2022 年 10 月 15 日,温哥华市长候选人沈观健(Ken Sim)以绝对压倒性的优势击败竞选对手斯图尔特(Kennedy Stewart)以及其他十多名候选人,当选新一届的温哥华市市长。这也是温哥华建市136年以来迎来的首位华裔市长。
沈观健领导的ABC团队也大获全胜,ABC 的每一位候选人在市议员、学务委员和公园局委员的竞选中都获胜,而且他们所有成员都名列前茅,没有任何其他政党候选人的得票率在同圈竞赛中超过这 19 名 ABC 候选人中的任何一位。
沈观健在 2018 年选举中失败,如今光荣得胜,他戏称,这4年的时间是他“有史以来最长的工作面试”。新一届的市议会中,不仅市长是华裔沈观健,还有另一位华裔市议员周楠。
ABC政党基本上吸纳了所有温哥华偏右翼选民的支持,另一个老牌政党 - 无党派协会(NPA)不仅全军覆没,而且得票率在各政党中垫底,代表这个老党将彻底销声匿迹。
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Vancouver has a new mayor, and in many ways his main message couldn't be more inspirational: you can't lose if you never give up. 
That's something that the city's mayor elect Ken Sim repeated numerous time during his victory speach on Saturday. After losing to the now former Mayor Kenndy Stewart in 2018, Sim led the newly minted ABC Vancouver party to majority wins on not only city council, but also the school and park boards.
The ABC trifecta marks the first time one party has taken all three bodies since Vision Vancouver pulled off the sweep in 2011.
Speaking to an understandably amped crowd in South Hall in South Vancouver, Sim gave every indication that, if politics don't work out over the next four years, he might have a career in standup comedy. 
Starting his speech with a simple "Wow", Sim went on to proclaim "Four-and-a-half years. The lonnggest job interview ever."
From there he mixed the serious with lines which lead to no shortage of laughter. 
On the serious side of things Sim noted there's good reason that he's proud to be the city's first mayor of Chinese ancestry.
"The path to get here was incredibly long," he said. "One hundred and thirty five years after the first Chinese head tax was paid just for the right to come here and work on building a railway, Vancouver has elected its first Chinese mayor. The history of this moment isn't lost on me. The honour really goes to the shoulders of those I stand on."
Moving forward, Sim said he's looking forward to building a more inclusive Vancouver, where pulling together is going to only make the city stronger. 
"For us that shared vision only came together very recently," he said. "Five hundred days ago ABC Vancouver was just an idea. Now, while being B.C.'s newest political party, tonight we are the largest municipal party in our great province."
Cleary understanding that timing is everything in comedy, Sim then followed up an extended round of applause and cheering with "The speech is going to take 47 minutes at this rate. So you might as well hit the bar right now because we're going to settle in here for a while."
He continued with: "Look, ABC Vancouver was born out of a desire for change—a desire to do politics differently. It was born out a promise that decision in government should not be made on the advice of polls, lobbyists, activists, or whatever's trending on Twitter. But instead it should be made on the advice of parents, and educators, and scientists, and healthcare providers. And what's happening in community town halls, and coffee shops, and the occasional local pub."
When that led to laughter, Sim quickly interjected with "Seriously, some of the greatest ideas come out of the pub."
After quipping, over cheers, "We're literally at an hour now", Vancouver's new mayor repeated again "you can't lose if you never give up", and then went on to map out some of ABC's immediate priorities. 
"We've heard loud and clear from people that they wanted change, and people, change in Vanocuver is here," Sim said. "On day one we are going to requisition for 100 new police officers and 100 new mental health providers. We are going to stop the road tax, we're going to plant he first of 100,000 new trees...and we will work to make Vancouver the most accessible city in the world. We're going to start the work day one to reduce permit times on building new homes and starting new businesses."
To the no doubt delight of everyone who wonders why you can buy a six-pack at the corner store in Turkey, Cambodia, the US, Cuba, Mexico, England, France, Vietnam, Costa Rica, Italy, the Netherlands, Thailand, Japan and (insert favourite country here), but not Vancouver, Sim also indicated that ABC will stop treating alcohol like the devil's brew. 
"We are going to expand the resonsible consumption of alcohol in our parks," he said to cheers. "And we're going to bring a renewed lens, a compassionate lens, one that's measured by outscomes in the communities that need it the most. Now we're going to do these things, and a lot of other things, and we're going to do them together. But I do want to stress that this journey is going to be really hard. There will be false starts. We will make mistakes. But we can't lose if we never give up."
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According to Statistics Canada, there are over 167,000 residents within the City of Vancouver who identify as having a Chinese ethnic background. That represents 27% of the city’s entire population.
Moreover, over 286,000 residents, or 45% of the city’s population, have an Asian ethnic background.
Later this month, new census data is expected to indicate Metro Vancouver as a whole has a visible minority population that, for the first time, exceeds half of the region’s entire population.
On Saturday, voters in Vancouver elected not only their first Chinese Canadian mayor but also their first Asian mayor.
It is a watershed moment for the representation of one of the region’s largest ethnic groups, and for a city and province with a dark history of long-sustained, entrenched racism and discrimination against Hong Kong and mainland Chinese immigrants.
“The path to get here was incredibly long. 135 years after the Chinese Head Tax was paid just for the right to come here, Vancouver has elected its first Chinese-Canadian mayor,” said Mayor-elect Ken Sim during his victory speech at the ABC Vancouver party election night event.
Given the current politically charged climate, History 101 is needed: Early Chinese Canadians literally built British Columbia.
They initially came here for the gold rush of the 1800s, and then thousands worked for cheap in treacherous conditions to build the Canadian Pacific Railway through British Columbia’s mountains to reach Vancouver.
After the railway reached completion in 1885, the promise of being provided with a way to get home to British Hong Kong and China did not materialize.
These early pioneers had nowhere else to go, and eventually ended up in the area that became Chinatown — at the edge of a swamp, known as the False Creek Flats. By the early 20th century, Chinatown became a place of support for all of these unwanted people.
The federal Chinese Head Tax was levied between 1885 and 1923, growing from $50 when it was first enacted to $500 by the time it was repealed. The tax’s final level is equivalent to $8,300 in 2022 dollar values or several years of cheap wages for a labourer at the time, and these Chinese Canadians had to work for years to pay off their debts.
But discrimination did not end in 1923. Chinese people were banned from entering Canada, with very few exceptions. All the while, those who remained in BC faced extreme discrimination and mistreatment, and their survival and livelihood were challenged.
It was not until after the Second World War that the federal government began to see the hypocrisy in its treatment of Chinese people — after Canada played its important role in liberating Europe from the Nazis, and the horrors against Jewish people were day-lighted. The federal government granted Chinese Canadians the right to vote in 1947, but it was not until 1967 that the points system of fairly choosing new immigrants — regardless of their race or ethnicity — was introduced, which opened the doors for Chinese newcomers, and gave rise to Vancouver’s cosmopolitan, diverse nature.
But long before the contemporary acceptance and success of Chinese Canadians, no other ethnic group in BC had to endure such government-enforced mistreatment of its members on entering Canada over such an extended period.
“The significance of being the first Chinese-Canadian mayor or person of colour to be the mayor is not lost on me, but I do want to stress that I get to have that position because I stand on the shoulders of all the people who came before me,” Sim told Daily Hive Urbanized in an exclusive interview on Sunday, his first and only interview over the weekend after the election outcome.
He specifically noted Chinese Canadians such as the late former BC lieutenant governor David Lam, former Vancouver city councillor Raymond Louie, former Vancouver city councillor Tung Chan, who is on ABC’s post-election transition team, and the late Douglas Jung, who was elected as the MP for the federal riding of Vancouver Centre in 1957, becoming the first Chinese Canadian to take a seat in parliament.
“I do know how significant it is because there’s going to be a whole generation of kids — it’s not just Chinese, but also South Asian, different ethnicities, LGBTQ+ community, and minorities. Anything is possible and it’s going to inspire a whole generation of future leaders.”
Sim, who was born and raised in Vancouver, and studied business at the University of British Columbia, adds that he “just wants to be the mayor, and I want to work with a group of individuals to create change and make our city better.”
Even some rival candidates and parties are momentarily putting aside political and ideological differences aside to acknowledge Vancouver’s historic milestone of electing its first Chinese Canadian mayor.
“I’d like to congratulate Ken Sim on his win. He is Vancouver’s first Chinese Canadian Mayor. Politics aside, that is a tremendous achievement that I’d like to recognize,” said Christine Boyle, the re-elected city councillor of the OneCity Vancouver party.
But Sim and ABC’s rise to governance also comes in the backdrop of history unfortunately repeating itself, with a steep rise in anti-Asian hate crimes in recent years, and indifference to violent attacks, property damage and vandalism, cleanliness, public disorder, and other public safety issues in Chinatown — largely due to its immediate adjacency and spillover of the social issues emanating in the Downtown Eastside. Businesses and community members who publicly took issue with crime in Chinatown were even harassed
With the City of Vancouver ignoring the gravity of the issues in Chinatown and refusing to provide residents, businesses, and cultural organizations with real, meaningful help, the Chinatown community rallied and organized Vancouver’s significant Asian community to support candidates and parties who promised real action, and were sincere in acknowledging the plight.
Sim says that along with the forthcoming effort to hire more Vancouver Police officers and mental health workers, more strategies will be rolled out to help support Chinatown, including the creation of a satellite City Hall office in the district, as a base camp for City Council to work from and fully understand the issues facing the area.
As well, Sim and the election of ABC city councillor Lenny Zhou will also provide Vancouver City Council with some direct Chinese-Canadian representation in elected office for the next four years, following an absence of any Asian representation in the outgoing makeup of City Council.
Zhou, who moved to Vancouver when he was 23 years old, says he has been the target of anti-Asian racism in the past but in spite of this, he says he worked hard to build a life for himself and his family.
“It’s very meaningful for Vancouver to finally have a Mayor of Chinese descent. It’s wonderful to know that my son will have the chance to grow up knowing that people who look like him can be leaders in our city and our country,” said Zhou, adding that half of the elected ABC officials have an Asian ethnicity.
从丘吉尔(Churchill Secondary)中学毕业后,沈观健顺利进入不列颠哥伦比亚大学(UBC)。1993年,23岁的沈观健从UBC尚德(Sauder)商学院毕业,进入毕马威(KPMG)会计师事务所。三年后,他跳槽到加拿大帝国商业银行(CIBC)。
2001年,沈观健离开工作了五年的CIBC,与好友一起创立一家家居护理服务公司——Nurse Next Door。这家公司起初的服务对象是产妇,类似于中国的“月嫂”公司,后来扩大到居家老人,也向他们提供护理服务。经过二十多年的发展,如今Nurse Next Door已在北美180个城市设有连锁公司,员工达到5000多人。此外,沈观健还是温哥华糕点连锁店Rosemary Rocksalt的联合创始人。
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