1. 在一些关键领域设立一些实际的决议。不要太多,也不要好高骛远,以致于难于实现。我给我自己设定四个不同的类别:
i. 身体目标(吃什么,锻炼多少,睡多少,等等);
ii. 职业目标(新的一年里在工作领域我希望实现什么);
iii. 家庭目标(我和妻子希望我们的家庭一起做什么或者在新的一年里实现什么,例如:儿子从大学顺利毕业);
iv. 个人目标(新的一年里我希望进一步发展的性格特质。今年发展的是智慧、感恩与和平);
2. 一旦设定了新年目标,就同你的配偶和/或最亲近的朋友分享。听取他们的反馈。他们认为2017的这些目标合理吗?有哪些是需要增加或者改变的呢?
3. 每周一次设定一个时间来回顾做的如何。自己给每一项做个周评分。这用不上5或10分钟。但是对于帮助我们聚焦重点是极其重要的。然后每个月左右,跟你的配偶和/或朋友诚实地分享你做的情况。听取他们的反馈。从他们那儿获得鼓励。最后,在年中至少用几个小时的时间来诚实地反思上半年的情况。诚实地评估进展……或其中的不足。若你需要,可以让你的朋友(们)和/或配偶参与进来。但是,关键是我们对自己要诚实。如果有必要改变……那就改变吧。只是不要放弃。
 我相信如果你遵循这三个简单计划步骤,它将帮助你自己、你的家庭还有你的朋友们拥有最有成效的2017 。因为新年决议的整体目标就是:让自己变得更好。
Much of the world has just celebrated New Year’s…and Chinese New Year’s is around the corner.
It’s a great time to reflect on the year just passed…and plan for the year to come. Many folks (including myself) actually make a list of New Year’s Resolutions (things they want to do, or change, or do better in the New Year). That is an excellent idea, but many people find that within a month or so most of the New Year’s Resolutions have been abandoned or forgotten. And that is unfortunate because accomplishing those Resolutions would help us become better people and have stronger families and better friendships. Certainly fulfilling those resolutions would help each of us to maximize the coming year – and feel a lot better about ourselves one year from today.
So here are three keys points to help you set…and keep…your New Year’s Resolutions:
1. Set realistic Resolutions in a few key areas. Don’t have too many…and don’t set them so high that they are almost impossible to achieve. I have four different categories for myself:
i. Physical Goals (what I eat, how much I exercise, how much I sleep, etc.);
ii. Professional Goals (what I hope to accomplish on the Professional front in the New Year);
iii. Family Goals (what my wife and I hope our family  will do together or accomplish in the New Year, for example: Son X graduates from University)
iv. Personal Goals (the character traits I would like to develop further in the coming year. This year they are Wisdom, Thanksgiving and Peace
2. Once you’ve set them, share them with your spouse and/or closest friend(s). Get their feedback. Do they think these are reasonable goals for 2017? Is there something that needs to be added or changed?
Most importantly, ask them to help you stick to your goals. Having a dear friend or family member (or both!!) to encourage and challenge you to stick to your Resolutions through the year can be the difference between forgetting them and achieving them
3. Set a time once a week to review your how you did on your Resolutions that week. Give yourself a weekly grade on each one. This should not take more than 5 or 10 minutes. But it is vitally important to keep us focused on what’s important. Then every month or so, talk with your spouse and/or friends (honestly) about how you are doing. Ask for their feedback. Get their encouragement. Finally, take at least a few hours at mid-year to reflect honestly on the first half of the year. Honestly evaluate progress…or the lack thereof. Get your friend(s) and/or spouse involved if you want to. But it is key to be honest with ourselves. And if changes are needed…make them. Just don’t give up.
I believe that if you follow this simple three-step plan it will help you maximize 2017 for yourself, for your family and for your friends as well. Because that is the whole point of New Year’s Resolutions: becoming a better you.
And with God’s help and that of your spouse and/or closest friends…I know you can do it!!
Onward and Upward…