Knowledge is power. 
(🔺里面全是医生/医学生,每周进行专门针对医生日常口语的讲座,讲师全部来自英国,每天都有有趣的医学英语视频分享,而且是长期免费的哦… …)
A patient who is suffering from hearing loss.
Sean: Hello, everyone. Welcome back to Hansons weekly oral English lecture. Tonight’s lesson is based on hearing loss. Let’s get to it.
P: Hello Doctor, thank you for taking the time to see me. I've noticed that my hearing is impaired.I'm struggling to hear as well as I used too.
D: Well let's get to itthen. When did you notice your hearing was impaired? What ear is affected?
P: I think it's both ears, I can't tell. It feels like it just came out of the blue. I can't remember what day It actually began. All I know is I don't hear well anymore. I didn't notice it in the beginning, my wife and kid's noticed it.
D: What happened which caused them to notice it?
P:They noticed I had difficulty hearing other people clearly and misunderstanding what they said, especially in noisy places. I kept asking people to repeat themselves. I needed to listen to music or TV with the volume higher than other people needed, difficulty hearing on the phone and finding it hard to keep up with a conversation.
D: It's great that they had the awareness to notice this for you because now you are here and we can get you the help that you seek. Do you experience any sign's oftinnitus? or any pain in either of your ears?
P: No Doctor, no pains or noises that are worth mentioning at present. Do you think this is serious or is it due to the fact that I am getting older?
D: I don't think it's anything to serious. I am going to refer you to a specialist so that they can run some more tests and find out if a hearing device is suitable for you, and if so, what one will work best. There are many different types of hearing devices available such as hearing aids, hearing implantsand assistivelistening devices (ALDs).
P: Okay Doctor, I'm available to meet the specialist ASAP. The sooner this problem is rectified the better.
D: I will contact them and inform you of the first available date that they have available for an appointment, is that okay with you?
P: Yes Doctor, proceed as you see fit.
D: Excellent.Keep your chin upMr Graham. This is not the end of the world.Every cloud has a silver lining.
P: Thanks for thewords of wisdom. I'll keep them in mind. I still feel fortunate that I am in good health despite my hearing loss. I have a family to go home too,which is a blessing, but if I'm being honest,not being able to hear as well allows me to blockout unnecessary chit chat or complaints from the wife very easily.