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LinkedKey Debate 教学
LinkedKey Debate采用BP(British Parliamentary)和WSS(World School Style)辩论规则进行教学。以拓展学生的知识结构为首要目的。教会孩子能够批判性地思考问题,并且有效地沟通问题。辩论给学生们提供了一个平台,来帮助他们掌握如何提炼和表达合理、连贯的论据。
LinkedKey Debate特色
我校通常建议G7及以上学生开始学习 Debate课程,以学期为单位学习。但随着越来越多的G7以下的学生拥有较强的学习能力和丰富的知识结构,我校建议G6开始可以尝试进行Debate的训练。
G2-G6的学生建议先进行Public Speaking的训练,掌握公众演讲的技能和攻克不敢公众演讲的心理,逐渐晋升到学习Debate或MUN的学习。
LinkedKey Debate教学方法系统,由Brent总教练带队统一分配教学任务,指派教练进行教学。课上分为基础教学和针对性Debate 练习两部分,教练在练习后会给予每一个学生练习表现反馈。随着级别的升高,基础教学和训练的比例会倾向后者。
LinkedKey Debate教学Level分级
我校Debate教学有清晰的分级制度,分为L1,L2,L3,L4,L4Adv, L5,WSS这几个级别。逐步培养孩子Debate能力,达到参加比赛或进入国家队的能力。任何升、降级都需要遵循老师的专业建议。
Level 1建议学习32个小时及以上,学期结束时必须能完成2-3分钟理据充分、观点准确的Debate表现。
Level 2建议学习32-64个小时,学期结束时必须能完成5分钟理据充分、观点准确的Debate表现。
Level 3可以跟随我校Debate代表队出战各大辩论赛,积累比赛经验,对学生快速升级起到关键作用。
Level 4:可以尝试学习WSS辩论规则,对国际辩论规则进行了解。建议参加各大辩论赛。要求对不同知识领域的辩题都能够进行论述。
Level 4 Adv:可以学习WSS辩论规则。建议参加各大辩论赛及专业程度较高的比赛,学生也会逐渐在众多比赛中崭露头角。教练对学生的课堂表现表现更为严格。
Level 5:学生已经具备丰富的知识结构,部分学生也具备参加国家辩论队的能力。建议学生学习WSS的课程,以掌握更国际化的辩论能力。
WSS: 对WSS规则进行专项训练与学习,需要学习或达到我校L4及以上水平要求的学生才可报名参加
Debate Tournament
Debate作为一项公认的激发学生学习能力的竞技项目,被全世界知名大学所公认,各大学校及高中都会举办Debate Tournament。加拿大和美国更是举办最具影响力的比赛的国家。如:
Harvard Debate Tournament,
Cornell Debate Tournament,
Hart House Debate Tournament, 
Mcgill Debate Tournament, 
Queens Debate Tournament
EurOpen Debate 国际赛事等等
【喜报】2020 Queen's Debate获得Junior组冠军
EurOpen Debate欧洲公开赛,LinkedKey代表队成绩亮眼
【喜报】恭喜我校学生进入Debate Team Canada
【喜报】McGill Debate Tournament获得优异成绩
【喜报】2019 Western Debate 决赛会师,McGill Bonanza Debate 比赛成绩优异
【喜报】2019 Hart House High School Debate Championship 闯入半决赛,再夺好名次
LinkedKey Debate教学师资
LinkedKey Debate教学组在教学主任兼总教练Brent S.教练的带领下,云集多位来自不同领域的Debate精英。每位老师接受Debate训练多年均曾在各大Debate大赛中获得过极优秀的成绩。在Brent教练的统一安排下,认真、严格执行教学任务及安排发挥每位Debate教练所擅长的领域。
Brent S.
Brent has been teaching and competing at debate tournaments for more than 9 years. As a debater, Brent competed for Western University and the University of Toronto, achieving multiple speaker awards and tournament victories in different debate styles both in Canada and abroad. Brent has taught and trained debaters of all ages, ranging from students as young as grade 6 to some of the best university debaters in Canada and the United States. As a debater and instructor, Brent has a wide range of experience in debate and is well respected in the high school and university debating circuits throughout North America.
Chris B.
Chris B. is a long-time member and former president of the University of Waterloo Debate Society. He graduated from UW with a degree in Philosophy and a minor in Economics. As a debater, he was a Central Canadian Semifinalist and a North American University Debating Championships quarterfinalist. He broke at numerous other competitions as a competitor as well. 
As a judge, he has served on the adjudication cores of Seagram, Leger, and Mac Pro-Am. He has also broken as a judge at HHIV, BP Champs, and numerous other majour North American tournaments.Chris has experience training and giving feedback to high school and university level debaters for more than 6 years.
DJ is coach and former assistant coach of Indian Debate Team. As a debater,he has represented Indian Debate Team to attend multiple Debate Tournement around the world in 2016-2018.
He was the first ever English as a Second Language speaker to be adjudged best speaker in the world in 2018. 
In 2019,he helped Indian Debate Team to win The Champion of 2019 WSDC(World School Debate Championship).
Jenny H.
As a White Oaks Debate Executive, Jenny has coached students of various age groups through summer workshops and year-round team meetings on various formats of debate and public speaking. She has also advanced to many out-rounds in debate including the Harvard World Schools Invitational and the Hart House High School Debate Tournament at University of Toronto.
Matt T.
Matt is a product of the University of Toronto's English, Philosophy, and Sociology programs, he is well versed in multiple writing disciplines and carries a long tradition of high standards and strong results into the classroom. Matt has taught students of all ages and skill levels how to elevate their written work, inspiring a passion for writing that his students carry with them through post secondary education and into their professional lives. His expectations are high but fair, Matt goes to great lengths to adapt his lessons to accommodate the needs of individual students and ensure their success, through patience and persistence he instills in his class not just a love of writing, but also the discipline required to do it well.
Melissa G.
Debate Coach at LinkedKey. Having been a competitive debater for 7 years, her accomplishments include having finalled at NAW*DC in 2019 (North American Women and Gender Minorities Debating Championship), semifinalling at CP Nationals in 2019 and winning novice NAUDC in 2017 (North American University Debating Championship). She also serves as a debate coach at a private Toronto High School for the past year, helping students to improve in tab rankings by over 100 spots each. Melissa is also very passionate about English, spearheading an English tutoring program at her high school, and winning the award for Writer's Craft for her creative writing.
TianZhi Y.
Tianzhi Yang (pronounced tan-zee) graduated from the Schulich School of Business with a degree in Business Administration and has been debating for over 8 years. She was the former President of York Debate Society and was on the White Oak’s Debate executive team. As a debater, she has broken at numerous university debate competitions at University of Toronto, McGill, Queens, and more. During her time at YDS she has served as the Tournament Director for York’s High School Debate Tournament and the Canadian High School Women’s Debate Championships.
LinkedKey 领先教育介绍
LinkedKey领先教育是GTA西部地区唯一一家以Debate(学术辩论)、MUN(模拟联合国)、Mock Trial(模拟法庭)、DECA(商业辩论)、English(阅读写作)教学及竞赛为基础,STEM(Science、Technology、Engineering、Math竞赛)相结合。既培养孩子Critical Thinking(判断性思维)又强化学生逻辑思维能力的学习社区。

夏季课程 7月-8月
电话: (647)-872-6111
地址: 3300 Ridgeway Dr #11, Mississauga, ON
邮箱:[email protected]
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