In August, Copenhagen, where young fencers from European countries compete for the Nordic crown. In July this year, Mr. Long joined forces with the Latvian National Modern Pentathlon Team and was appointed as the Technical General Advisor, striving to make a contribution to the excellent results of the Latvia national pentathlons team in the future! Mr. Long Jie, the current vice president of Guangdong Fencing Association of China and the International Cup Epee champion, has visited Boston for many times.
Under the leadership of Jefremenko Mihails, the Latvian National Pentathlon Team's Sofija (middle in Figure 1 below) won the Junior Women's Epee Individual Champion and Third Place. Congratulations!
北欧击剑锦标赛青少年组強手如云,拉脱维亚国家五项队在总教练Jefremenko Mihails先生的带领下,Sofija勇夺青少年女子重剑个人冠军、季军的好成绩,可喜可贺!

拉脱维亚青少年击剑队也尽遣主力上场,他们敢打敢拼,赛出了风格,为今后的国际赛事打好基础,祝愿拉脱维亚的年轻剑手们获得优异的成绩! 下面的图2是拉脱维亚青少年重剑队在赛场上合影。
Figure 2: Group picture of the Latvian Youth Epee Team in the competition.
Latvian Youth Fencing Team also sent many main players to the competition. They competed with great skills and sportsmanship,  and showed their style, which laid a good foundation for the future international competitions. We wish the young fencers of Latvia good results!
图3:拉脱维亚国家现代五项队总教练Jefremenko  Mihails (左)颁发技术总顾问委任状给龙杰先生(右)。
Figure 3. The Head Coach of the Latvian National Modern Pentathlon Team Jefremenko Mihails (left) presented a certificate of Technical General Advisorappointment to Mr. Long(right).
According to media reports, Mr. Long Jie has won the national individual and team Epee championships for many times. In 2018, he led the A1 Champion Latvia National Epee team in the European Cup Epee Open held in Lithuania, and won the women's epee individual competition, second runner-up, third runner-up, team third runner-up, fourth place in the men's Epee team.
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