上海美国中心 | Shanghai American Center
Self-awareness, EQ, and self-discovery
时间:6月2日,周四,19:00 – 20:30
Time:  Thursday, June 2, 19:00 – 20:30
参与方式:登录Zoom客户端输入会议号 16015840305
Online access: You can join Zoom app using Meeting ID 16015840305 
你是否常常经历自我怀疑、易怒、或对日常活动感到无趣?是否在一些社交场合中感到焦虑?上海美国中心邀请您6月2日19:00参加一小时的在线讲座和半小时的问答环节,由专业领先的Susanna Ma女士与大家分享有关自我发现和自我探索、以及如何应用情绪智慧以实现内心和谐的内容。
Do you often experience self-doubt, anger easily, or have less interest in daily activities? Do you have anxiety in social situations?  On June 2 at 19:00, the Shanghai American Center invites you to attend a one hour virtual lecture by leadership professional Susanna Ma on self-discovery and self-exploration of how to embrace emotional intelligence to achieve inner harmony.
The event will be conducted in Chinese followed by Q&A.
Susanna MA 是一名促进创意合作(Facilitating Creative Collaboration)的认证导师,同时也是Points of You®认证的大师级教练培训师。她创办的G0ttago,致力于开发人的职业及个人发展潜力,采用创新型培训方法提升个人和组织的领导力和创新力。她善于使用创意学习工具和共创理论,并在开发学习发展策略、设计领导力发展项目及其他培训项目方面积累了丰富的经验。她曾于2017年参加过美国国务院国际访问者领导力项目。
Susanna Ma is an Accredited Facilitator in Facilitating Creative Collaboration and a Points of You® Level 4 Certified Master. She is also the founder of G0ttago, an organization dedicated to professional and personal development potential using innovative training methods to empower leadership and creativity individually and collectively. Susanna has gained a great deal of experience developing learning and development strategies and designing leadership development and other training programs utilizing creative learning tools and co-creation methodology.  She is also a 2017 alumna of the U.S. State Department's International Visitors Leadership Program.  