译者 | 刘燕霖  中国人民大学 PPE
一审 | 晏世伟  北京大学 LL.B.
二审 | 孙济民  上海交通大学 法律硕士
编辑 | 玦   珮   范德堡大学 LL.M.
责编 | 陈宣颖   西南政法大学本科
Inside the Agency Class Action 
作者:Michael Sant'Ambrogio & 
Adam S. Zimmerman
Federal agencies in the United States hear almost twice as many cases each year as all the federal courts. But agencies routinely avoid using tools that courts rely on to efficiently resolve large groups of claims: class actions and other complex litigation procedures. As a result, across the administrative state, the number of claims languishing on agency dockets has produced crippling backlogs, arbitrary outcomes, and new barriers to justice.
A handful of federal administrative programs, however, have quietly bucked this trend. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has created an administrative class action procedure, modeled after Rule 23 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, to resolve “pattern and practice” claims of discrimination by federal employees before administrative judges. Similarly, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has used “Omnibus Proceedings” resembling federal multidistrict litigation to pool common claims regarding vaccine injuries. And the Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals—facing a backlog of hundreds of thousands of claims—recently instituted a new “Statistical Sampling Initiative,” which will resolve hundreds of common medical claims at a time by statistically extrapolating the results of a few hearing outcomes.
然而,少数联邦行政机构已经在逐渐改变这一趋势。平等就业机会委员会仿照《联邦民事诉讼规则》第23条创建了一个行政机构集体诉讼程序,用于在行政法官面前解决联邦雇员遭遇“模式和实践”(pattern and practice)歧视时的索赔问题。同样,美国国家疫苗损害补偿计划(VICP)也采用了类似于跨地区诉讼的“综合程序”(Omnibus Proceedings)来集中处理有关疫苗伤害的共同索赔。目前已积压数十万起索赔案件的医疗保险听证会和上诉办公室最近制定了一项新的“统计抽样倡议”,提出可以通过对一些听证结果进行统计推断,一次性解决上百件普通的医疗索赔案。
This Article is the first to map agencies’ nascent efforts to use class actions and other complex procedures in their own hearings. Relying on unusual access to over forty agencies—including agency policymakers, staff, and adjudicators—we take a unique look “inside” administrative tribunals that use mass adjudication in areas as diverse as employment discrimination, mass torts, and health care. In so doing, we unearth broader lessons about what aggregation procedures mean for policymaking, enforcement, and adjudication. Even as some fear that collective procedures may stretch the limits of adjudication, our study supports a very different conclusion: group procedures can form an integral part of public regulation and the adjudicatory process itself.
Cops and Pleas: Police Officers’ Influence on Plea Bargaining
作者:Jonathan Abel
Police officers play an important, though little-understood, role in plea bargaining. This Essay examines the many ways in which prosecutors and police officers consult, collaborate, and clash with each other over plea bargaining. Using original interviews with criminal justice officials from around the country, this Essay explores the mechanisms of police involvement in plea negotiations and the implications of this involvement for both plea bargaining and policing. Ultimately, police influence in the arena of plea bargaining—long thought the exclusive domain of prosecutors—calls into question basic assumptions about who controls the prosecution team.
Ban the Address: Combating Employment Discrimination Against the Homeless 
作者:Sarah Golabek-Goldman

This Note presents a study of obstacles to employment faced by homeless job applicants and offers potential solutions. Homeless job applicants confront discrimination when they provide the address of a shelter or do not have an address to provide on applications. Advocates should seek to protect homeless job applicants by encouraging businesses, nonprofits, and government agencies to provide homeless applicants with addresses or P.O. boxes. Most significantly, the proposed “Ban the Address” campaign would discourage employers from inquiring about an applicant’s address or residency history until after granting a provisional offer of employment. Advocacy efforts such as these can serve as a foundation for successful legal claims under new homeless person’s bills of rights, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. This Note explains why requesting residency information might be deemed illegal under both state and federal causes of action. A combination of both legal and nonlegal tactics has the best chance of permitting homeless job applicants to obtain employment and to regain self-sufficiency.
本文对无家可归者所面临的就业障碍进行了研究,并提出了可能的解决方案。当无家可归的求职者在申请表中填写收容中心的地址或者不填写任何住址时,他们就会面临歧视。“禁止地址”(Ban the Address)运动的支持者应当设法保护无家可归的求职者,鼓励企业、非营利组织和政府机构向无家可归者提供地址或邮政信箱。最重要的是,雇主在确认是否给予申请者工作机会之前,他们将被禁止询问申请人的地址或居住历史。诸如此类的支持政策可以作为根据新的保护无家可归者的权利法案、《民权法案》第七章和《美国残疾人法》成功提出索赔的政策基础。本文进一步解释了为什么根据州和联邦的诉讼原因规定,要求提供居住信息可能被视为违法。法律和非法律策略的结合是允许无家可归的求职者获得工作机会并重新实现经济独立的最好方案。