更多 7EDU 讲座来啦!
讲座 Webinar - 7EDU 青少年创业营免费公开课(YEP)
5月28日,周六,美西时间晚 5 点,Zoom,英文。
在硅谷,如何从小学习创业?7EDU 团队将介绍,非常受家长和学员欢迎的创业营,如何培养孩子的创业精神和商业嗅觉,如何提高独立思考能力、分析能力、讲演能力,以及团队协作能力。从小对创业感兴趣的硅谷孩子一定要来听!!!
7EDU 青少年创业营 2022 暑期班
7/5-14,10天,全天,硅谷线下教室,Grade 6-12。
只有 7月营还在招生,报名从速!
报名公开课和暑期创业营,请联系 7EDU 顾问老师微信 Marketing7edu,注意 M 需大写。
“I‘m very surprised that my daughter was so excited to attend the YEP winter camp. She learned a lot and loves to listen to all the CEO speakers sharing their experience. I asked her to stay home for the last day of camp, but she said she has to be there. It's a team work and she really wanted to present their work to everyone. I'm really happy and thank you that 7EDU gave her a chance to attend this YEP winter camp.”  
“It was a great camp and I’m sure that my son has learned a lot even though he could only do it online and didn’t participate in person.” 
“I appreciate that you and the 7EDU team were able to challenge my daughter out of her comfort zone – she volunteered for a leadership position –  I did not see that coming! Their presentation deck also looks super professional (minus the ‘non-existing’ fancy product prototype).
I knew from her own recounts that she enjoyed the overall camp experience, especially the connection and friendship she made with the teachers.”
更多创业营介绍,请见 7EDU 原创 在硅谷中心,从小学习创业

7EDU 时尚设计夏令营
Grade 5-11,6/20-24,线下教室,Cupertino, CA
点击下面视频,看 Sarah 老师介绍课程,以及以往学生精彩作品!
报名请联系 7EDU 顾问老师微信 Marketing7edu,注意 M 需大写。

7EDU 大学申请文书暑期工作坊 2022 
College Application Essay Essentials Workshop
7/16, 7/23, 7/30, 周六 4-6 PM,美西时间
小组课+5小时 1 对1 辅导

PSAT/SAT/ACT 最新标化考试备考攻略讲座视频
7EDU 创始人 Jun 老师以及 Dr. Yan
为大家深入解析,PSAT/SAT/ACT 考试与评分结构,以往案例分析。
什么是最佳考试时间?哪一个更适合孩子?SAT、PSAT 先考哪一个?如何备考?如何掌控答题节奏和时间?十几年备考培训精华都在这里!
划重点 - 不需要反复考试 2 次以上刷分!!!

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Online SAT/ACT 诊断考试和模拟网络考试开放预约!
欢迎报名网上模考和 7EDU 备考暑期营!


报名 7EDU 青少年创业营公开课 Webinar