1. There are no reliable stable investments in nfts. If you hear the term 'blue chip nft', run away.
2. Diamond handing won't get you the best profits.
3. To stay in the market you have to pay yourself first. Take profits on the way up.
4. Derivatives rarely outperform the original nft collections.
衍生品很少能胜过原始的 nft 收藏品。
5. By the time you hear about a new project on Twitter spaces, you are late.
当你在 Twitter 空间上听到一个新项目时,你已经迟到了。
6. You are responsible for your own security. Understand most projects don't audit their code or have Discord security.
7. The majority of nft projects fail to stay above mint price 4 months after launch.
大多数 nft 项目在启动后 4 个月都未能保持在铸造价格之上。
8. NFTs hold no intrinsic value.
目前为止,NFT 没有内在价值。
9. Most nft influencers don't know how blockchain technology actually works.
10. NFT projects without sale terms are selling you a token ID with a hyperlink to an off-chain asset. Without terms, nothing is defined. You can't own a hyperlink so in all likelihood you bought nothing.
没有销售条款的 NFT 项目正在向您出售带有超链接到链下资产的tokenID。没有条款,没有任何约束。你不能拥有一个超链接,实际上,你很可能什么也没买。
11. The time you have is more valuable than Bitcoin and NFTs. Plan ahead and use it effectively.
你拥有的时间比比特币和 NFT 更有价值。提前计划并有效地使用它。
12. We are NOT all going to make it. Most nft traders trade at a loss.
我们不会都成功。大多数 nft 交易者亏本交易。
13. Web2 marketing is exceedingly ineffective in the NFT market.
Web2的营销在 NFT 市场上非常无效。
14. Legally speaking NFT benefits don't travel to downstream purchasers unless specified in the terms.
从法律上讲,NFT 收益不会传递给下游购买者,除非条款中另有规定。
15. Volume and liquidity are more important metrics than floor price. If there are no buyers you can't take profits.
16. Nobody has a real clue what they're doing.
17. Celebrity NFT projects are notoriously bad investments.
名人的 NFT 项目是出了名的糟糕投资。
18. The (current) market is moved by speculation such as hype, momentum, and emotion. Euphoria dictates market behavior. Use this to your advantage.
来自Twitter @NFTherder