你大概率听过这首曲子,如此低沉而沙哑的嗓音,却能从中听出阳光、温暖和绽放的花朵。如果你是个爵士乐迷,这个名字当然是人尽皆知的入门级——Louis Armstrong(路易斯·阿姆斯特朗)可能是这个星球最著名的爵士演奏家和歌手。
很多人知道他,可能也是出于这首 What a Wonderful World(《多美好的世界》),但恐怕没有多少人知道在路易斯·阿姆斯特朗独特而永恒的嗓音背后,却有着如此不凡的人生。甚至可以说他后来取得的一切灿烂,除了来自才华与灵感,全是由泪与汗来浇灌
今天我们聊爵士音乐家路易斯·阿姆斯特朗的生平,素材选自前些年由 DK 出版社和美国史密森尼学会出品的这套百科全书,书名叫做 Music: The Definitive Visual History(《权威视觉音乐史》)。这里用 definitive 来描述一本书的时候,就表示一种权威性,甚至是好到已经不能再好。(So a definitive book is considered to be the best and cannot be improved.)所以看得出这本书有多自信,并且图文并茂,可以用视觉来为我们呈现音乐的历史。
本文选自 Music: The Definitive Visual History(《权威视觉音乐史》)
"He is the father of us all, regardless of style or how modern we get."
Jazz Trumpeter Nicholas Payton
Trumpeter and vocalist Louis Armstrong, known as "Satchmo," is generally regarded as the man who transformed jazz from a folk music tradition into a sophisticated musical form focused upon solo improvisation. A supremely talented instrumentalist and a major innovator in the 1920s, he went on to enjoy a long career as an ambassador for jazz music and a much-loved celebrity.    
爵士小号手 Nicholas Payton
作为小号手兼歌手的路易斯 · 阿姆斯特朗,被称为“书包嘴”,通常被认为是他将爵士乐从一种民谣传统转变成一种注重独奏即兴演奏的复杂音乐形式。活跃于 1920 年代,这位才华横溢的乐器演奏家,同时也是一位重要的音乐领域创新者,在他漫长的职业生涯中作为爵士乐的代言人,并成为广受爱戴的名人。
trumpet /ˈtrʌmpɪt/ n. 小号
satchel /ˈsætʃəl/ n. 翻盖书包
○ Satchmo = satchel + mouth
sophisticated /səˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪd/ adj. 复杂的
○ highly sophisticated computer systems 十分先进的计算机系统
improvisation /ˌɪmprəvaɪˈzeɪʃn/ n. 即兴创作,即兴表演
○ As with blues, one of the important elements of jazz is improvisation. 与蓝调相比,爵士最重要的元素之一就是即兴创作。
Streets of New Orleans 
Armstrong grew up in New Orleans, the birthplace of jazz. The illegitimate son of a boiler stoker and a laundress, he was brought up in poverty. From the age of five he lived with his mother in the city's red-light district, where she sometimes worked as a prostitute. It was from listening to bands in this notorious area that Armstrong received his first musical education. At the age of 12, he was sent to a Colored Waifs' Home after firing a pistol loaded with blanks in the street. In this institution, run on quasi-military lines, he was formally taught to play the cornet. After his release, he spent four years doing backbreaking work delivering coal before opportunities opened up for him to become a professional musician.     
阿姆斯特朗在爵士乐的发源地新奥尔良长大。作为一个锅炉工和洗衣女的私生子,他在贫困中被拉扯成人。从 5 岁起,他和母亲一起住在这座城市的红灯区里,母亲有时在那里做妓女。正是在这个声名狼藉的地区,阿姆斯特朗通过听别的乐队的演奏,接受了自己最初的音乐教育。12岁的时候,他在街上开了一枪,尽管弹夹里装满了空弹,阿姆斯特朗还是被送进了有色流浪儿之家。在这个准军事化的机构里,他正式学习如何吹奏短号。离开那里后,他花了四年时间辛苦地运煤,直到机会向他敞开,使他成为一名职业音乐人。
illegitimate /ˌɪləˈdʒɪtəmət/ adj. 非法的,(孩子)私生的
○ his illegitimate son 他的私生子
notorious /nəʊˈtɔːriəs/ adj. 声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的
○ an area notorious for crime and violence 因犯罪和暴力而臭名昭著的地区
Waif /weɪf/ n. 无家可归者,流浪儿(尤指被遗弃的孩子)
○ waifs and strays 无家可归者
quasi- /kweɪzaɪ/ adj. (构成形容词和名词)表示“类似的”,“准”,“半”
○ a few key quasi-governmental institutions 几个重要的准政府机构
cornet /ˈkɔːnɪt/ n. 短号
Establish a Reputation 
Armstrong played cornet with a string of New Orleans bands in the years immediately after World War I, performing in clubs and cabarets and on board Mississippi paddle steamers. He quickly established a reputation as a player of exceptional promise.      
paddle steamer /ˈpædl stiːmə(r)/ n. 桨轮蒸汽船,明轮船,外轮船
cabaret /ˈkæbəreɪ/ n. 卡巴莱歌舞表演/夜总会
promise /ˈprɒmɪs/ n. 前途
○ He showed great promise even as a junior officer. 他还是下级军官时就显示出前途无量。
Armstrong's popularity owed as much to the sunny warmth of his personality as to the quality of his musicianship. He moved effortlessly between the roles of jazz trumpeter and mass-market entertainer.  
owe /əʊ/ v. 应把…归功于 
○ Her style of cooking owes much to her mother-in-law. 她的烹饪风格很大程度上承传于她的婆婆。
A wonderful legacy 
As confrontation over African American civil rights became acute in the 1950s, Armstrong faced accusations from fellow African Americans of being an "Uncle Tom", the term, appropriated from the novel Uncle Tom's Cabin, given to African Americans accused of collaborating with white power. Although he made clear in the strongest terms his opposition to white racism, Armstrong could never be a confrontational figure. "What a Wonderful World," a popular song that he recorded late in life, expressed the warm and optimistic attitude that infused his music from start to finish.   
20 世纪 50 年代,非裔美国人的民权问题变得尖锐,阿姆斯特朗面临着其他非裔美国人的指责,称他是“汤姆叔叔”。“汤姆叔叔”这个词源于小说《汤姆叔叔的小屋》 ,用来称那些与白人权力勾结的非裔美国人。尽管阿姆斯特朗用最强烈的措辞表明了自己对白人种族主义的反对,但他也强调自己永远不可能成为一个具有对抗性的人物。这首他晚年录制的流行歌曲《多么美好的世界》,表达了自始至终贯穿于他音乐中的热情和乐观。
confrontation /ˌkɒnfrʌnˈteɪʃn/ n. 对抗,冲突 
○ a confrontation with the legislature 与立法机构的交锋
acute /əˈkjuːt/ adj.(不利、困难或讨厌的情况或现象)严重的,剧烈的
○ an acute housing shortage 住房严重不足
infuse /ɪnˈfjuːz/ v. 灌注,充满
○ A strange spirit infused the place. 那个地方散发着一种奇特的气质。
An album including the song "What a Wonderful World" was released in 1968. The biggest-selling single in the UK did not become famous in the US until after Armstrong's death.      
收录歌曲“What a Wonderful World”的专辑在 1968 年发行,这首歌也成为英国最畅销的单曲。遗憾的是,直到阿姆斯特朗去世后,这首歌才在美国成名。