


Most of us have heard the expression, “Leaders are not born, they are made”.While we are all born with different natural talents and abilities, the qualities which make someone a leader go way beyond what is inbred. There are matters of character, and skill, for instance, which compel people to want to follow in the footsteps of another.
While there are a variety of leadership practices andexpressions, there is something which all good leaders have in common: they are responsible.They do what they say they are going to do. They know how to shoulder burdens. They prove themselves to be trustworthy.

The family is the perfect place to raise leaders. We did not set out to make leaders of our children, but we did purpose to make them responsible.We placed a high value on our children keeping their word, and finishing their work on time, and picking up after themselves. We taught the older ones to help care for the younger ones. We taught them to set goals and work towards them. While we were by no means perfect in our efforts, the fruit of our resolve is that people have at times come up to us and commented that our children would do things that reflected this sense of responsibility, or

would take care of something or someone at times when others would not.
Now, as our children have grown, the habits we have taught them from young have had another byproduct that really was not in our minds when we were raising them. We taught them to be responsible, but at the same time we had prepared them to become leaders, each in their own unique way.