今年终于不查验核酸也能坐飞机、坐火车了。但其实这对很多朋友来讲反倒是平添了一些压力,毕竟这波 YQ 还没过去,又裹挟在这几年未有的春运大潮之中出行。再有流感、复阳还有 XBB 在逼近,纵使是阳康的朋友都会有些许的担心。
今天选取的文章来自知名的出行网站 Travel + Leisure(《漫旅》);文章标题:为什么在流感季节坐飞机,你应该永远选择靠窗的座位?
According to a 2018 study from Emory University, which followed more than 1,500 passengers on 10 transcontinental flights, the "infectious zone" in a plane is likely much smaller than you may think.
2018 年,埃默里大学的一项研究追踪了 10 个洲际航班上的超 1500 名乘客。这项研究表明,一架飞机上的感染区域可能比你想象的要小得多。
transcontinental /ˌtrænzˌkɒntɪˈnentl/ adj. 洲际的,跨洲的;横贯大陆的
○ a transcontinental radio audience 洲际无线电听众
○ transcontinental railroad 横贯大陆的铁路
infectious /ɪnˈfekʃəs/ adj. 传染性的,感染的
○ Covid is highly infectious. 新冠传染性很高。
According to the study, most passengers on an airplane have just a 3% chance of becoming infected with the flu by a fellow passenger. However, this number greatly increases within that infectious zone, which is defined as sitting within three feet of a sick passenger. If you're in that hot spot, your risk of illness jumps to 80%, according to the study.
根据这项研究,在飞机上,如果同行乘客患有流感,绝大多数其他乘客被感染的概率只有 3%。然而,如果是在感染区内,感染几率就会极大增加。感染区是指距离病患乘客 3 英尺(约 1 米)的范围内。如果你坐在这个热点区域内,那么你患病的风险就会飙升至 80%。
hot spot
/ˈhɒtspɒt/ 热点地区,多事之地,危险的地方

○ There were many hot spots in the region, where fighting had been going on. 该地区有很多处于交火状态的热点。
How does a window seat help? According to the authors, it's the safest spot because it's the most isolated seat you can find (other than those ultra-luxe first class mini cabins). That's because there is only one passenger beside you, and gives a passenger much-needed inches from the aisle, where crew and other passengers can frequently pass by.
other than 除 … 以外
○ I don't know any French people other than you. 除了你,我不认识别的法国人。
ultra /ˈʌltrə/ pref.(置于形容词之前构成形容词,用以强调)表示“超…的”,“极其…的” 
○ ultra modern furniture 非常现代化的家具
luxe /lʌks/ n./adj. 豪华(的),奢侈(的)
○ the luxe first class mini cabin 豪华头等舱迷你隔间
aisle /aɪl/ n. 走道,过道
○ Would you like a window seat or an aisle seat? 您想要靠窗的座位还是靠过道的座位?
According to the study's findings, passengers in aisle seats had 64 "contacts" with other passengers during a flight, making it the greatest contact space. The middle seat came in with 58 contacts, and the window seat passengers had just 12. So, go ahead, claim that window seat. As a bonus, you'll get an excellent view, too. And before you embark on your journey, don't forget to wear sunscreen (really!) and pack these travel essentials, which could help make for a safer flight for you and your fellow passengers.
根据研究结果,在一次飞行过程中,坐在过道位子的乘客跟其他乘客间的接触有 64 次,过道座位因此成为飞机上人与人接触概率最高空间。中间座跟其他乘客间的接触频次是 58 次,而在靠窗座位跟其他乘客的接触仅有 12 次。所以,放心大胆选靠窗的座位。作为一个额外的奖赏,靠窗坐你还能看到极佳的景色。并且在你登机踏上旅行之前,别忘了涂防晒霜(很有必要!),以及打包出行必需品。这套东西能够为你和与你同行的乘客带来更安全的飞行体验。
claim /kleɪm/ v. 要求(拥有)
○ He claimed political asylum. 他要求政治避难。
embark /ɪmˈbɑːk/ v. 上船,上飞机;开始,着手做某事
○ He embarked for America on the steamer. 他乘那艘轮船去美国。
○ She embarked on a new career. 她开启了新事业。
sunscreen /ˈsʌnskriːn/ n. 防晒霜,防晒油
○ a high factor sunscreen 防晒系数高的防晒霜
essential /ɪˈsenʃl/ n. 必不可少的东西,必需品
○ I only had time to pack the bare essentials. 我只来得及装上最基本的用品。