important question, propose an approach to solve the problem; designing experiments, carrying out experiments; obtaining results, analyzing results, proposing a theory that no one has proposed before; further experiments, more results to analysis; expanding the theory, proving the theory.
Mendel’s paper consists of 11 parts.
In introduction, Mendel briefly summarized the background and previous results,credited Josef Gottlieb Kölreuter (1733-1806) and Carl Friedrich von Gärtner (1772-1850) for a large amount of hybrid experiments before pointing out immediately: “no generally applicable law governing the formation and development of hybrids has been successfully formulated.” 
He pointed out that, while previous researchers had carried out many hybridization experiments, but did not formulate laws because of considerable amount of work required and difficulties involved. Mendel carefully considered what were required: a fairly large scale, quantitative analysis of progenies of different types, certainties regarding types in different generations, statistical relations.
He recognized that much work needs to be done, but he called his efforts “detailed” experiments, while Mendel (1866) was far beyond details. He said that this paper was the results of “eight years’ pursuit”, excluding the first two years when he collected peas and examined their characters (and unconsciously obtained genetically homozygote peas). His research on peas began in 1854 and ended in 1864.
InSelection of the Experimental Plants, Mendel pointed out the importance of selecting the appropriate experimental materials, and to avoid from the outset every risk of questionable results.
He selected plants with three criteria: 1) it should possess constant differentiating characteristics (or phenotypes in modern terms); 2) results should not be affected by foreign influences; 3) fertility should not be disturbed in successive generations.
Differentiating characteristics in Mendels paper are now known as traits or phenotypes (such as tall or short, red or green). His constant means that the same traits remain the same in different generations. He was careful about foreign pollen contamination, if one does not know the father of the hybrid, then it was not possible to analyze. He was also careful about fertility.
Mendel may have considered more than twenty species of plants. Mendel chose Leguminosae or the bean family because theirpeculiar floral structure. He used Pisum or the garden pea, but he was not quite certain, and relied on the opinion of experts that what he used were Pisum sativum (and others). He quickly noted that the classification was not important.
He did not mention that the garden pea had experimental advantages: it could either self-fertilize, or cross-fertilize and easily controlled by human intervention. In 1854 and 1855, Mendel tried 34 varieties of garden peas. An order for peas in 1956 was among the few physical leftovers from Mendel.
InDivision and Arrangement of the Experiments, Mendel chose characters (or traits in current terminology) for his research: he chose pairs of traits, studied their transmission between generations. These traits are stable and easily recognizable. The seven pairs of traits were: seed shapes (smooth or wrinkled), seed colors (yellow or green), seed-coat colors (white or gray), pod forms (inflated or constricted), pod colors (green or yellow), flower positions (axial or terminal), stem length (long or short).
InForms of the Hybrids, Mendel further explained his selections. He chose traits that were identical between the progenies and the parents. He noticed traits in progenies that were different from those in parents. For example, he described that flowering times in progenies were inbetween that of the paternal and the maternal traits in Section 8 of the paper. But he did not study such traits. Mendel was clear about the significance of such selections. Mendels selections vastly simplified the analysis and helped him to reach general conclusions. For example, by 2017, we know that more than eight hundred genes are involved in the single trait of human height. The height of an individual is determined by these genes and their functionally significant polymorphisms, in addition to environment factors (such as food). If one were studying the genetics of human height, it would have been extremely difficult, not because human height did not obey Mendelian laws but because it was simply difficult to study when the number of genes involved was large. 
Mendel designed seven experiments corresponding to the seven pairs of traits. Experiment 1 involved 60 fertilizations on 15 plants, Expt 2 with 58 fertilizations on 10 plants, Expt 3 with 35 fertilization on 10 plants, Expt 4 with 40 fertilizations on 10 plants, Expt 5 with 23 fertilizations on 5 plants, Expt 6 with 34 fertilizations on 10 plants, Expt 7 with 37 fertilizations on 10 plants. For each experiment, he did crosses in both ways: e.g., green father to yellow mother and yellow father to green mother. The results were not influenced.
During his experiments, Mendel realized that traits could bedominant or recessive (terms invented by him). When parental traits were different (yellow or green), but their progenies showed only one (such as yellow) but not the other (such as green), Mendel referred the trait showing up in the progenies as dominant (yellow) and the other recessive (green). He pointed out that, while the recessive was not visible in the hybrids (F1 generation), it reappeared in the first generation from the hybrids (the F2 generation). He showed that smooth was dominant in seed form to wrinkled, yellow in seed color dominant to green, green in pod color dominant to yellow, inflated in pod form dominant to constricted, purple in flower color dominant to white, axial in flower position dominant to terminal, and long in stem length dominant to short. 
In retrospect, we know that, during those two years of preparation, Mendel actually obtained homozygotes, though there was no such concept as homozygosity and he did not explain as such. But if the starting materials were not homozygous, the analysis would have been more complicated.
We should change to terminology here and used the later convention: Mendels firs generation should be called the F0 generation, his hybrids the F1 generation and his first generation from the hybrids the F2 generation.
Mendel used two different F0 parents for fertilizations and obtained F1 with dominant traits. For example, when parents with smooth and wrinkled seed forms were crossed, F1 progenies all had smooth seeds, no wrinkled seeds. This happened regardless whether the father or the mother carried the dominant traits.
Mendel then crossed F1 to F1 to obtain F2, finding that recessive traits (such as wrinkled seeds), though not showing up in F1, reappeared in F2. Further analysis revealed that the ratio of the dominant to the recessive in F2 was on the average 3 to 1. Mendel emphasized that 3:1 was the ratio for all 7 pairs of traits: Expt 1 showed that, from 253 plants in the F1 generation, 7324 seeds in the F2 generation were obtained and 5474 were smooth and 1850 wrinkled (smooth/wrinkled=2.96:1); Expt 2 began with 258 F1 plants and yielded 8023 seeds with 6022 yellow and 2001 green (yellow/green=3.01:1).
Mendel analyzed whether the shapes of seeds were related to their colors and concluded that they were not related. He also pointed that if the number of plants counted were too small, ratios could drift, and that if insects had damaged seeds, determination of traits would be comprised.
From Expt 3 to Expt 7, he obtained ratios of the other 5 pairs of traits and found the average of all 7 pairs of traits to be 2.98:1.
Mendel observed the rules: 100% of the F1 generation were dominant, whereas the recessive reappeared in F2, with a ratio of dominant to recessive at 3:1.
By observing the reappearance of the recessive trait in F2, Mendel knew that the recessive trait did not disappear in F1 and thus the idea of blending inheritance could not be correct. At that point, he was ahead of others. But he took further steps of finding the 3:1 ratio, tried to explain the ratio and validated the explanation by experimental results, far exceeding his contemporary scientists, including one of the greatest scientists of all times.
After finding the 3:1 ratio, Mendel analyzed two possibilities for the dominant trait in F2: that either the dominant trait in F2 was similar to the dominant trait in F0 and thus passes to the next generation without change, or that the dominant trait in F2 was similar to the dominant trait in F1 and thus, if self-crossed, F2 with dominant traits will give rise to both the dominant and the recessive trait.
Next year, Mendel carried out experiments described in the sectionthe Second Generation from the Hybrids (or F3 in current terminology). He found that F2 plants with recessive, when crossed to F2 recessive plants, gave rise to only F3 plants with recessive traits. By contrast, 1/3 of F2 plants with dominant traits gave rise to only to F3 plants with dominant traits, whereas 2/3 of F2 plants with dominant traits gave rise to F3 plants with either dominant or recessive traits: the ratio of the dominant to the recessive was again 3:1 in F3 progenies from such dominant F2 crosses. 
Thus, in Expt 1, among 565 F2 plants with smooth seeds, 193 gave rise to F3 progenies with smooth seeds and 372 to F3 with both smooth and wrinkled seeds (3:1 ratio of smooth to wrinkled). In F2 plants showing the dominant traits, 1.93 was the ratio of F0 like F2 plants to F1 like F2 plants.
In Expt 2, among 519 F2 plants with yellow seeds, 166 plants gave rise to F3 plants with only yellow seeds, 353 gave rise to F3 plants with both yellow and green seeds (yellow to green at 3:1). 2.13:1 was the ratio of F0 like F2 plants to F1 like F2 plants.
From Expt 3 to Expt 7, Mendel did not count all progenies, but only 100 plants for each of the other five pairs of traits. Some results fit the same ratio, some drifted. He mentioned that Expts 1 and 2 were more meaningful because he counted more plants. In Expt 5, the drift was considerable, and he counted another hundred and obtained a result closer to his expected ratio.
Thus, Mendel further separated the 3 in 3:1 in F 2 into 2 and 1. The 3:1 ratio on F2 was thus 1:2:1 (constant dominant or F0 dominant like: hybrid or F1 like: constant recessive or F0 recessive like).
After F3, Mendel carried out a fewsuccessive generations of crosses, and found that all results agreed with previous findings. By the time he wrote the paper, he had carried out Expts 1 and 2 for six generations, Expts 3 and 7 for five generations, and Expts 4, 5 and 6 for six generations. In all, he had carried out at least 17610 fertilizations with garden peas.
Mendel took a big step: mathematical modeling.
Few biologists had proper mathematical training at that time, and many became biologists because they were not weak in mathematics. Even today, although some biologists require quantitative analysis, most biologists pay attention only to more, less or the same. Mendel quantitatively analyzed plants of different traits, finding the 3:1 ratio, and further found 1:2:1, making him one of the pioneers of biologists who had successfully used mathematics.
On the basis of the above, Mendel went far beyond biologists not only by then, but even by now. He used A to denote the constant dominant, and a to denote the constant recessive, and Aa to denote the hybrid. He derived A+2Aa+a for the F2 generation. His observations of the F2 generation of 1:2:1 precisely fit this quantitative relationship (with the dominant and recessive as 1, and the hybrid as 2).
After analyzing single pairs of traits, Mendel analyzed whether different pairs of traits were related. In “the Offspring of Hybrids in Which Several Differentiating Characters Are Associated”, Mendel found that all seven pairs of traits were completely independent. For example, the smoothness/wrinkledness of seeds were unrelated to their colors (yellow/green). He concluded that “the relation of each pair of different characters in hybrid union is independent of the other differences in the two original parental stocks”.
We only know much later that the 7 pairs of traits studied by Mendel happened to be determined by 7 genes on 5 chromosomes. Of the 3 genes on the same chromosomes, they happened to be far from each other. Thus, all 7 traits appeared to be independent.
After discovering the independence of 7 traits, Mendel might have considered the relation of his own findings to evolution. We now know that Mendel read the German translation of the second edition of the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin (1809-1882) and made notes on its margin. Perhaps because he worked in a monastery, Mendel could not openly accept evolution, and thus did not mention evolution at all in his paper. He did discuss the implications of independent inheritance of different traits. He pointed out that, if a plant had 7 different traits, its progenies would have 27(128) kinds of combinations. This calculation solved the problem created by “blending inheritance” for Darwinian evolution. In blending inheritance, black and white gave rise to the gray. Gray plus gray begets sub-gray, and so on and so forth. With each generation, there would be decreasing diversity and not increasing diversity. Organisms should degenerate over generations. Mendel showed that different combinations of different traits would increase diversity, providing a basis for natural selection to work.
Mendel summarized: “the offspring of the hybrids of each pair of differentiating characters are, one–half, hybrid again, while the other half are constant in equal proportions having the characters of the seed and pollen parents respectively. If several differentiating characters are combined by cross–fertilization in a hybrid, the resulting offspring form the terms of a combination series in which the combination series for each pair of differentiating characters are united”.
Mendel believed that the principle he discovered applied to other traits (such as peduncles of different lengths).
After analyzing the outward characters (or phenotypic traits in our terminology), Mendel inferred that the differences in appearances resulted from differences in reproductive cells, the male pollens and female eggs.
He reasoned: because only when the egg and the pollen had the same constant traits (both homozygous for either the dominant or the recessive), could the progeny had identical phenotype as that of the parental reproductive cells, “similar factors must be at work” when the constant dominant (homozygous dominant) or the constant recessive (homozygous recessive) was observed in the progeny. “In the ovaries of the hybrids there are formed as many sorts of egg cells, and in the anthers as many sorts of pollen cells, as there are possible constant combination forms, and that these egg and pollen cells agree in their internal compositions with those of the separate forms” (my emphasis in italic).
If F0 shows constant dominant (i.e., homozygous dominantA), its reproductive cells should consist of pollens with Aforming internal composition and eggs with forming internal composition. If F0 shows constant recessive (i.e., homozygous recessive a), its reproductive cells should consist of pollens with a forming internal composition and eggs with a forming internal composition. Crosses of pollen and eggs in the F0 generation gave rise to F1 generation. Each F1 pollen contains either A or a forming internal composition, and in equal numbers. The same for F1 eggs. When an F1 plant self-fertilizes, its eggs and pollens of A or a genotype has an equal chance of being crossed to pollens or eggs of either genotype.
Therefore, F1 and F2 can be described as:
This is very important. Mendel linked the internal composition of reproductive cells on the left with the traits of next generation of plants on the right. We now call the left the genotype and the right the phenotype.
From the genotype of 1:2:1, Mendel deduced the genetic composition of reproductive cells. He relied on observed phenotype and deduced the composition of reproductive cells.
Mendel explained that these were average results, and each progeny had multiple possibilities, with random distribution. There would certainly be shifts in separate experiments which could only be ameliorated by collections of a large amount of data to reach a reliable ratio. Here we can guess that Mendel might be aware of homozygousA/A or a/aand heterozygous A/a or a/A, but he did not coin the terms.
By now, Mendel advanced his theory to the level of composition of reproductive cells and used mathematical model to express genetic rules. His math was simple combination, but it was effective in revealing genetic rules behind experimental results, with profound implications in biology.
Because Mendel wanted to find “generally applicable law”, the last part of his paper was to test in “other species of plants” whether the law he discovered from the garden pea was applicable to other plants. He showed completed experiments with two species of beans: Phasseolus vulgaris and Phaseolus nanus. He obtained results with several traits which were “in perfect agreement” with those from the peas. Furthermore, in his experiments with Ph vulgaris and Ph nanus, he found the flower colors varied. Mendel felt that the genetic transmission of flower colors still obeyed his law (“the law governing Pisum”) with the additional proposal that each flower color was a combination of two or more independent colors. For example, flower colorA was a combination of A1+A2+……. Thus, Mendel had proposed multi-gene transmission, defying the conventional definition of Mendelian genetics as single gene genetics.
After innovative, rigorous and persistent experimentation and quantitative analysis, Mendel had finally found a generally applicable law governing the formation of hybrids. Later scientists took two statements from his paper as two Mendelian laws: the first being the law of dissociation which states that a pair of genetic factors controlling the same trait dissociate from each other and transmit to progenies; the second being free combination of factors controlling different traits (the results of this part were omitted from this chapter but can be found in Mendel’s 1866 paper). Mendel did not believe that he had discovered two laws, but only one generally applicable law, although both statements can be found in Mendel’s paper: “we must further assume that it is only possible for the differentiating elements to liberate themselves from the enforced union when the fertilizing cells are developed. In the formation of these cells all existing elements participate in an entirely free and equal arrangement, by which it is only the differentiating ones which mutually separate themselves. In this way the production would be rendered possible of as many sorts of egg and pollen cells as there are combinations possible of the formative elements.”; “There is therefore no doubt that for the whole of the characters involved in the experiments the principle applies thatthe offspring of the hybrids in which several essentially different characters are combined exhibit the terms of a series of combinations, in which the developmental series for each pair of differentiating characters are united. It is demonstrated at the same time that the relation of each pair of different characters in hybrid union is independent of the other differences in the two original parental stocks.”  
In “Concluding Remarks”, Mendel summarized hybrid experiments of previous researchers and statements about plant fertilization by others. He pointed out that: “in the opinion of renowned physiologists, for the purpose of propagation one pollen cell and one egg cells unite…into a single cell, which is capable by assimilation and formation of new cells to become an independent organism.”
Mendel then proposed: “this development follows a constant law, which is founded on the material composition and arrangement of the elements which meet in the cell in a vivifying union. If the reproductive cells be of the same kind and agree with the foundation cell of the mother plant, then the development of the new individual will follow the same law which rules the mother plant. If it chance that an egg cell unites with a dissimilar pollen cell, we must assume that between those elements of both cells, which determine opposite characters some sort of comprise is effected. The resulting compound cell becomes the foundation of the hybrid organism the development of which necessarily follows a different scheme from the obtaining in each of the two original species…the arrangement between the conflicting elements is only temporary…it is only possible for the differentiating elements to liberate themselves from the enforced union when the fertilizing cells are developed. In the formation of these cells, all existing elements participate in an entirely free and equal arrangement, by which it is only the differentiating ones which mutually separate themselves. In this way the production would be rendered possible of as many sorts of egg and pollen cells as there are combinations possible of the formative elements.”
If we change Mendel’s “elements” into “genes”, we could understand genetics by almost verbatim recitation of his words in 1866. For those who prefer simple expressions, another way to summarize Mendel’s conclusion would be:A/A+A/a+a/A+a/a.
Mendel repeated 6 times that in the development of hybrids of the garden peas, pollen cells and egg cells had the same number of compositions as those which will form, in combination, constant characters (traits). It was further evidence that he knew the basis for genetic transmission lied in corresponding elements in reproductive cells. In his September 27 1870 letter to the botanist KarlNägeli, Mendel used the term anlage in German to describe the genetic factor, again showing that his understanding of the elements is the same as our understanding of the gene.
Mendel did research on the genetic transmission of the fur color of mice, but was asked to stop: animal breeding was not a good sight in a monastery. Once he became the abbot, Mendel built a bee house in 1871 and used honey bees for experimentation, but no results of genetics could be found. Thus, his findings in plants were not extended to animals.
1.2Genetics as Understood by Other Scientists
Have others carried out hybrid experiments with peas?How did scientists in Mendel’s time understand genetics? How did they understand Mendel? And how the second greatest geneticist understood Mendel?
We can discusstwelves scientists: 6 before Mendel (including 5 analyzing pea hybrids), 3 contemporaries of Mendel who worked on peas, Karl Nägeli (1817-1891) with whom Mendel communicated his results from pea experiments, Charles Darwin (1809-1882) who independently carried out hybrid experiments and obtained similar results, and Thomas Morgan (1866-1945), a scientist who carried out genetic studies 40 years after Mendel’s paper.
Before Mendel, scientists have recognized sex in plants, and hybrid experiments of plants have been carried out more than a hundred years before Mendel’s birth.Josef Gottlieb Kölreuter (1733-1806and Carl Friedrich von Gärtner (1772-1850) of Germany had systematically carried out a large amount of hybrid experiments with plants. Before Mendel, at least 5 scientists had used peas in hybrid experiments and one had used muskmelon and obtained similar results. Independent of Mendel, but publications slightly after Mendel, 3 scientists had used peas for hybrid experiments.
In 1729, British priest Thomas Henchman (1666-1746?) crossed varieties of peas and observed the presence of both blue and white seeds in the same pea pod.
Thomas Andrew Knight (1759-1838) was the president of the Royal Horticultural Society and had long term communication with Darwin, and his hybrid experiments were cited inThe Origin of Species by Darwin. The purpose of Knight was to improve fruits, especially apples. Because it was slow to use apples for experimentation, he began in 1787 to use pea. He chose peas not only because I could obtain many varieties of this plant of different forms, sizes, and colours’ but also, because the structure of its blossoms, by preventing the ingress of insects and adventitious farina, has rendered its varieties remarkably permanent”. In 1799, Knight published his experimental method of destroying the male parts a few days before introducing the pollen of other peas. On and off, Knight continued to publish on peas, with the last one on hybrid experiment published in 1823, the second year after Mendel’s birth. Knight’s 1799 paper reported his results: that the offsprings of white peas were all white. If the pollens from the father were colored (gray or purple), even if the mother was white, all offsprings were colored (gray or purple). Gray could be passed onto offsprings, even if the mother was white. 
On August 20th, 1822, the results ofAlexander Anderson Seton1769-1850from Scotland were read at the Royal Horticultural Society. He observed that crosses between green peas and white peas gave rise to green peas.
On October 15thof 1822, results submitted by the British farmer John Goss (1787-1833) were read at the Royal Horticultural Society. He had observed: that all progenies from the crosses in the summer of 1820 of yellowish white peas (dwarf peas, or Dwarf Spanish) and deep blue peas (prolific blue, or Blue Prussian) to be yellowish white, that crossing of these peas gave rise to all blue or all white or blue and white peas in the same pod, that crossing blue with blue progenies from the above gave all blue peas, and crossing white with white progenies from the above gave rise to either all white peas, or white and blue in the same pod.
The results of Seton and Goss were all published in 1824 in the 5thvolume of the Proceedings of the Royal Horticultural Society. Following their papers were the improvement of melon culture method by Thomas Andrew Knight read to the society on November 15th, 1822. In the same volume, results of Knight read on June 3rd 1823 was published. He reported that the progenies of gray peas crossed with white peas to be gray, and that crosses of these gray peas with white peas (of “permanent habits”) gave progenies of gray, but also white, peas.
In 1826, Augustin Sageret (176301851) of France published results of crosses between cantaloupe and muskmelon. He used cantaloupe with yellow seeds and netted skin, muskmelon with white sees and smooth skin. The progenies had white seeds and netted skin.
In 1849,Carl Friedrich von Gärtner (1772-1850) of Germany published more plant hybrid experiments in his book. Among which, he observed that the progenies of yellow peas and green peas were all yellow. 
In 1854, Charles Naudin (1815-1899) of France began in the same year as Mendel. Naudin first used primula, and he invented back-crossing in genetic studies. In 1856, he observed spontaneous reversion and segregation of traits. In 1861, he submitted a report to the French Academy of Sciences (and published in 1863), that the traits of progenies were either the same as those of the father, or those of the mother, with no intermediates.
Two scientists published after Mendel, but might not be aware of Mendels results. Thomas Laxton (1830-1893) of Britain made important contributions to the improvement of peas, with one species named after him. In the 1866 International Horticultural Exhibitions and Botany Congress, and the 1872 Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society, Laxton presented his results: that crosses of white and purple peas gave rise to purple peas, while crosses of white and brown peas gave rise to brown peas. In 1893, E. Giltay (1858-1935) of the Netherlands reported that the progenies of yellow peas crossed with green peas were yellow.
Among those who received the 40 reprints sent by Mendel, only the Swiss botanistNägeli, working then at the University of Munich, is known to have replied. Therefore, Nägeli can be considered as the one among those 40 who treated Mendel most seriously. Mendel also exchanged seeds with Nägeli. Without prompting, Mendel proposed to use hawkweed (Hieracium) to validate the law he found with the pea, which was encouraged by the world expert on hawkweed: Nägeli. Mendel complaint about paucity of seeds, difficulties in pollination and lack of time on his own part (due to promotion to the position of the abbot). In his November 6, 1867 letter to Nägeli, Mendel also explained that he was growing too much in weight to be able to work easily in the garden. He was slow in obtaining results with hawkweed, and those who did not know might think that he was finding excuses or dragging on his feet. Once his experiments with hawkweed were finished, it was clear that the law from the peas could not explain results from the hawkweed: the law did not seem generally applicable. Mendel faithfully informed Nägeli so. But he also added that he had carried out experiments with Matthiola annua, glabra, Zea and Mirabilis, their results did agree with the law from the peas. Mendel believed that the law was right, only that hawkweed was special. Although Mendel wrote to Nägeli repeatedly, informing him the many experimental results, Nägeli never mentioned Mendel or his results once when publishing. The correct explanation for hawkweed would have to wait until 1904: parthenogenesis, or asexual reproduction without contribution from the sperms. 
The only example of Nägeli may not be sufficient to show how far-sighted Mendel was. Darwin would be more convincing.
In 1859, Darwin published his “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection”, in which he stated: “if variations useful to any organic being ever do occur, assuredly individuals thus characterized will have the best chance of being preserved in the struggle for life; and from the strong principle of inheritance, these will tend to produce offspring similarly characterized. This principle of preservation, or the survival of the fittest, I have called Natural Selection”. Thus, principle of inheritance, or genetics, is a pillar of Darwin’s natural selection theory of evolution. Darwin was motivated to understand “principle of inheritance” or genetics.
Religiously based attacks on Darwin were fierce, but not rational. A reasonable criticism at that time was logical and rational: natural selection during evolution was against the commonly accepted knowledge of inheritance. According to the blending theory of inheritance, black and white would give rise to the gray. Gray and gray would give rise to the sub-gray, and so on and so forth. Traits will become simpler and simpler, with less and less for selection. Darwinian selection required genetics for explanations and support. However, genetic rules escaped Darwin even though he tried hard to find them.
Darwin had learnt the results of pea hybrid experiments from Thomas Laxton. In 1868, Darwin cited Laxton that“whenever a cross has been effected between a white-blossomed and a purple- blossomed pea, or between a white-seeded and a purple-spotted, brown or maple- seeded pea, the offspring seems to lose nearly all the characteristics of the white-flowered and white-seeded varieties; and this result follows whether these varieties have been used as the pollen-bearing or seed-producing parents”. In 1876, Darwin cited Laxton’s new results for “the rigour and luxuriance of the new varies (from numerous crosses)”.
Contrary to the general assumption, Darwin not only relied on observations to deduce theoriesor citing results of others, but he also carried out experiments. He experimented with flowers for 11 years, part of his results was published before Mendel in 1862, and major results in two books published in 1876 ad 1877, and the rest scattered in other publications.
In 1868, Darwin publishedThe Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication. It reported his experiments with snapdragon. The flowers of most snapdragon were bilaterally symmetric and were referred to the common type by Darwin (and noted as C here). Occasionally, a mutant form was observed, with radially symmetric flowers (referred to as the peloric form, and noted as p here). When he crossed p type fathers to C type mothers, their progenies (F1) were all of the C phenotype. Further fertilizations among F1 plants gave rise to F2 progenies. Darwin counted 127 F2 progenies, 88 were of the C phenotype and 37 of the p phenotype, 2 with a phenotype in-between C and p. Darwin’s snapdragon experiments ended there. 
After obtaining these experimental results, Darwin concluded:we have two opposed latent tendencies in the same plants. Now, with the crossed Antirrhinums the tendency to produce normal or irregular flowers, like those of the common Snapdragon, prevailed in the first generation; whilst the tendency to pelorism, appearing to gain strength by the intermission of a generation, prevailed to a large extent in the second set of seedlings”. This conclusion was not as deep as those of Mendel, and can be reached by non-biologists who observe traits in real life.
Darwin missed his chance more than once. In his 1877 book titledThe Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of the Same Species, he included a table showing results of his experiments with Primula auricula. In his F2 results, he obtained 75% with the dominant trait and 25% with the recessive trait, a perfect 3:1 if only he had noted. However, Darwin did not realize its importance and missed modern genetics again.
InThe Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, Darwin proposed the erroneous pangenesis hypothesis. He proposed that all somatic cells in an organism contained gemmules (also called pangenes later). They entered the germline cells. The combination of gemmules determine the contents of the germline cells, leading to the formation of distinct reproductive cells and different progenies. In emphasizing the significance of gemmules from somatic cells, Darwin stated that either the reproductive ability was not entirely in germline cells or that germline cells collected gemmules. In his pangenesis hypothesis, Darwin merged transmission between generations, plant grafting, development and regeneration and tried to explain all of them, with much confusion. He even embraced the idea of acquired inheritance by use and disuse, which was exactly the Lamarckian evolution theory overthrown by Darwinian natural selection theory of evolution. He believed that environmental influences could affect gemmules in somatic cells and passed onto germline cells to change traits in the progenies. The pangenesis hypothesis was wrong, but the word gene came from this term.
Comparison with Mendel shows Darwin’s problems: 1) Darwin did not realize that the sample size was important and that the observation of 88C:37p with F2 snapdragon would have been 2.38:1, drifting far away from 3:1, resulting from his mistake in his experimental design with snapdragon. By contrast, Mendel knew that he should “undertake a labor of such far-reaching extent, and counted thousands of plants with multiple traits and multiple generations over eight years; 2) when Darwin found all F1 showed the C phenotype, he did not proposed the concept of dominant-recessive phenotypes; 3) when he observed the p phenotype in F2 after it did not show up in F1 progenies, Darwin noted the phenomenon, proposed the “Principle of Reversion” which was a restatement of the phenomenon, not an understanding of the mechanism; 4) When counting F2 progenies, he did not calculate the ratio of C:p; 5) even when he observed 3:1 ratio in the F2 of Primula auricular, Darwin did not notice its significance and did not try to explain, and deduce further 1:2:1; 6) Darwin did not use mathematical modeling; 7) Darwin did not extract rules or laws from experimental results, and proposed a wrong hypothesis of pangenesis.
It is not known whether Darwin read Mendel’s 1866 paper or not. It is also unclear whether Darwin could have understood or accepted Mendel’s law even if he had read it. We know that Mendel made notes on the German translation of the second edition ofOn the Origin of Species published by Darwin in 1860. The 1866 paper of Mendel could be read as if it was trying to provide a genetic basis for Darwinian evolution. From his findings of free association of multiple phenotypes, he could deduce that crossing of plants with 7 pairs of phenotypes would lead to multiple combinations, explaining diversity. Mendel might well have thought about the implications of his law for evolution. He did not consider the other part of evolution: how variations occur. It would take another seven decades, till the 1930s, before Ronald Fisher (1890-1962) and JBS Haldane (1892-1964) of Britain, Sewall Wright (1889-1988) and Theodosius Dobzhansky (1900-1975) were able to integrate Mendelian genetics and Darwinian evolution.
It is generally stated that Mendelian genetics was rediscovered in 1900 by three scientists: CarlCorrens (1864-1933) of GermanyHugo de Vries (1848-1935) of the Netherlands and Erich von Tschermak (1871-1962) of Austria, though von Tschermak has been ruled out by historians of genetics. Their understanding did not reach the level of Mendel. The mathematical formula of de Vries was not as good as that of Mendel 35 years ago. The combined workload of all three was not more than that of Mendel alone. Correns was a student of Nägeli and was instrumental in driving later understanding of Mendel. Willian Bateson (1861-1926) played an important role in propagating Mendelian genetics.
The second greatest geneticist was undoubtedly Thoman Morgan (1866-1945) of the US. But, as late as 1909, Morgan was still ridiculing the Mendelian approach as superior jugglery of numbers. After his discovery of white eyed mutants of Drosophila in 1910, Morgan did crosses and analysis exactly according to Mendel, counting numbers and analyzing ratios. To explain his findings, Morgan followed Mendelian genetics, and enriched it. Facing facts, Morgan had to abandon his opinions and switch his positions. In science, truth and logic are far above personal biases.
The narrow-mindedness of Nägeli, the missed chances of Darwin and the biased opinions of Morgan provided excellent foodnotes to highlight the foresight and greatness of Mendel.
1.3 Mendels Life
Johann Mendel was born to Anton and Rosine Mendel in a city called Heinzendorf in German and Hyncice in Czech, located then in the Austrian Empire and now the Czech Republic. His father was a farmer who worked on his own field 4 days a week and on the field of Countess Maria Walburga (1753-1817). It seemed that the fate of Mendel was to be a farmer like his father, but the local priest Johann Schreiber (1769-1850) encouraged his parents to allow more education for Mendel. Mendel fought for his own fate and was supported by his sisters. To reciprocate his younger sister’s support, he later supported her children’s education.
On April 17, 1850, Mendel wrote an autobiography to take a teacher’s qualification examinationtranslated by Hugo Iltis, 1882-1952
“…After he had received elementary instruction …, he was admitted in the year 1834 to (middle school). Four years later, due to several successive disasters, his parents were completely unable to meet the expenses necessary to continue his studies, and it therefore happened that the respectfully undersigned, then only sixteen years old, was in the sad position of having to provide for himself entirely.

…When he graduated from the Gymnasium in the year 1840, his first care was to secure for himself the necessary means for the continuation of his studies. …but all his efforts remained unsuccessful because of lack of friends and recommendations. The sorrow over these disappointed hopes and the anxious, sad outlook which the future offered him, affected him so powerfully at that time, that he fell sick and was compelled to spend a year with his parents to recover. 
…In the following year the respectfully undersigned found himself finally placed in the desired position of being able to satisfy at least his most necessary wants by private teaching in Olmütz, and thus to continue his studies. By a mighty effort, he succeeded in completing the two years of philosophy... The respectfully undersigned realized that it was impossible for him to endure such exertions any further. Therefore, after having finished his philosophical studies, he felt himself compelled to step into a station of life, which would free him from the bitter struggle for existence. His circumstances decided his vocational choice. He requested and received in the year 1843 admission to the Augustinian Monastery St. Thomas in Altbrünn.
Through this step, his material circumstances changed completely. With the comfortableness of his physical existence, so beneficial to any kind of study, the respectfully undersigned regained his courage and strength and he studied the classical subjects prescribed for the year of probation with much liking and devotion. In the spare hours, he occupied himself with the small botanical- mineralogical collection which was placed at his disposal in the monastery. His special liking for the field of natural science deepened the more he had the opportunity to become familiar with it. Despite his lack of any oral guidance in these studies, plus the fact that the autodidactic method here, as perhaps in no other science, is extremely difficult and leads to the goal only slowly, he became so attached to the study of nature from this time on that he will not spare any effort to fill the gaps that are still present through self instruction and the advice of experienced men. In the year 1846, he also attended courses in agriculture, pomiculture, and wine-growing at the Philosophical Academy in Brünn...
After completing the theological studies in 1848, the respectfully undersigned received permission from his prelate to prepare himself for the philosophical rigorosum [examination for the Doctor of Philosophy degree]. In the following year at the time when he was about to undergo his examination, he was asked to accept the position of a substitute teacher at the Imperial Royal Gymnasium in Znaim, and he followed this call with pleasure. From the beginning of his substitute teaching, he made all efforts to present his assigned subjects to the students in an easily comprehensible manner. He hopes his endeavor was not quite without success since, during that private tutoring to which he owed his bread for four years, he found sufficient opportunity to collect experiences regarding the possible accomplishments of the students and the different grades of their mental capacity.
The respectfully undersigned believes to have rendered with this a short summary of his life's history. His sorrowful youth taught him early the serious aspects of life, and taught him also to work. Even while he enjoyed the fruits of a secure economic position, the wish remained alive within him to be permitted to earn his living. The respectfully undersigned would consider himself happy if he could conform with the expectations of the praiseworthy Board of Examiners and gain the fulYillment of his wish. He would certainly then shun no effort and sacrifice to comply with his duties most punctually. ”
Mendel was straightforward that he did not join the monastery for religious belif but for economic necessacity. In this important juncture of his life, he did not have to resolve any conflict between religion vs atheism, but had to choose between intellectual pursuit vs the natural rights of having a family with children. For his brain, he gave up reproduction. This is not easy for a young man. Mendels decision was also different from some Chinese who believe that studying is for the purpose of getting a good marriage.
In 1843, short of his 21st birthday, Mendel joined the Abbey of St. Thomas of Brünn (now known as Brno) and became a priest in 1847 when he was 25. To his original name of Johann was added Gregor once joining the monastery.
Mendel was also a substitute teacher. But even then, certificates were required for middle school teachers. Mendel failed his first examination. Because of the failure, he was sent to Vienna University, which provided him with highly significant education, which also turned out to be relevant for his later research. After college, he might have tried the examination again and failed again. It was possible that he failed biology in both examinations. He could only be a substitute teacher, teaching lower class physics and natural history atBrünn Realschule for 14 years. He called himself a teacher of experimental physics, not a biologist.
Mendel was active in academic activities. He published more papers on meteorology than genetics. He participated in eight scientific societies and twenty-six - associations outside science. In 1861, Mendel joined more than a hundred others in establishing the Natural History Society ofBrünn, physically located at the middle school in which he taught. On two Wednesdays, February 8th and March 8th of 1865, Mendel announced his results from the pea experiments to the Natural History Society. His lectures were reported by the local media, but not noticed by the international science community.
Mendel sent 40 copies of the reprints to scientists internationally, of which 13 has been located. The rumor that Darwin received a copy was never proven. 120 copies of the journal which published his article was found in major libraries of the world.
In 1868, after the death of the abbot of the St. Thomas Abbey, Mendel was elected its abbot after two rounds of votes. He no longer had to teach, but was heavily involved in other work. He tried more experiments, especially with more plants to replicate his genetic results. A note left three years before his death showed that he was still thinking about genetic questions related to the garden pea. In 1870, he joined the local apiculture association and reported his observations of bee navigation and honey production in 1877. He published under the pseudonyms of M and GM in local societies.
Mendel had a rich life. His political views were those of a liberal, conflicting with his church. When the liberals were running the government, its tax policies were not favorable to his monastery. The government appointed him to the board of directors of banks to alleviate their conflicts. His insistence on fighting the taxes was a major source of displeasure in his late years.
On January 6th, 1884, Mendel died. He asked to be autopsied and the results showed that he had nephritis and heart problems. A young priest made it poetic, saying that Mendel was heart broken. Mendel was an optimist and felt more satisfied than unsatisfied when reminiscing about his own life in old age.
The local horticulture society stated thathis plant hybridization experiments have opened a new era. The guess is that the chief editor of the horticulture society Josef Auspitz (1812-1889) wrote the obituary. He was once the principal of the Brünn Realschule where Mendel taught for 14 years without a certificate. The view of Auspitz as an important supporter expressed in the obituary was unlikely to be generally shared at the time.
According to Mendels friend Gustav von Niessl (1839-1919), Mendel believed that “my time will come”. That turned out to be true, although it would take 34 years after the publication of his paper and 16 years after the death of Mendel.
It is usually described that Mendel was rediscovered by three scientists in 1900. de Vries did not mention Mendel in his first paper, which enraged Correns who questioned why de Vries used dominant and recessive had he not read Mendel before. de Vries credited Mendel in his second paper. von Tschermak did not understand Mendel and was ruled out as a co-discoverer of Mendel by historians. von Tschermak was a grandson of Eduard Fenzl (1808-1879) who taught Mendel biology at Vienna and might be one of the examiners who failed Mendel in his second attempt to obtain the teachers certificate. 
1.4 MendelScandal
There were some who claimed that Mendel was only doing crosses, and not knowing what he actually discovered. But Mendels letters to Carl Nägeli and his usage of the term anlage clearly showed that he knew that he was uncovering the basis of genetic transmission.
The biggest scandal was the persistent suspicion that Mendel or his assistant fabricated experimental results.
It was first in 1936 raised by the British statistician and geneticist Fisher. He analysed Mendel’s data statistically, and concluded that the data were too close to the expected results to be true. To put it lightly, Fisher suggested that Mendel could have had an assistant not known to us. After Mendel had a theory with two years of data, the assistant fed Mendel with data he liked. To put it more bluntly, Fisher said that “the data of most, if not all, of the experiment have been falsified so as to agree closely with Mendel’s expectations”.
Since then, questions about Mendel were raised every once in a while.
There has been no lack of counter-arguments. A good one is that by Daniel Hartl and Daniel Fairbanks of Harvard in 2007.
In my view, first of all, there was no reason for Mendel to fabricate. Science is his hobby, not profession, and can not bring him any tangible benefit. Had he fabricated, the biggest damage would be done on himself who gave up his natural rights to marry and reproduce for the non-natural privilege of carrying our research for more than ten years.
Secondly, in Mendel’s time, there was no statistics, which was invented decades later. Mendel only needed to analyze relationship between numbers, without having to test for statistic significance. It was not known at the time how many experiments should be done and when to stop counting the peas of certain phenotype. It is possible that Mendel stopped counting when it felt right, thus making the numbers close to expectations. Mendel’s paper stated that the number drifted from the 3 to 1 ratio and he repeated the experiment and obtained a result closer to expectation.
Thirdly, Mendel’s behavior has proven that he was not a liar or one to hide unfavorable results. He tried to convince Nägeli the importance of his genetic studies. But he did not hide findings known only to him. He sent pea seeds to Nägeli and hoping that his results could be confirmed. In his letters to Nägeli, Mendel told Nägeli that “At this point, I cannot hold back remarking that it must be noticed that the hybrids of Hieracium show an almost opposite behavior when compared with those of Pisum. We are here, obviously, confronted with only isolated phenomena”. Mendel pointed out that “those dealing with Mattiola annua and glabra, Zea, and Mirabilis…their hybrids behave exactly like those of Pisum”. Not only had Mendel informed Nägeli his hawkweed results, but he also published it in 1869. This puzzle was not resolved until 1904 when hawkweed was found to be parthenogenetic, breeding without the participation of the father. It showed that Mendel did not hide results contradicting his theory.
1.5 Mendel Legacy
Born with natural talent, decisive in youth and persistent in adulthood, Mendel, though growing up with socioeconomic disadvantages, traded his reproductive rights for education, scholarship and intellectual pursuits, run into opportunities during failures and finally made epoch-breaking discoveries, with limited conditions.
Over more than a century, the achievement of Mendel has facilitated the birth of multiple disciplines in science. It first gave birth to genetics directly. For the natural selection theory of evolution, Mendel might not have completely missed the implications, although genetics and evolution would not be successfully until the 1930s. The integration of genetics and biochemistry, with inputs from microbiology and biophysics, gave birth to molecular biology in the 1940s. The invention of recombination DNA technology in the 1970s changed life sciences on a large scale: molecule biology has been brought to many areas of medicine and agriculture., revolutionizing many disciplines, with human genetics, genomics and bioinformatics as direct descendants.
In applications, genetics brought about the green revolution of the twentieth century and played a major role in providing food to the humankind. Genetics, molecular biology and recombinant DNA technology shaped modern biotechnology and gave birth to the biotech industry. Genetics and genomics have provided a foundation to personalized medicine, whose goals are yet to be fully realized.
Discoveries of Mendel will still impact sciences and humans for a long time.
Now, because Mendel was not recognized by scientists, not supported by the scientific community, a natural question is: how did he obtain conditions for research?
A more obscure history was behind this question……
1)hybridizing in Mendels paper is similar to crossing, not the stricter modern term of hybrid.
2) Italics in this chapter were those in the original Mendel paper.
3) Mendel usedcontrol in the paper. For every experiment he conducted in the field, he also did it in the green house, to rule out interferences such as insects or pollen contamination.
4) Mendel used pollen cells as sperms. It is now known that each pollen contains 2 to 3 sperms, of which 2 participates in fertilization.
5) In his concluding part, Mendel stated that, after a pollen cell and an egg formed a single cell, itassimilated and formed many new cells). Assimilation is wrong, due to limited understanding of development. All cells in an embryo result from proliferations and divisions of the fertilized egg, no other cells in the mother are assimilated into the embryo.
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Required Pre-Class Reading Materials
Mendel G (1866).Versuche über Pflanzen-Hybriden. Verhandlungen des naturforschenden Vereines, Abhandlungen, Brünn 4:3-47English translation: Experiments in Plant Hybridization in Genetics: readings from Scientific American pp. 8-17. W.H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco-USA.