Knowledge is power. 
(🔺里面全是医生/医学生,每周进行专门针对医生日常口语的讲座,讲师全部来自英国,每天都有有趣的医学英语视频分享,而且是长期免费的哦… …)
An Otolaryngologist treating a patient with a smell disorder.
Sean: Good evening to you all. This weeks lesson is based on a patient with a smell disorder. As always, this week’s lesson is brought to you by MedEditing. Let’s begin.
D: Good afternoon Sir. What seems to be the problem, enlightenme?
P: My sense of smell is deteriorating Doctor. It's been happening for 3 week's now. What do you think the problem is?
D: Changes to your sense of smell are most often caused by the coldor flu, sinusitis, allergies such as hay fever,or nasal polyps. Do you have the cold, flu, or any sinus problems at the moment?
P: No Doctor, not that I'm aware of, but I have had a blocked and runny nose now for a few weeks, but I haven't had any headaches or other flu symptoms.
D: Do you suffer from allergies such as hay fever?
P: I do not Doctor. I have the occasional sneeze walking by flowers sometimes, that's about it.
D:  Okay, I'm going to check your nose for nasal polyps. I think this could be the cause behind your loss of smell.
P: Okay Doctor, should Itilt my head back?
D: Yes please, I will inspect the inside of your nose now.
D: It's as I suspected, you have nasal polyps, but it doesn't seem to be too problematicat this time as far as I can tell.
P: So what's our best course of action?
D: I'm going to prescribe nose drops for you which should make these polyps disappear. If the drops don't work I will prescribe a course of steroids which will take a further2 week's.
P: Okay Doctor,  It's good to know I'll be on the mend in no time. I have a question Doctor, on the other hand, if those treatments don't work, what will happen then?