Activist investors are becoming tamer
昔日牛夫人 今朝小甜甜 
Business | Schumpeter
Activist investors are becoming tamer
昔日牛夫人 今朝小甜甜 
They must not become extinct
“When we go at ’em,” Carl Icahn growls, proudly, “we go at ’em.” After decades as chief executives’ number-one tormentor, the 86-year-old’s disdain for them has softened only a tad. “I wouldn’t call them buffoons,” he told Schumpeter recently, “but, with many exceptions, they are in way over their heads.” Mr Icahn continues to browbeat managers for poor performance. As The Economist went to press he was in the final throes of a fight with Southwest Gas, a utility. His gripes are broadening, too. This month and next he will seek to oust directors at McDonald’s and Kroger over the treatment of sows. Yet Mr Icahn also considers himself a vanishing breed. “Activism is dying,” he laments.
该到我们进攻的时候卡尔·伊坎(Carl Icahn)傲骄地咆哮道,就全力进攻。” 几十年来,卡尔·伊坎一直是最折磨首席执行官的人,如今,这位86岁高龄的老人对他们的蔑视也只是稍有缓和。 “我不会称他们为傻蛋,他最近对笔者说道,但这些人也太自不量力了,当然也有不少人能搞定。” 伊坎继续因业绩不佳而严斥管理者们。就在本期《经济学人》付印时,他正与西南天然气公司进行最后的厮杀。而他的不满也不止于此。因为在母猪待遇问题上的分歧,他计划在这两个月设法罢免麦当劳和克罗格(Kroger)的董事。然而,伊坎也认为像他这样的人渐趋灭绝。 “激进主义正在消亡,他哀叹道。
1. go at: attack someone
2. If you call someone a buffoon, you mean that they often do foolish things.
Not on paper. In the first quarter of the year activists launched 73 campaigns, the busiest three months since Lazard, an advisory firm, began keeping track in 2014. This week Bluebell, a newish activist fund based in London that made its name last year by ousting the boss of Danone, a struggling French yogurt-maker, set its sights on Saint-Gobain, another icon of France sa. Still, Mr Icahn has a point. Activism isn’t what it used to be.
Activist investing, simply defined, involves buying a stake in a company, then pushing for change. Activists might urge a firm to boot out its boss or sell a subsidiary, say, in the hope of driving up the share price. Mr Icahn became an activist to correct what he deems a broad failing of corporate boards to oversee management. “I’m no genius,” he says, “but I made billions and billions of dollars from this crazy system.”
简单地说,激进投资就是购买一家公司的股份,然后强烈要求推动变革。激进投资者可能会敦促企业解雇其老板或出售子公司,希望以此推高股价。伊坎认为企业董事会在监督管理方面普遍存在不足,而他之所以成为一名激进投资者,是为了纠正这一问题。 “我不是天才,他说,但我从这个疯狂的系统中赚了数十亿美元。”  
In making their billions and billions, activists would pair financial acumen with ferocious insults, hurled mostly at companies but sometimes also at each other. After Bill Ackman of Pershing Square, a hedge fund, bet against Herbalife, Mr Icahn invested in the multilevel marketing firm. In a notorious televised spat between the two of them in 2013, Mr Icahn called Mr Ackman a “crybaby” and declared, “I wouldn’t invest with you if you were the last man on Earth.” Activists’ open letters to firms are only slightly more temperate. “Years of value destruction and strategic blunders”, Daniel Loeb of Third Point, another fund, wrote to one boss in 2005, “have led us to dub you one of the most dangerous and incompetent executives in America.” In 2018 Third Point’s quest to sack the board of Campbell Soup included a video in which the company’s famous jingle morphed from “mmm, mmm, good” to “mmm, mmm, BAD”.
激进投资者们在赚得盆满钵满的过程中,除了展现出金融方面的敏锐性之外,也少不了激烈的骂战。大多数情况下他们会对企业无礼谩骂,但有时也会互相攻击。在对冲基金潘兴广场(Pershing Square)的比尔·阿克曼(Bill Ackman)做空康宝莱(Herbalife)之后,伊坎投资了这家多层次营销企业。2013年,阿克曼和伊坎在电视节目中上演了一出人尽皆知的骂战,伊坎称阿克曼是个哭唧唧的宝宝并声称:就算这世上只剩你一个人,我也不会和你一起投资。而激进投资者们写给企业的公开信也只是稍显克制。2005年,另一家对冲基金第三点(Third Point)的丹尼尔·勒布(Daniel Loeb)曾致信一位老板称:鉴于常年以来的市值暴跌以及战略失误,我们认为你是全美国最危险、最无能的总裁之一。”2018年,第三点基金要求撤换金宝汤(Campbell Soup)董事会的公开信中有一段视频,将该公司有名的广告旋律“mmm, mmm, good”(嘛嘛嘛,真好吃)改为“mmm, mmm, BAD”(嘛嘛嘛,真差劲)。
注:multilevel marketing: 多层次营销(Multilevel marketing 简称为MLM),又称倍增式市场(学)业务、结构行销(Structure marketing)、多层次直销(Multilevel direct selling)或多层次传销,是直销行业规模扩大后的一种行销模式,发源于20世纪的美国。多层次推销获取销售奖金的方式有二:第一,可以经由销售产品及服务给消费者而获得零售奖金;第二:他们可以自直属下线的销售额或购买额中赚取佣金,也可自直属下线之再下线组织的总销售额中赚取佣金。
For CEOs, such antics pose a headache at best, requiring expensive lawyers, bankers, proxy advisers and public-relations gurus. Targeted bosses have occasionally struggled to keep their cool. In 2017 Arconic, an industrial firm, faced a campaign from Paul Singer’s Elliott Management. Klaus Kleinfeld, Arconic’s chief executive, wrote a letter alluding to a raucous trip to the World Cup and suggesting that Mr Singer might have performed “Singin’ in the Rain” in a fountain. Mr Kleinfeld resigned soon after.
对于首席执行官而言,这些荒腔走板的行为顶多让他们头痛一阵,找一些出场费高昂的律师、银行届人士、代理顾问和公共关系专家就可以解决问题。但被针对的高管们偶尔也会失去风度。2017年,工业企业奥科宁克(Arconic)遭遇了保罗·辛格(Paul Singer)旗下埃利奥特管理公司的舆论冲击。对此,奥科宁克的首席执行官克劳斯·克莱因菲尔德(Klaus Kleinfeld)写信影射2006年世界杯期间辛格的柏林之旅,并暗示辛格此行聒噪,可能曾在公共喷泉里唱《雨中曲(Singin’ in the Rain)》。不久后克莱因菲尔德就辞职离去。
In the past few years such altercations have grown rarer. That is partly because there are plenty of newcomers who lack the old guard’s abrasive ways—even if some, such as Politan or Mantle Ridge, were founded by alumni of the veteran funds. First-time activists accounted for 25% of the campaigns launched in the first quarter, according to Lazard, up from 17% in 2019. But some veterans, too, are mellowing with age. In March Mr Ackman declared that his firm had retired permanently from activist short-selling, which he called the “noisiest form of activism” (unsurprising, perhaps, given his volatile record on such gambles). Elliott has built a buy-out arm, so it can take companies private rather than simply badgering them in public. In March it helped lead a consortium to acquire Nielsen, a data company, for $16bn.
过去几年里,这样的冲突大戏变得越发罕见。部分原因在于很多新兴投资基金缺少老一派掌门人粗暴生硬的投资手段——即便有些基金(诸如PolitanMantle Ridge)也是由老牌基金里出来的人成立的。根据拉扎德的数据,由新晋激进投资者发起的投资活动从2019年的17%上升至今年第一季度的25%。但一些投资老手,随着年岁见长,作风也逐渐温和。今年3月,阿克曼表示潘兴基金永远不再激进卖空。他将激进卖空称为激进投资中最喧嚣的一种形式,鉴于他对此方面的喜忧参半的战绩,这种言论或许并不令人意外。埃利奥特管理公司建立了控股收购部门,以便收购公司而非仅仅掀起大众舆论攻势。今年3月,以埃利奥特管理公司为首的财团以160亿美元收购了数据公司尼尔森(Nielsen)。
Activism is, in other words, becoming if not dull, exactly, then more subtle. Many activists are choosing to operate quietly, pushing a company’s board in private and preserving the ability to grumble in public if the board resists. “Several years ago, when activism was a narrow asset class, the personalities were as big a focus as the actual substance of the campaigns,” says Avinash Mehrotra of Goldman Sachs. Now Mr Mehrotra reckons that for every public campaign on which the investment bank advises a company, it is working on four to five times as many private ones. Politan’s campaign last year at Centene, a health insurer, had little press coverage before an agreement was announced to replace the firm’s boss and add new board members. In quiet campaigns, says another activist investor, the public sees no engagement followed by the “kumbaya” result. Even Mr Loeb has adopted a new tone. He wants Amazon to spin off its cloud business; in a letter in February he praised “Amazon’s talented and focused new CEO Andy Jassy”, seeming less inclined to kick Mr Jassy’s backside than to kiss it.
换言之,激进主义即使没有就此沉寂,也变得更加含蓄和世故了。许多激进投资者现在都选择低调行事,私下里向公司董事会施压,在董事会拒绝的情况下则一如既往地诉诸于公开抱怨。高盛(Goldman Sachs)的阿维纳什·梅赫罗特拉(Avinash Mehrotra)表示:几年前,当激进投资还只是一种不成气候的投资方式时,激进投资者本身与投资活动的实际内容一样都是关注焦点。现在,梅赫罗特拉先生估计,在高盛为企业提供咨询的投资活动中,非公开投资的数量是公开的四到五倍。Politan基金去年收购了健康保险公司Centene,在宣布更换该公司老板、引进新的董事会成员之前,几乎未见任何媒体报道。另一位激进投资者表示,在低调的投资活动中,公众不会看到过程中的交锋,只会看到一团和气的结局。就连勒布的论调也有所改变。他希望亚马逊剥离其云业务;在2月份的一封公开信中,他称赞亚马逊新任首席执行官安迪·雅西(Andy Jassy)专注而富有才华,似乎要补台而不拆台。
The risk of rewilding
Just as activists are becoming less confrontational, though, regulators are turning more so. Although America’s Securities and Exchange Commission (sec) is making it easier for investors to elect their candidates to corporate boards, in other ways the stock market watchdog is making activism harder. A new definition of a “group” would limit activists’ ability to make their case to other shareholders. Another rule would require quick disclosure of ownership of derivatives, which could push up the target’s share price, sapping the incentive to build a large stake. Tellingly, the proposals are supported by corporate lobbies such as the Business Roundtable. Elliott, in comments filed to the SEC, warned that the rules would “virtually shut down activism”.
然而,正当激进投资者收敛锋芒时,监管机构却更加咄咄逼人。尽管美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的规定让投资者更容易推选自己的候选人进入公司董事会,但在其他方面,其规定却让激进主义变得更加艰难。对投资者团体的新定义将限制激进投资者游说其他股东的能力。另一项规定要求迅速披露衍生品的产权信息,这可能会推高目标公司的股价,削弱持有其大量股份的动机。在这些提议的背后,不难发现包括商业圆桌会议(Business Roundtable)在内的企业游说团体的身影。埃利奥特管理公司在提交给证交会的评论中警告称,这些规定将使激进主义寸步难行
That would be too bad. Research shows that activism lifts returns for activists and long-term value for other shareholders. Robert Eccles of Saïd Business School and Shivaram Rajgobal of Columbia Business School have told the SEC its rules would lead to “less value creation, worse governance, and more acrimony at public companies”. No one wants that—least of all the gadflies.
随之而来的后果非常严重。研究表明,激进主义不仅提高了激进投资者的回报,也提升了其他股东所获得的长期价值。牛津大学赛德(Saïd)商学院的罗伯特·埃克尔斯(Robert Eccles)和哥伦比亚大学商学院的希夫拉姆·拉杰戈帕尔(Shivaram Rajgobal)告知证交会,其规定将导致价值创造减少,治理质量下降,以及对上市公司的指责增多。没有人希望看到这种局面——尤其是那些讨人厌的激进投资人
Johnson,男,舞台上的Passion King

Neil,  男,外贸民工,经济学人铁粉

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