对于今年70岁的华裔美国民权运动领袖谢汉兰(Helen Zia)来说,1963年8月28日那天的记忆从未远离她。
Helen Zia's childhood memories of events on Aug 28, 1963, have never left her. She was in Washington, DC, on a road trip with her father and a brother. "We were driving through DC on our way back home to New Jersey. I remember looking out the car window at so many black people, wearing their Sunday best clothing", recalls Zia, now long recognized as a campaigner who helped make Asian Americans aware of their rights in a nation where many viewed them with suspicion or hostility.
2021年3月,在芝加哥霍纳公园举行的“反仇视亚裔”集会上,人们举着支持黑人和亚裔团结的标语。 图源:美联社
Back then, the 11-year-old had no idea that she was witnessing the largest public protest that the United States would see in the 20th century.
The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, or simply the Great March on Washington as it's known today, drew a quarter of a million people onto the streets demanding civil and economic rights for black Americans.
1963年8月28日,从华盛顿特区林肯纪念堂拍摄到的景象,超过25万抗议者聚集在一起,争取非裔美国人的公民权利和经济权利。 图源:维基共享资源
黑压压一片的人群从林肯纪念堂一直延伸到与其遥遥相望的华盛顿纪念碑和纪念碑以外的地方。在这其中,有年轻的黑人工会领袖小贺拉斯·谢菲尔德(Horace Sheffield Jr)和他9岁的儿子贺拉斯·谢菲尔德三世(Horace Sheffield III)谢菲尔德三世现在是底特律黑人组织协会(Detroit Association of Black Organizations)的执行董事,该组织由他的父亲在1979年创建,旨在统一协调该市代表黑人民权斗争的各个团体。
In the crowd, which extended from the national capital's Lincoln Memorial all the way to the Washington Monument and beyond, were Horace Sheffield Jr, a rising black union leader, and his 9-year-old son Horace Sheffield III. The younger Sheffield is now the executive director of the Detroit Association of Black Organizations, which was set up by his father in 1979 to consolidate the city's groups representing black civil rights struggles.
"A great unifier" was how Zia, the daughter of Chinese immigrant parents, called the old man, whom she approached exactly two decades after the historic march, in 1983.
在此前一年的1982年,27岁的华裔美国人陈果仁(Vincent Chin)在这座美国著名的“汽车之城”被两名挥舞棒球棒的白人汽车工人残忍杀害。据报道,这两名工人行凶前对陈大爆粗口:“都是因为你们这些混蛋,我们才失业的!”他们的攻击直指陈的亚洲血统和当年日本迅速崛起的、给美国致命打击的汽车工业。
The previous year, a 27-year-old Chinese American named Vincent Chin was bludgeoned to death in the industrial city by two baseball bat-wielding white autoworkers who reportedly had shouted to him: "It's because of you mother******* we are out of a job!" The abuse hurled at Chin conflated his Asian appearance with a topical issue of the time — the devastating impact the ascendant Japanese car industry was having on the country's "Motor City".
在承认过失杀人后,两名男子被一名县法官判处三年缓刑和3000美元罚款。法官认为这起杀人案的背后没有任何种族仇恨的动机。面对这样的判决结果,底特律市的华裔和其他亚裔走到一起,成立了美国正义公民组织(American Citizens for Justice),这是美国第一个在全国范围内开展活动的泛亚裔基层社区组织。他们中的绝大多数是年轻人,而谢是该组织的新闻秘书。
After pleading guilty to manslaughter, the two men were sentenced to three years' probation and a $3,000 fine by a county judge who saw no racial motivation in the killing. With the killers never seeing a prison cell, a group of mostly young people quickly came together to form the American Citizens for Justice, the first explicitly pan-Asian grassroots community advocacy group with a national scope. Zia was its press secretary.
“我们立即联系了底特律的黑人社区,在那里,人们对种族主义在美国意味着什么有着深刻的理解。小谢菲尔德是这个社区的领袖人物,” 谢回忆说。“他当时已经六、七十岁,是我们的上一代人,然而他亲自参加了我们的会议。在会上,我们明确表示,我们所作的努力不仅仅关乎亚裔美国人,也关乎黑人和其他有色人种。
"We immediately reached out to Detroit's black community, within which there's a deep understanding of what racism meant in America and for which Sheffield Jr was a godfather figure," she said. "A generation older, he came to our meetings where we made it very clear that this was not just about Asian Americans."
“他用自身的政治影响力为我们打开了许多扇门,包括通向强大的美国汽车工人联合会(United Auto Workers)的大门。因为生产线上的大规模裁员,工会内部当时充斥着反亚裔的情绪。
"He opened many doors for us, including to the powerful United Auto Workers union where part of the anti-Asian hate originated as a result of the huge layoffs from the production lines."
谢汉兰(左)和贺拉斯·谢菲尔德三世站在被谢称作伟大的统一者的小贺拉斯·谢菲尔德的照片前  谢汉兰供图
一个在双方交流中常常被提出的问题就是亚裔美国人是否经历过真正的种族歧视。“那些认为亚裔美国人在这个国家关于种族主义的讨论中没有发言权的人对历史一无所知,” 贺拉斯·谢菲尔德三世说。他的曾祖母12岁时从奴隶制中解放出来,而多年后他的祖父母却因为佐治亚州针对黑人的种种暴力屠杀而不得不坐上开往底特律的火车逃离家乡。
One of the questions raised during the encounters was whether Asian Americans had experienced genuine racism. "Those who thought Asian Americans had no legitimate place in the discussion of racism knew no history," said Horace Sheffield III, who recalled how his great-grandmother was freed from slavery at the age of 12 and how his grandparents, in fear of violence, fled Georgia in a Detroit-bound train.
For him, the parallels are remarkable. After the US made it illegal to import enslaved people from Africa in 1808, hundreds of thousands of indentured workers — "surrogate slaves" as Zia would call them — were brought in, sometimes forcibly, from Asia. Most came from China and India. During the ensuing "driving out" period, Chinese immigrants, seen as threatening to the white-dominated social order as the newly freed slaves, were subjected to massacres and lynching all too familiar to black people.
1882年,美国通过其迄今历史上唯一一个阻止某一特定种族或民族的所有成员入境的法案 —— 《排华法案》(Chinese Exclusion Act)。当时,臭名昭著的以贯彻种族隔离为目的的吉姆·克劳法(Jim Crow laws)正在南方各州得以广泛实行。在该法案的实施中,亚洲人和黑人往往被放在一起,与白人进行区别对待和隔离。
By the time the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act was passed to prevent — for the only time in US history — all members of a specific ethnic or national group from entering the country, what's known as the Jim Crow laws were being implemented in the southern states to enforce racial segregation. In practice, this meant Asians and black people were often lumped together.
“在整个美国历史中,非裔和亚裔都是被损害、被种族化和污名化的两个群体。他们都是美国社会一切不满情绪的替罪羊。” 谢菲尔德三世如是说。
"We were both victimized, racialized and criminalized throughout US history, the whipping boys and girls of the American society," said Horace Sheffield III.
Yet during her appearance on a popular African-American radio talk show, Zia was forced to confront the anti-black racism within her own community, and to explain why Asian Americans weren't simply trying to "ride the coattails" of African Americans.
谢回忆说:“我们非常坦率地承认有必要教育我们的社区成员,让他们知道亚裔是如何从黑人争取民权的运动中受惠的。在陈果仁被杀一个世纪前的1882年,《排华法案》通过,当时这个法案最强烈的反对者之一就是美国黑人领袖、废奴运动领导者弗雷德里克·道格拉斯(Frederick Douglass)。”
 "We acknowledged very frankly the need to educate our community members on blacks' contribution to alleviating our pain," said Zia. "When the Chinese Exclusion Act was passed in 1882, a hundred years before the killing of Chin, one of its most vociferous denouncers was the great black American leader and abolitionist Frederick Douglass. "
“1965年后来到美国的绝大多数中国移民并不知道,他们能够来到这里,很大程度上要感谢黑人的民权运动:在华盛顿大游行发生后的两年内,美国国会通过了《民权法案》和《移民与国籍法》,而后者让《排华法案》成为了历史。” 谢说。
"And most of the Chinese immigrants who came after 1965 didn't know that they owed their very presence in this country to the black civil rights movement: both the Civil Rights Act and the Immigration and Nationality Act — the latter rendered the Chinese Exclusion Act obsolete — were passed within two years of the March on Washington."
"To those who asked where we were when the blacks were facing down police dogs and fire hoses, my answer was: 'We were there, we are there, we will be there'."
一个浮现在谢脑海中的名字是格蕾丝·李·博格斯(Grace Lee Boggs, 1915-2015,中文名陈玉平)。1953年,格蕾丝和她的黑人政治活动家丈夫詹姆斯·博格斯来到新兴的工业城市底特律。20余年后,从普林斯顿大学毕业的学生运动领袖谢汉兰也来到了这座城市, 以期了解“在美国心脏地带做一名美国人意味着什么” 。
One person she had in mind was Grace Lee Boggs (1915-2015) who, two decades before Zia the former student activist from Princeton University came to Detroit to "learn what it meant to be an American in America's heartland", arrived at the burgeoning industrial city with her black political activist husband James Boggs.
“当时的政治理念是,底特律是工人所在的地方,也是社会活动家们应该去的地方。”多年后,格蕾丝,这位曾经的富有的中餐馆老板的女儿,对韩裔美国纪录片导演格蕾丝·李(Grace Lee)如是说。她们的名字完全相同——这也是这位韩裔导演最初对她的故事产生兴趣的原因。
"Politics of the time said Detroit is where the workers are. That's where you need to be," the daughter of a rich immigrant Chinese restaurateur told Korean-American documentary filmmaker Grace Lee, who was initially drawn to her story by their identical names.  
格蕾丝·李·博格斯在自传《为改变而生活》Living For Change的第一页写道:“如果我不是生为女性和华裔美国人,我不会很早就意识到这个社会有必要进行根本性的变革。” 
On the front page of her autobiography Living For Change, Grace Lee Boggs, recognized as a national Black Power figure of her time, wrote: "Had I not been born female and Chinese American, I would not have realized from early on that fundamental changes were necessary in society."
Back in the 1940s, it was her inability as a PhD-holding "Oriental" to land a decent job that led the young Grace Lee to live in a rat-infested basement in Chicago, which in turn brought her into contact with the black community for the first time. Later coming back home from her honeymoon with James Boggs, the couple had to sleep in their car since most motels refused to let black people in.  
United in love and struggle, the two went on to co-author many articles on the black movement and help found the all-Black Freedom Now Party in the 1960s, with Lee being its only nonblack member.
1963年8月,马丁·路德·金在华盛顿大游行中发表了他著名的“我有一个梦想”的演讲。而在两个月前,他带领12.5万人沿着底特律的伍德沃德大道(Woodward Avenue)行进,并向集会的参加者们讲述了他的“梦想”——“有一天,就在底特律……”。博格斯夫妇是这次活动的组织者之一。
Two months before Martin Luther King Jr made his iconic "I Have a Dream" speech during the 1963 March on Washington, he led 125,000 people down Woodward Avenue in Detroit and talked about his dream of "one day right here in Detroit". Grace and James Boggs were among the organizers of the event.
"I think she came to the African-American community and movement because it spoke to her as being both anti-capitalist and anti-racist while embracing the full humanity of a people," said Grace Lee the filmmaker." One black Detroiter told me that people were so accepting of Grace because she had brought her intellect, energy and organizing skills with her into the community at a time when black people were not seen as fully human and locked out of basic rights."
韩裔美国纪录片导演格蕾丝·李(右)与格蕾丝·李·博格斯。图源:LeeLee Films/Quyen Tran
在李于2014年拍摄的纪录片《美国革命者:格蕾丝·李·博格斯的进化史》American Revolutionary: The Evolution of Grace Lee Boggs中,主人公回顾了她早期的政治活动:“(从政治活动的角度)我对自己华裔美国人的身份并不敏感……因为那个时候华裔(亚裔美国人运动还没有出现。”
In Lee's 2014 documentary American Revolutionary: The Evolution of Grace Lee Boggs, the protagonist reflected on her early political activism: "I didn't think myself so much as Chinese American… because the Chinese (Asian) American movement hadn't emerged."
Yet far-reaching societal change was already afoot. By the end of the 1960s, anti-Vietnam War protests had rocked the US. Considered a fundamentally racist war by both black and Asian communities for the high death rate of black soldiers on the battlefield. 
年轻人纷纷加入了反战的行列:谢和她的高中同学们一起参加了抗议集会游行,而谢菲尔德三世则在底特律的肯尼迪广场(Kennedy Square)高呼反战口号。后者看到“和我在同一街区长大的人被装在尸袋里运回来了”。
And the US imperialism it embodied, the war saw Zia joining her fellow high school students in walkouts and Horace Sheffield III chanting anti-war slogans in Detroit's Kennedy Square. The latter saw "people I grew up with on my block coming back in body bags".
"Young people were rising up globally," said Zia, pointing to the revolutions that had swept across Asia, Africa and Latin America. In 1955, Indonesia hosted the Bandung Conference, where representatives from 29 governments of Asian and African nations including the People's Republic of China gathered to discuss matters of common concern, decolonization and economic development.
"At the time, China talked about support for African countries in a way that resonated with the black people in America. And it had an impact on our community," said Zia.
没有什么地方比美国西海岸更能感受到这种影响——那里是自19世纪初以来大多数中国移民的登陆地。1968年底至1969年上半年,代表黑裔、亚裔和拉美裔的学生团体联盟“第三世界解放阵线”(Third World Liberation Front)在加州的大学校园里举行了长达数月的罢课抗议活动,数百人被警察逮捕。最终,校方不得不作出让步,增加了对少数族裔学生的录取,并在美国大学里建立教授少数族裔历史文化的课程和学院。
Nowhere else was this impact more palpably felt than on the US West Coast, the landing place for most Chinese immigrants since the early 19th century. Between late 1968 and the first half of 1969, The Third World Liberation Front, a coalition of student groups representing black, Asian and Latin Americans, staged monthslong strikes on college campuses in California. These actions resulted in hundreds of arrests and, ultimately, more admissions for students from racial minorities and the establishment of ethnic studies in US universities.
在学生抗议活动的筹备过程中,加州大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley)成立了亚裔美国人政治联盟(Asian American Political Alliance),第一次赋予了这个群体一个明确的称谓——“亚裔美国人”。
During the buildup to the strike, the Asian American Political Alliance was founded at the University of California, Berkeley, giving birth to a new political and demographic category — "Asian Americans".
贺拉斯·谢菲尔德三世在陈果仁的墓地   图源:中国日报
20世纪80年代,在底特律亚裔和非裔美国人社区的共同努力下,陈果仁(Vincent Chin)的悲惨死亡终于引起了全国的广泛关注。凶手被联邦大陪审团以侵犯陈的公民权利起诉并被一审定罪。然而在二审中,凶手却被宣布无罪并最终释放。今年早些时候,为了纪念陈被害40周年,谢汉兰与谢菲尔德三世等人聚在一起。回首往事,谢菲尔德氏回忆起自己已故的父亲曾告诉他,“让别人和你站在一起的最好方式就是在他们需要的时候伸出援手”
In the 1980s, with the persistent efforts of the Asian-American and African-American communities in Detroit, Vincent Chin's tragic death finally garnered wide national attention. The killers were indicted by a federal grand jury, tried for violation of Chin's civil rights, and convicted, but eventually acquitted. Earlier this year, to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the event which catapulted the Asian-American movement to a postwar high, Zia got together with Horace Sheffield III, who recalled how his late father told him that "the best way to get other people to join forces with you is to come to their rescue".
马丁·路德·金博士在华盛顿大游行  图源:维基共享资源
在谈到过去百年间亚裔和非裔美国人之间所发生的种种——包括合作与矛盾,谢氏引用了他父亲的朋友马丁·路德·金的话。这位黑人人权运动领袖曾表示他所倡导的非暴力抵抗(nonviolent resistance)的灵感来源是印度的国父圣雄甘地。
Reflecting on the long and tortuous history of Asian-black solidarity, with its own highs and lows, Horace Sheffield III turned to King, the visionary giant who had mesmerized him and who cited Mahatma Gandhi, that "little brown man" from Asia, as the ultimate inspiration for his nonviolent struggles.
"We must live together as brothers or perish together as fools."

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