1990 年 1 月 31 日,美苏冷战拉开近半个世纪后,苏联第一家麦当劳在莫斯科市中心的普希金广场开业。成千上万的苏联人从各处潮水般涌来,在店门口排起了一个几公里长的队伍,人们在冰天雪地中等待了 6 个小时,只为尝到第一口“西方的味道”。麦当劳全球首席执行官克里斯·肯普钦斯基后来回忆道,“经过近半个世纪的冷战仇恨,普希金广场上方闪耀的金色拱门为许多人预示着铁幕两侧新时代的开始。”
然而,这个时代似乎即将落幕。2022 年 5 月 16 日,麦当劳正式宣布决定退出俄罗斯市场。这个曾经承载着激动人心的历史使命来到此地的金拱门,如今在新的阴影之下黯然离场。成千上万名俄罗斯民众再次来到麦当劳门口排起长队,这一次,是为尝到最后一口“西方的味道”。
我们先来看美国国家公共电台 NPR 的报道:
It was seen as a concrete sign of the thawing of the Cold War, of Russia's progress at a time when it was part of the communist Soviet Union, and of the arrival of a new gateway to the West.
sign 就是指具有特殊意义的符号或迹象,means a mark or shape that always has a particular meaning。比如,这是经济复苏的确切迹象:It's a sure sign of economic recovery.
thawing thaw 的动名词形式,thaw 本义表示冰雪的消融,引申义就是指变得友好放松,means to become friendlier or more relaxed。比如,报告显示敌对双方的关系可能在缓和:The report shows that relations between the two enemies may be thawing.
再来看财经媒体 CNBC 如何表达“标志”:
Two months after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, McDonald's — the very symbol of Western capitalism — opened its first store in the Soviet Union.
1989 年柏林墙倒塌两个月后,麦当劳作为西方资本主义的象征,在苏联开设了第一家门店。
symbol 就表示标志、象征,means a sign, shape, or object that is used to represent something else。比如,鸽子是和平的共同象征:The dove is a universal symbol of peace.
《纽约时报》则用了 icon 这个词:
After more than three decades in Russia, McDonald’s — an icon of U.S. lifestyle and capitalism — has put its Russia business up for sale as it works to leave the country completely.
在俄罗斯经营了三十多年后,象征着美国生活方式和资本主义的麦当劳 ,已将其俄罗斯业务挂牌出售,准备彻底离开这个国家。
icon 的原义是图标,在这里就指标志、象征,means a a symbol of a particular thing。比如,只有玛丽莲被证明是经久不衰的时尚偶像:Only Marilyn has proved as enduring a fashion icon.
The departure of McDonald’s from Russia is particularly notable given its arrival was emblematic of a rush among Western companies in the 1990s to enter the country, seeking to profit from its move from communism to capitalism.
麦当劳从俄罗斯的离开尤其值得注意,因为它当初的到来象征着 1990 年代西方公司争相进入该国,寻求从共产主义向资本主义的转变中获利。
emblematic 就表示象征的、标志(性)的,means representing a particular person, group, or idea。比如,剑象征着通过暴力获取的权力:A sword is emblematic of power gained by violence.
它还有个近义词是 symbolic,比如彭博社在报道中就用到这个词:The departure carries huge symbolic as well as economic weight. 麦当劳离开具有重大的象征意义和经济意义。
Russians line up for final Big Mac ahead of McDonald's exit
路透社的标题可谓是画面感十足。exit 在这里不是我们熟悉的那个“安全出口”,而表示离开、退出,means the act of leaving something。比如,他看到埃玛匆匆而来又匆匆离去:He saw Emma arrive and made a quick exit.
exit 作动词也有离开、退出之意,像华尔街日报的标题就写道:
McDonald's to Exit From Russia After Three Decades
注意这个标题中有一个省略现象:McDonald's (is) to exit from...,be to do sth.就表示即将做某事。省略谓语、冠词等虚词的做法在新闻标题中十分常见,因为新闻标题讲究言简意赅,要尽量将最多的信息压缩在最短的长度中。
The world's largest burger chain is rolling down the shutters in Russia after more than 30 years, becoming one of the biggest global brands to leave following Moscow's actions in Ukraine.
30 多年后,这家全球最大的汉堡连锁店将在俄罗斯关门歇业,是莫斯科在乌克兰发动军事行动后,退出俄罗斯市场的最大全球品牌之一。
shutter 就是商店的卷帘门,roll down the shutter 就是指拉下卷帘门,这里也就是对关门歇业的形象表达。
顺提一嘴,后半句中的 leave 作为标题 exit 的同义替换,也是我们最熟悉的“离开、退出”之意。
McDonald's Quits Russia as Country’s Isolation Increases
quit 在这里作动词,就表示停止、离开,means to stop doing something or leave a job or a place。比如,我们决定是时候离开这座城市了:We decided it was time to quit the city.
下文中,彭博社用到 pull out of 来进行同义替换:
McDonald's said it will pull out of Russia after more than 30 years of operation in the country, stepping up the corporate response to the invasion of Ukraine.
在俄罗斯经营了 30 多年之后,麦当劳对俄乌战争做出进一步反应,表示将从俄罗斯撤出。
pull out of 就是指退出、撤出,means to extract or to quit。比如,世界银行应该退出这个项目:The World Bank should pull out of the project.
后半句的 step up 也值得一提,意思是加紧、加强、加快,means to increase the amount, speed, or intensity of something。比如,我们会逐步加强宣传工作:We will step up publicity efforts progressively. 这里 stepping up the corporate response 指的是早在今年三月份俄乌冲突初期时,麦当劳就已经在俄罗斯暂停营业,所以这次彻底退出,被称为“进一步”反应。
财经媒体 CNBC 的用词则更为专业:
McDonald’s closures in Russia cost the fast-food giant $127 million in Q1  
closure 就是指企业或组织停业、关闭,means the fact of a business, organization, etc. stopping operating。比如,许多老人将会受到图书馆关闭的影响:Many elderly people will be affected by the library closures.
McDonald's exit ends a chapter in the U.S. company's history that began when it started serving its burgers in Russia as a symbol of American capitalism.
chapter 就是书本中章回、篇章。end a chapter 就表示结束了某个阶段或时期。和 ta 相关的还有一个短语 open a new chapter,表示开启新的篇章。
NPR 则用了比 end a chapter 更宏大的短语 end an era:
The hamburger chain's departure will end an era that began in January of 1990, when, after much anticipation and fanfare, McDonald's opened its first store in Moscow's Pushkin Square.
汉堡连锁店麦当劳的离开将结束一个始于 1990 年 1 月的时代,当时在万众期待和大肆宣传之下,麦当劳在莫斯科的普希金广场开设了第一家门店。
sign; symbol; icon; 
emblematic; symbolic
leave; exit; quit; pull out of
end a chapter; end an era