
这个团队,很可能在世界卫生组织的主持下工作,将保持永久的准备状态,随时准备应对发现的任何疫情。盖茨建议这个团队原则上被称为“全球流行病应对和动员团队”(Global Epidemic Response and Mobilization Team ,简称GERM),盖茨估计,GERM团队每年将耗资约10亿美元,它将被用于加强全球基础设施以抗击大流行。外交手段将发挥推动政府同意检测、监测和抑制潜在爆发的支出,并加强演习的作用。
Given all that we've been through,  it may seem surprising that I'm optimistic  that we can prevent the next pandemic.  
Here are the three areas where we have to invest.  
First, we need to make and deliver, much better tools.  Diagnostics are very important. Drugs that help you avoid getting seriously sick or dying. And finally, enough vaccines for the entire world  within six months of identifying the threat. 
Second, we need this global team.  I call it the GERM team,  the Global Epidemic Response and Mobilization team.  Stopping pandemics is what they're all about.  
Finally, we need to invest in health systems.  A lot of these health systems in the poor countries  are not very strong today.  If we invest in them,  we can improve the health in those countries every year.  But we can also make sure they’re capable  of doing the disease surveillance.  
We need to be able to see outbreaks at their earliest stage.  If we do these things now,  we'll have a world that's prepared  and can prevent pandemics.

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If we make the right investments, we won’t need to live
in fear of another COVID.
We can build a health system that is ready to stop outbreaks before they go global.
Here is how it should work.
Epidemiologists will detect suspicious clusters of a disease that could cause a pandemic.
A global team of 3,000 disease experts managed by the WHO, called the GERM team, will track the disease and share data and recommendations with governments.
Governments and pharmaceutical companies will work together to use factories all over the world to get unprecedented scale of diagnostics and vaccines very quickly.
We'll have an agreed protocol and we'll understand how to share the results globally.
Countries and the WHO will work in the best way to allocate these tools and to make sure that we have the logistics and delivery to get them to everyone who needs them.
The key to be ready for a potential pandemic is to practice.
This GERM team will work with each country to do GERM games, drills, where you see, are you ready, could you get the diagnostics out so we're ready to go when we see the outbreak.
Diseases are always going to spread among humans, but they don't have to become pandemics.
You can read more about this in my new book, How to Prevent the Next Pandemic.
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