在8月30日国务院新闻发布会的开场中,首席副发言人韦丹·帕特尔(Vedant Patel)的评论包括以下摘录的要点...... 

在虚假公投中,毫无疑问,俄罗斯将开展政治宣传并散布虚假信息,伪造投票率,并夸大据称赞成加入俄罗斯的票数比例。我们要明确地说:克里姆林宫任何声称乌克兰人希望以某种方式加入俄罗斯的说法都是谎言。民调显示只有3%的乌克兰人表示愿意乌克兰加入俄罗斯主导的欧亚关税同盟, 而九成乌克兰人希望乌克兰加入欧盟。在接下来几周和几个月里揭穿并反制这些虚假信息将十分关键。我们预计克里姆林宫当局会预先决定好公投结果。


U.S. State Department Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel says...

At the top of the August 30 Department of State Press Briefing, Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel comments included the following excerpted points…

[...] So first, the United States, through USAID, is providing an additional $30 million in humanitarian assistance to support the people affected by severe flooding in Pakistan resulting from heavy monsoon rains, as well as landslides and glacial lake outbursts, since mid-June.
The flooding has affected an estimated 33 million people and resulted in more than 1,100 deaths and more than 1,600 injuries. In addition, more than one million homes have been damaged or destroyed, and nearly 735,000 livestock – a major source of livelihood and food – have been lost, and the flooding has damaged roads and more than two million acres of agricultural land.
One more thing. The U.S. Government has assessed that Moscow is preparing to stage sham referenda in areas of Ukraine under its control. We expect Russia to manipulate the results of these referenda in order to falsely claim that the Ukrainian people want to join Russia. This is a part of Russia’s playbook to attack the sovereignty, identity, and history of Ukraine.
These referenda could take place in the coming weeks.  But Ukraine, the United States, and the international community know the simple truth – that all of Ukraine is and will always remain Ukraine. No matter how many Russians soldiers or puppet officials might be installed there, the Kremlin cannot change the borders of sovereign Ukraine by force.
The Kremlin continues to prepare to hold sham referenda on joining Russia in Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, and the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republic. Russian leadership has instructed officials to begin preparing to hold a sham referendum in parts of Kharkiv as well. These sham referenda will attempt to give a veneer of legitimacy to a blatant land grab that would violate the Ukrainian constitution and international law, including the UN Charter, and contravene principles of the OSCE.
As part of the sham referenda, Russia will undoubtedly employ propaganda and disinformation campaigns, falsify voter turnout, and exaggerate the percentage of those who supposedly voted in favor of joining Russia. We want to be clear: Any claim by the Kremlin that the Ukrainian people somehow want to join Russia is a lie. Polling shows that just three percent of Ukrainians say that they would like Ukraine to be a member of the Russia-led Eurasian Customs Union, and 90 percent want Ukraine to become a member state of the EU. It will be critical to call out and counter this disinformation in the weeks and months ahead. We expect the results to be predetermined by Kremlin authorities.
The people of Ukraine and the world will not be fooled by this mockery of a process. We stand by the people of Ukraine and their democratically elected government.
For full transcripts of this press release: 
