Aqualung 水肺四周年
MANASYt (live)
Juan Plus One / Zhivago / Illsee
 2022年12月3日 SAT.
100RMB (door) / 80RMB (pre)
Aqualung 水肺系列派对开始于2018年的秋天,先后请来了荷兰原始 Acid 大佬 Drvg Cvltvre、法国 Electro 锐舞先锋 Umwelt、莫斯科传奇俱乐部 Arma17 掌门 Abelle 和加拿大实验舞曲制作人 E-Saggila,他们的 DJ / live set 既保留了传统舞曲的根源,也不失对未知领域的探索。本次四周年活动邀请了曾在海牙最荒诞不羁的跳舞音乐厂牌 Bunker 和全球30多家厂牌上发表过音乐的制作人 MANASYt 来演一场 Live, 有人曾说他的音乐也许是外星人进攻地球时会欣赏的那种
BGM: MANASYt - Hookt 

MANASYt (Petar Tassev) 来自暮光地带——保加利亚。从小听着 Swans、Killing Joke、Voivod 和 Godflesh 这些乐队长大,也在几个硬核和金属乐队中担任过主唱,这都对他现在的音乐产生了很大的影响。

1998年移居美国后便完全沉迷于电子音乐。2002年创办了自己的厂牌 Neurolektro,逐渐建立起了自己独特的声音。2003年第一次被声望颇大的德国厂牌 Kommando 6 所赏识,并发表了第一张 EP。此后众多发行在英国厂牌  Touchin’Bass 和比利时厂牌 Roulette Rekordz。在此期间 Petar 居住在底特律。
在他的歌出现在 Dave Clarke 的 “World Service 2” 和 Andrea Parker 的 “Nobody's Perfect” 的 Mix 合集中之后,MANASYt 于 2005 年搬回到了欧洲。至今为止,他的作品已在全球 30 多个厂牌上发表,包括(由三个中产朋克 nerd 建立的)荷兰厂牌 Bunker Records、英国 Touchin’Bass、西班牙 Diffuse Reality、德国 Solar One 厂牌等。
在底特律、伦敦、意大利和荷兰生活过的他曾与 Scan 7、Dave Clarke、Ultradyne、Keith Tucker、Mike Huckaby、Legowelt、Cristian Vogel、Dave Tarrida、Adam X 等地下电子音乐圈中耳熟能详的制作人和 DJ 同台。他还以 Sam Lowry 的身份在 Legowelt 的 Strange Life Records、意大利 Minimal Rome、英国 Brokntoys 等厂牌发表过作品。
MANASYt (Petar Tassev) hails from the twilight zone - Bulgaria. 
Growing up with Swans, Killing Joke,Voivod and Godflesh, and singing in hardcore & metal outfits, has a big influence on his current sound.
In 1998 he moves to USA and totally gets into electronic music. In 2002 starts making his own brand of Neurolektro, slowly forming his unique sound. First gets recognized in 2003 by respected german label Kommando 6, releasing the first EP. Numerous releases follow on Touchin'Bass (UK) and Roulette Rekordz (Belgium). At this time Petar resides in Detroit. 
After appearing on Dave Clarke's "World Service 2" and Andrea Parker's "Nobody's Perfect", MANASYt moves back to Europe in 2005. Until now, he’s responsible for a vast array of menacing titles on more than 30 labels worldwide, including  Bunker, Touchin’ Bass, Musar, Solar One Music etc. 
Living in Detroit and London, Italy and Holland, he’s shared the stage with the likes of Scan 7, Dave Clarke, Ultradyne, Keith Tucker, Mike Huckaby, Legowelt, Cristian Vogel, Dave Tarrida, Adam X and more. He’s also released as Sam Lowry (on Strange Life Records, Minimal Rome, Brokntoys etc.)
The sound : some of his tunes resemble a future horror movie soundtrack, others a visit to a mental clinic but most sound like what exactly hostile aliens would listen to while attacking Earth.
Currently based in Xiamen, China.
·Juan Plus One·
作为杭州电子音乐场景中的新一代,Juan Plus One为场景注入了一股新鲜的血液。在与Guan和GG Lobster经历一个酗酒又愤怒的朋克时期后,他们决定一同跳入电子音乐的浪潮,并像往常一样在波澜不惊的场景中制造一些混乱。

Juan与Guan以及GG Lobster一同建立了专注于发行极具能量且独特的电子音乐厂牌FunctionLab。为我们喜欢的国内外制作人发行音乐并在杭州Loopy和上海All举办定期派对。
作为一名dj,Juan擅长用极端的娱乐和彻底的破坏来控制每一个不为人知的夜晚,他的mix曾发布在英国的NTS和Dummy电台以及东京的DOMMUNE直播平台。除活跃在国内先锋俱乐部外,还曾于19年受邀前往东京演出。作为制作人,他为数不多的作品都出现在FunctionLab发行的合辑Functory 01&02当中。
As a new generation in the Hangzhou electronic music scene, Juan Plus One injected a breath of fresh air into the scene. After an alcoholic and angry punk period with Guan and GG Lobster, they decided to jump into the electronic music scene together and create some mayhem like they used to. Juan Plus One co-founded the label FunctionLab with Guan and GG Lobster focusing on unique and energetic electronic music. Releasing music for the sound they like and hosting monthly club nights at club Loopy, Hangzhou and club All, Shanghai. As a DJ, Juan is known for controlling every unknown night with extreme entertainment and total destruction, and his mixes have been published on NTS and Dummy radio, UK and DOMMUNE, Tokyo. In addition to being active in the domestic pioneer clubs, he was invited to perform in Tokyo in 2019.
· Zhivago ·
He enjoys simple pain, simple pleasure, and flowing music.
· Illsee ·
Illsee,(学名:老慢) 是一种生长于长江三角洲最东部城市上海的灵长目人科人属及直立行走的物种。与其他高等灵长类动物一样,Illsee是社会性的动物。深受早期工业音乐的影响,擅长用80年代至今的各式流行或非流行歌曲,向其他灵长类动物表达自我、交换意见以及组织。
Illsee, scientific name 老慢, is an upright-walking primate, born and raised in the easternmost city of the Yangtze River Delta, Shanghai. Like other primates, Illsee is a social animal. She is known for her skill at using popular and non-mainstream music from the 80s to the present-day to express herself, exchange ideas and organize with other primates.
日期 / 时间: 22:30, 12月3日, 周六 艺人: MANASYt / Juan Plus One / Zhivago / Illsee 风格:🌍🌍票价: 100元现场 /  80元预售
3rd Floor, 77 Zhongshan South Road, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou