编者按:以下是由参加奥斯汀游学活动的Olivia Zhang, Helin Wang, Adelaide Clemence 和 Teresa Hu 同学撰写。华人少年要多参加这些活动,寓教于乐。文末附有英文原文。
Clemence青少年基金会 (CYF)成立于 2021 年 5 月,旨在帮助青少年形成良好品格,培养责任心,积极追求梦想,放飞自我,成为对社会有价值的一代。8 月5日至6日,CYF 在奥斯汀举办了两天一夜的游学活动,有80 名青少年和家长参加。大家游览了这座城市,了解了它在德州立法中的重要地位,还对法律的制定有了更深层次的理解. 这是一次充满乐趣的学习之旅,给每个参与者都留下了美好的回忆。
游学的第一站是德州议会大厦,我们首先参观了美丽的国会大厦,我们了解了德州的历史,各届领导人,还有大厦建筑本身。在大厦内的一个法庭里,来自参议员Huffman办公室和参议员Kolkhorst 办公室的代表向我们讲述了他们的日常工作和一些政治。我们在最后问了他们很多问 题。我们还参观了德州刑事上诉法院和德州最高法院,在那里David Newell法官和Evan Young法官让我们深入了解了他们的工作,David Newell法官和我们分享了他参选法官的经历,Evan Young法官向我们介绍了德州宪法, 并向我们强调说在投票之前一定要做好功课,甚至让我们发誓一定不要盲目投票。
除了国会大厦,我们还参观了位于奥斯汀的德州大学。Lucy是在校生也是CYF的成员, 她作为导游带领我们参观了整个学校, 校园真是太美了, 她带我们去了图书馆, 宿舍和自助餐厅, 把她在学校的经历分享给我们, 她的讲解生动有趣引人入胜, 对我们来说是一次非常棒的体验, 也是我们今后学习的动力。
参观完大学之后,我们去了布兰顿艺术博物馆。它的四个展览展出了各种各样的精美杰作。这个博物馆探索了多种形式的艺术并呈现出多种多样的表现形式, 包括雕塑、绘画、手工艺品等等,  通过观看这些展览,我们学习了很多美术知识。
 除了参观,这次游学当然少不了玩耍, 最酷的就是在科罗拉多河上划皮划艇了,河边的景色好美,大人和孩子们在美丽清凉的水面上划着自己的皮划艇,玩得真开心, 这也是在酷热的德州解暑降温的好方法, 与朋友和家人一起玩乐让这次旅行成为一次美妙难忘的经历。
这次游学是CYF提供给青少年们一个非常好的学习机会, 孩子们对未来的大学生活,德州的立法系统,司法系统等有了更多的了解,甚至还学习了划船技巧!
我们要特别感谢 Jing Jing Clemence 张晶晶女士以及所有 Clemence 青少年基金会(CYF)的组织者和志愿者安排这次游学。特别感谢州众议员 Jacey Jetton 和 Gene Wu,参议员 Huffman 和 Kolkhorst, 法官 David Newell 和法官 Evan Young,他们精彩而生动的演讲使这次游学充满乐趣又极具教育意义。
Clemence Youth Foundation (CYF) Austin Trip
By: Olivia Zhang, Helin Wang, Adelaide Clemence, Teresa Hu
Clemence Youth Foundation was founded May of 2021 and serves as an outreach for youth to help build character, take ownership in striving to pursue their dreams, and provide them with the necessary tools in becoming a person valuable to society. On August fifth through sixth, CYF brought 80 of its members to Austin. We went to Austin, Texas and explored the city while learning about its significance in Texas legislation. For many members, this trip helped deepen their knowledge on how the laws are made here in our great state. The trip was fun while also being educational and left everyone with great memories.
Our first stop was the Texas Capitol building. The foundation first enjoyed a tour of the beautiful Capitol and learned about Texas history, its past leaders, and even the building itself. We also visited a courtroom in the Capitol where the representatives from Sen. Huffman’s office and Sen. Kolkhorst's office spoke to us about their daily jobs and politics. In the end, we even got to ask questions. We ended our tour at the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals and Supreme Court of Texas. There, Judge David Newell and Justice Evan Young gave us an insight into their jobs. Judge Newell talked about his experience of getting elected to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals while Justice Young informed us about the Texas constitution and explained the importance of researching before voting; he even asked everyone to make an oath to never blindly vote for a candidate. The visit to the Capitol was both educational and beautiful.
Aside from the capitol building, we also went to the University of Texas. Lucy, a member of the Clemence Youth Foundation, led the group on a tour throughout the school. Her insider knowledge helped us see a glimpse into everyday life at UT. The campus was so beautiful and amazing to be in. She took us to the campus library, dorms, and cafeteria. Her experience of what college life is like at UT made the tour even more engaging. The trip was a great experience, and motivation to study hard. The tour was a very insightful experience that
everyone enjoyed.
Following the college tour, we went to the Blanton Museum of Art. We visited four exhibits with various beautiful masterpieces. The foundation got to explore many forms of art and expressions. These included sculptures, paintings, artifacts, and various other displays of art. Students visiting these museums introduces them to fine arts and educates the public. 
We also went kayaking at the Colorado River. The kids and adults had so much fun paddling their own kayaks along the gorgeous water. The river was a great way to cool off from the terrible Texas heat all day. Having fun with friends and family truly made the trip a wonderful
experience. The boating officially ended off the Austin trip. 
This experience was a great learning opportunity for the youth foundation. The kids gained much more knowledge about their future college life, the legislative system, Texas Judicial system, etc, and even boating skills!
We would like to give a special thank you to JingJing Clemence along with all the Clemence Youth Foundation leaders and volunteers for arranging this amazing trip. A special thank you to State Representatives Jacey Jetton and Gene Wu, Senators Huffman and Kolkhorst, Judge David Newell, and Justice Evan Young for making this visit both educational and interesting with their wonderful and engaging speeches.