你可能会说吉列尔莫·庞斯(Guillermo Ponz)是科学界的怪物猎人,即使他本人认为“怪物”这个词并没有真正抓住他的研究主题。庞斯说:“它们都是普通动物,只不过经历了不同寻常的发育阶段,最终长出了你预期之外的身体结构。”

Two-Headed Worms Tell Us Something Fascinating about Evolution
You might say that Guillermo Ponz
 is a scientific monster hunter–even though he thinks that term, “monster” never really captured his subjects right. 

Guillermo Ponz: So they're regular animals that have gone through different developmental processes that would end up building a body, that is not what you expect.
Papp: What this researcher based in Madrid, Spain, actually loves, is the oddly amazing animals. After all, he studies two-headed worms.
Ponz: We have these worms that are usually regular worms like with one head and one tail, that's normal, but sometimes they may have two heads or two tails. And on the other side, there are worms, which have one head and many tails always. 
Papp: Officially, he looks at bifurcated annelids, meaning things like earthworms that have come out of their larval stage with two heads, or spontaneously sprouted two tails, or ... some other combination of mixed up appendages.  
We know that certain species, like some salamanders and insects, have the ability to regrow appendages in a time of need. But there's this one phylum of worms, the annelids, that can re-grow unlike anything else that we've ever seen in the kingdom. 
Their segmented bodies, like an earthworm with rows of ringed compartments, help them easily regrow a new head or tail at the first sign of trouble. 
Or even crazier, they can regrow an entirely new right side of their body if sliced in half. 
Ponz: … worms that do these crazy things that are very weird, very, you know, very, very strange things that these worms should not, quote-unquote, should not do. 
Papp: Once Ponz started studying the anatomically death-defying lengths to which these worms would go to grow and survive, he was totally pulled in. 
And he realized that he and his team weren’t the first to be fascinated. Ponz found that there was a golden age of research on “monster creatures” during the 18th and 19th centuries...[full transcript]

Ponz‐Segrelles, G., Ribeiro, R. and Aguado, M., 2021.
 reveal patterns: bifurcated annelids and their implications for the study of development and evolution.
Biological Reviews
, 97(3), pp.896-922.

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