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Kenny G: 奇幻假期热门巡演
时间: Fri, 8pm 12/16
Tickets: $69 to $129
地点: Cary Memorial Hall
1605 Mass Ave, Lexington
Kenny G的“奇迹假期热力巡演” 将在莱克星顿 Cary Hall举行,与您度过一个充满节日气氛和当代经典的夜晚。
Kenny G的萨克斯演奏与他的卷发一样具有象征性,可以被即刻认出。Kenny G的专辑《Breathless》获得最畅销乐器钻石销量。这张专辑1992年出售,获得超12倍的白金销量,并赢得15项提名中的格莱美奖。与此同时,他通过这张专辑也获得了萨克斯有史以来最长持续音符的吉尼斯世界记录。这次的专题活动还会探讨肯尼·G (Kenny G) 的其他众多成就,从他的歌曲《回家》(Going Home) 被用作中国官方的下班歌曲,到他作为高尔夫球手和航空公司飞行员的技能。他还是西雅图家乡星巴克咖啡最初的 10 位投资者之一。
当Kenny回想起由他带动的“舒缓爵士”的现象,肯尼说,“我很自豪,这是一种当时没有人演奏或创作的新音乐风格。它感动了许多不喜欢传统爵士乐、流行音乐或 R&B 的人。这也让很多没有接触过传统爵士,流行音乐或节奏布鲁斯的人有所感触。在这些音乐种类之间,人们找到了他们的心中所爱。”
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Dec 2
Cary Memorial Library
爵士世界中的女性 – 争取和平与社会正义的女性活动家
Time:  Sat, 12/2
2:00 pm —3:15 pm
Location: Large Meeting Room, Cary Memorial Library
1874 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington
邀请您参“爵士世界中的女性”的精彩音乐会。这个音乐会将由一群作曲家表演,他们用音乐作为平台,呼吁促进社会平等与和平。“爵士世界中的女性“突出了这些动员变革、提高对社会问题的认识和解决不平等问题的艺术家。这场演出会包括现场演讲与现场表演。在音乐会上,您将听到到琼·贝兹 (Joan Baez) 和尼娜·西蒙 (Nina Simone) 等对历史产生影响的女性,还有碧昂丝 (Beyoncé)、安妮·莱诺克斯 (Annie Lenox) 和安吉丽克·基乔 (Angelique Kidjo) 等当代作曲家和活动家的作品。该小组将继续其拓展领导计划,与年轻音乐家进行教学和合作,创建一个多代表演合奏团。世界爵士乐中的女性致力于教育和分享这些女性生活中的故事,以及她们与马萨诸塞州观众的文化。
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Dec 3
Visitor Center Lawn
Time: Sat, 12/3
12:00 noon to 6:00 pm
Location: Visitor Center Lawn
1875 Massachusetts Ave, Lexington
谁说在寒冷的天气下就应该呆在家中消磨时间?诚挚邀请您参与在Visitors Center Lawn的现场音乐展演,冰块雕刻,儿童活动,美食,啤酒与葡萄酒,和更多精彩有趣的活动!
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Dec 6
Lexington Historical Society
与Desiree Narango在家中观赏传粉者与鸟儿的自然景象
Time: Tue, 12/6
7:00—8:30 pm
Desiree Narango 会讲述她对于居民地貌和园艺是如何影响野生动物的栖息地研究。这次活动将会集中在Narango博士最近的一个有关在支持物种相互作用中不断变化的本地与非本地植物物种的工作内容。她也会讲述植物与昆虫关系,昆虫对鸟类的重要性,和一些我们可以在家中学习并开展对于改善与恢复野生动物栖息地的行动。
Desiree Narango 将谈论她的研究,她的研究是关于住宅景观和园艺实践如何影响野生动物栖息地。演讲将重点介绍 Narango 博士最近的工作,比较本地和非本地植物物种在支持物种相互作用方面的差异。她将谈论植物和昆虫之间的关系,为什么昆虫对鸟类很重要,以及您可以采取哪些小步骤来改善和恢复“家中”野生动物的栖息地。
Desiree 拥有在特拉华州大学的昆虫学和野生动物生态的博士学位,在俄亥俄州立大学的自然资源的理科硕士学位,和SUNY: ESF的环境生物的学士学位。她也是一位积极的自然主义者,并想让他人对自然世界产生兴趣的园艺家。
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Dec 7
Lexington Center
Taste of Lexington: Dine, Shop, Live
Time: Wed, 12/7
5:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Location: Lexington Center
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Dec 7
线上讲座:《中国音乐地图》 & 用世界的语言
时间:8:00pm, 12/07

欢迎大家与我们一起,随叶云川先生一起,走入传统中国的音乐时空。听叶先生讲述十九年中国民族音乐探索, “中国音乐地图”背后的故事。
Dec 10
IAL Education Committee
Time: Sat, 12/10
2:00 pm  - 4:00 pm
IAL 教育委员会将于 12 月 10 日与 LHS PTO 和 CAAL 合作举办线上讲座“通往成功的多种途径”。
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Dec 10, 11, 17, 18
Lexington Historical Society
时间:12月10日周六 11am - 4pm,12月11日周日,12月17日周六,12月18日周日
地点:12 Depot Square,Lexington
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Dec 10
Krysten Morganti 
Time: Sat, 12/10
1:30 pm -5:30 pm
Tuition fee: $70
指导者Krysten Morganti 热爱将各种颜色融入缝纫和纺纱。她特别享受利用回收物品来工作的挑战。
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Dec 11
Lexington Historical Society 
重现历史:Tea Burning
Time: Sun, 12/11
10:00 am  - 4:00 pm
Location: Buckman Taven
1 Bedford Street Lexington, MA 02420
在1773年的12月13日,莱克星顿居民召开了一场特殊的集会,他们在会上投票决定停止该镇的不公平茶税。投票结束后,他们在集会处外面点燃了篝火,并把所有的茶扔进去烧毁,通过这种行动回应了Jonas Clarke的话:任何继续喝茶或者买茶的人都将成为这个镇和国家的敌人。
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Dec 11
Cary Hall
Christmas Music on Fifes & Drums
Time: Sun, 12/11 2:00 pm
Location:  Cary Hall
自 1982 年以来,Fifes & Drums 几乎参加了每一年爱国者日游行.  Fifes & Drums 乐队将于 12 月 11 日星期日下午 2 点在 Cary Hall 举办一场免费的有趣家庭音乐会和合唱,与我们一起分享圣诞音乐。新组建的萊鎮儿童合唱团将加入他们的行列,带领观众合唱节日。想象一下那些用横笛和鼓演奏的圣诞颂歌吧!莱镇居民玛丽赫顿说,“它们太棒了,绝对美丽!”
Dec 12
与Nicole Mordecai一起在市场学习摄影
Time: Mon, 12/12
10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Location: Lexington Art & Craft Society  
130 Waltham Street, Lexington
Tuition Fee: $25.00
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Dec 12
Cary Memorial Library
只有爱国主义是不够的: Edith Cavell
Time: Mon, 12/12
1:15 pm – 3:00 pm
您可以亲自参加或通过 Zoom 观看该活动,现场地点:Cary Memorial Library大型会议室,1874 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington
活动由美国海军退伍军人Jim Ramsey主持。1915年10月12日,49 岁的英国护士Edith Cavell 在比利时布鲁塞尔被德国行刑队处决,罪名是协助 200 名英国和法国士兵逃离德占比利时。伊迪丝,被称为“比利时的Florence Nightingale”,1914 年 8 月德军入侵比利时时,她是布鲁塞尔一所护士学校的校长。她开始与比利时抵抗组织合作,帮助盟军从被占领的比利时逃到中立的荷兰。她的死刑加剧了全世界特别是英国对德国的愤怒。
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Dec 14
Cary Library
重现历史:Tea Burning
Time: Sun, 12/14
6:30 am  - 8:30 pm
Location: Cary Library
Cary Library 将于 12 月 14 日星期三下午 6:30-8:30 举办首次 Cary Bokaflod。受到冰岛传统的启发,Cary Bokaflod 是一项旨在鼓励人们从假期的忙碌中休息一下,在轻松的环境中享用热巧克力、茶和点心的阅读活动。
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Dec 15
Cary Memorial Hall 
Time: Thur, 12/15 
Show: 7:30pm
Tickets: $69 to $89
Location: Cary Memorial Hall
1605 Mass Ave, Lexington
 Spectacle Live的Cary纪念馆音乐会系列在大众文化委员会的慷慨支持下得以实现。
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Jan 8, 2023
Lexington Historical Society
WeStar 2023新年音乐之夜
Time: Sun, 1/8

6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Early bird tickets start from 12/1
Location: Cary Memorial Hall
1605 Mass Ave, Lexington
欢迎来到微星跨年音乐之夜,感受前所未有的震撼!  1月8日在莱克星顿的 CaryHall 见!
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Dec 1 - Dec 31
Shop Lexington
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Dec 01 - Jan 21
Resolution Run
14th Annual Resolution Run To Kick Cancer 5K

In-Person - January 21, 2023 - 11:00 AM - Lexington MA

Virtual - January 21-31, 2023 - Anytime - Anywhere
提前注册 - $ 40(不可退还)
在线注册,实地跑或线上参与。报名截止日期:January 19, 2023 at 11:59 PM EDT。现场参赛者可以在比赛当天注册参加比赛。
比赛日注册 - $45 现金或支票(不可退款)比赛时间和地点:2023 年 1 月 21 日(星期六)上午 9:00 - 10:30@Lexington High School, Field House.
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Highlight of the Month
KENNY G The Miracles Holiday and Hits Tour
Time: Fri, 8pm 12/16
Tickets: $69 to $129
Location: Cary Memorial Hall
1605 Mass Ave, Lexington
Join Kenny G for a night filled with festive spirit and contemporary classics when The Miracles Holiday & Hits Tour comes to Lexington’s Cary Hall!
The sound of Kenny G’s saxophone is as iconic as his curly coif; indeed, both are instantly recognizable. Kenny, who has both the best-selling instrumental album of all time in the Diamond-selling, 12-times-platinum 1992 Breathless, earning him his only Grammy Award among 15 nominations, and the Guinness Book of World Records mark for longest sustained note ever recorded on the saxophone. The feature probes some of the many Kenny G accomplishments, from his song “Going Home” being used as the official end-of-work-day anthem in China to his skills as a golfer and airline pilot. He was also one of the original 10 investors in his Seattle hometown Starbucks Coffee.
Recalling his music spawning the “smooth jazz” phenomenon, Kenny explains, “I’m proud of the fact it was a new style of music that no one was either playing or writing at the time. And it touched a great many people who weren’t into traditional jazz, pop or R&B.  Somewhere in the middle, they found something they were looking for and liked.”
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Dec 2
Cary Memorial Library
Music in the Library: Women in World Jazz - Women Activists for Peace and Social Justice
Time:  Sat, 12/2
2:00 pm —3:15 pm
Location: Large Meeting Room, Cary Memorial Library
1874 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington
Join us for our next exciting concert with Women in World Jazz. This concert will feature works by composers who use music as a platform to promote social justice and peace. Women in World Jazz highlight these artists who mobilize change, raise awareness to social issues and address inequality. The concert includes live presentations by members of the group and live performances. At the concert you'll hear about women who left their impact on history such as Joan Baez and Nina Simone, followed by contemporary composers and activists such as Beyoncé, Annie Lenox and Angelique Kidjo. The group continues its outreach leadership programs, teaching and collaborating with young musicians, creating a multi generational performing ensemble. Women in World Jazz strives to educate and share the stories from these women’s lives, and their culture with audiences across Massachusetts.
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Dec 3
Visitor Center Lawn
Time: Sat, 12/3
12:00 noon to 6:00 pm
Location: Visitor Center Lawn
1875 Massachusetts Ave, Lexington
Who said cold weather means you have to stay inside? Come down to the Visitors Center Lawn to warm up with live music, live ice sculpting, children's activities, food trucks, beer and wine and more!
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Dec 6
Lexington Historical Society
Landscaping for Pollinators and Birds at Home with Desiree Narango
Time: Tue, 12/6
7:00—8:30 pm
Desiree Narango will speak about her research studying how residential landscapes and gardening practices influence wildlife habitats. The talk will focus on Dr. Narango’s recent work comparing how native and nonnative plant species vary in supporting species interactions. She will talk about the relationships between plants and insects, why insects matter to birds, and small steps you can take to improve and restore habitat for wildlife 'at home'.
Desiree has a Ph.D. in Entomology and Wildlife Ecology from the University of Delaware, an M.S. in Natural Resources from The Ohio State University, and a B.S. in Environmental Biology from SUNY: ESF. She’s also an active naturalist and gardener who enjoys getting others excited about the natural world.
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Dec 7
Lexington Center
Taste of Lexington: Dine, Shop, Live
Time: Wed, 12/7
5:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Location: Lexington Center
We are grateful for our wonderful community! Enjoy your time with friends and family and see you all in downtown Lexington for lots of music, activities, shopping, food & drink!
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Dec 7
The Map of Chinese Music
Time:8:00pm, 12/07
Jointly organized by NECAA and CAAL,you're welcome to join us along with Mr. Ye Yunchuan, the founder and producer of "The Map of Chinese Music", into the time and space of traditional Chinese music. 
Dec 10
IAL Education Committee
Multiple Pathways to Success
Time: Sat, 12/10
2:00 pm  - 4:00 pm
The IAL Education Committee is hosting a virtual event "Multiple Pathways to Success" in collaboration with the LHS PTO and CAAL on December 10. 
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Dec 10, 11, 17, 18
Lexington Historical Society
Time: Sat, 12/10, Sun, 2/11, Sat, 12/17, Sun, 12/18
11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Location: The Depot
13 Depot Square, Lexington
Trying to find the perfect handmade holiday gift? Pop-Ups at the Depot brings together a wide selection of artists and artisans to share their creations with you. From traditional art to jewelry, fashion, and tasty treats, there will be something available for every taste!
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Dec 10
Parent-Child Mug Rug Workshop with Krysten Morganti
Time: Sat, 12/10
1:30 pm -5:30 pm
Tuition fee: $70
Spend an afternoon learning a new skill and leave with some holiday gifts ready to wrap! This special workshop is open to any supervising adult and child (elementary/middle school age) team.  We will be using looms to make woven "mug rugs," coasters that will be finished on a sewing machine during our session and ready to bring home at the end of the day.  Bring some bits and bobs of yarn if you have them, or choose from our ample supplies to personalize your projects.
Note: Each registration for this class reserves one loom per team. Teams with multiple children might want to consider purchasing multiple tickets, so each child can have his or her own loom to work on. 
Instructor Krysten Morganti loves weaving and spinning with every color there is and especially enjoys the challenge of working with reclaimed materials.
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Dec 11
CAAL &  Hey Runners - AAPI 5K 
Tea Burning
Time: Sun, 12/11
10:00 am  - 4:00 pm
Location: Buckman Taven
1 Bedford Street Lexington, MA 02420
On December 13th, 1773, Lexington's citizens met for a very special town meeting, where they voted to purge the town of the detested taxed tea. Following the resolve, they built a bonfire outside the meetinghouse and threw the town's supply of tea into it, echoing Reverend Jonas Clarke's words that anyone continuing to drink of buy tea was "an enemy to this town, and to this country."
Activities will be happening indoors and outdoors throughout the day, including drilling and musket firing, military music, drop-in programs about the history of tea and tea substitutes, and, of course, the tea burning itself!
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Dec 11
Cary Hall
Christmas Music on Fifes & Drums
Time: Sun, 12/11 2:00 pm
Location:  Cary Hall
They’ve marched in almost every Patriot’s Day Parade since 1982. Now the Middlesex County Volunteers Fifes & Drums are sharing their Christmas music with us at Cary Hall on Sunday, Dec 11, 2 PM for a FREE fun family concert and singalong.  The newly reformed Lexington Children’s Chorus will join them and lead the audience in a holiday singalong. Imagine those Christmas carols being played on fife and drum!  Lexington resident Mary Hutton says, “They are amazing and absolutely beautiful!.”
Dec 12
Shop & Learn: Photography in the Market with Nicole Mordecai
Time: Mon, 12/12
10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Location: Lexington Art & Craft Society  
130 Waltham Street, Lexington
Tuition Fee: $25.00
Holiday markets are colorful and vibrant, filled to the brim with handmade gifts, many which sparkle and shine. We going to use our wonderful LexArt Holiday Marketplace as a giant still life display where you can hone your photography skills. Bring any camera (DSLR, Mirrorless, Point-and-Shoot, or phone camera) and learn how you can create beautiful images in this festive environment. All experience levels welcome.
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Dec 12
Cary Memorial Library
Patriotism is Not Enough
Edith Cavell
British Nurse and Heroine of the Belgian Resistance in WWI
Time: Mon, 12/12
1:15 pm – 3:00 pm
This program is a hybrid program - you can attend in-person or watch via Zoom.
In-person location: Large Meeting RoomCary Memorial Library
1874 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington
Presented by Jim Ramsey, U.S. Navy Veteran.  On October 12, 1915 Edith Cavell, a 49-year-old British nurse, was executed by a German firing squad in Brussels, Belgium, convicted of high treason for aiding in the escape of 200 British and French soldiers from German-occupied Belgium.  Edith, known as “The Florence Nightingale of Belgium”, was the director of a nursing school in Brussels when the Germans invaded Belgium in August 1914. She began working with the Belgian resistance to help Allied troops escape occupied Belgium to neutral Holland.  Her execution added to worldwide outrage against Germany, particularly in Britain, and played an important early part in the eventual erosion of American isolationism.
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Dec 14
Cary Library
重现历史:Tea Burning
Time: Sun, 12/14
6:30 am  - 8:30 pm
Location: Cary Library
Cary Library is hosting its first-ever Cary Bokaflod on Wednesday, December 14 from 6:30-8:30 pm. Inspired by an Icelandic tradition, Cary Bokaflod is an event designed to welcome folks to take a break from holiday busyness and enjoy reading in a relaxed environment with hot chocolate, tea and treats. 
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Dec 15
Cary Memorial Hall 
Vienna Boys Choir: Christmas In Vienna
Time: Thur, 12/15 
Show: 7:30pm
Tickets: $69 to $89
Location: Cary Memorial Hall
1605 Mass Ave, Lexington
The illustrious group of child musicians has been delighting music lovers across the globe for six centuries with their purity of tone, distinctive charm and popular repertoire.
Christmas in Vienna showcases these gifted musicians with voices of unforgettable beauty in an extraordinary program featuring Austrian folk songs, classical masterpieces, popular songs and, of course, holiday favorites.
Spectacle Live’s Cary Hall Concert Series made possible through the generous support of the Mass Cultural Council.
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Jan 8, 2023
Lexington Historical Society
WeStar 2023 New Year Musical Night
 Tickets now on sales
Time: Sun, 1/8

6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Early bird tickets start from 12/1
Location: Cary Memorial Hall
1605 Mass Ave, Lexington
In this WeStar New Year Musical Night performance, there will be a famous Boston Big Band performing wonderful festival songs, as well as great performances by world-renowned pianist, world champion accordionist, top erhu masters, famous vocalists, opera singers, Boston's outstanding dance troupe, and many other performers!
You can also take beautiful photos with your family and friends in front of the elegant and beautiful photography background wall in the concert hall. The event organizer also provides VIP guests, specially invited audience and performing artists the opportunity to gather after the concert to celebrate the New Year in a pre-booked classy restaurant.
Welcome to WeStar New Year Musical Night to feel the unprecedented shock! See you on January 8th at Cary Hall in Lexington!
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Dec 1 - Dec 31
Shop Lexington
The holiday lights are here. If you enjoy the festive lights during the holidays please consider making a donation. The volunteers on the Holiday Lighting Committee work very hard with the folks from the Lexington Public Works Department to make it all happen, but it can’t be done without help from individuals and businesses.
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Dec 01 - Jan 21
Resolution Run
14th Annual Resolution Run To Kick Cancer 5K

In-Person - January 21, 2023 - 11:00 AM - Lexington MA

Virtual - January 21-31, 2023 - Anytime - Anywhere
Advance Race Registration - $40 (non-refundable)

Register online to participate in-person or virtually now until Thursday, January 19, 2023 at 11:59 PM EDT. In-person participants may register to run on race day. See below.

Race Day Registration - $45 cash or check (non-refundable)

Register on Saturday, January 21, 2023, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM at Lexington High School, Field House, 251 Waltham Street, Lexington, MA to participate in-person.
Registration link:
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莱镇活动早知道 · 十二月
活动整理 & 编辑:Lily Zeng
排版 & 编辑:Zeno Wang & 鱼儿
中文翻译:Clover Tian & Yolanda H
翻译审核:Ziyun Wang
封面 & 封底摄影:Shuqing Bao