
The tangible effects of global warming are already evident around the world, contributing to droughts that fueled forest fires in southern Europe and exacerbating hurricanes that devastated the Caribbean in 2017. But the impact of rising waters in the long term could be far more damaging.
在过去的二十年里,格陵兰岛的整体冰流失量急剧增加——从 1992 年至 2001 年平均每年流失 340亿吨至 2002 年以来每年约 2800 亿吨。(数据来源CNN)
Greenland’s overall ice loss has increased dramatically in the last two decades — from shedding an average of 34 gigatons per year between 1992 and 2001 to about 280 gigatons annually since 2002. (Source: CNN)
(这足以让地球上的每个人每天饮用 107 公升水......)
一些领先的气候科学家一致认为,到本世纪末,全球海平面至少会上升 3.2 英尺(1 米)——即使大幅削减二氧化碳排放量也不会逆转。这对于世界上许多沿海城市——从迈阿密到孟买,从纽约市到上海——以及以它们为家的人们来说,可能是灾难性的。(数据来源:CNN)
Some leading climate scientists agree that Earth is already locked into at least 3.2 feet (1 meter) of global sea level rise by the end of this century — a projection that even drastic cuts in carbon dioxide emissions won’t reverse. This could be disastrous for many of the world’s coastal cities — from Miami to Mumbai and New York City to Shanghai — and the people who call them home. (Source: CNN)
而在南极洲西部的边缘,坐落着世界上最不稳定的冰川,被一块浮冰阻止落入大海。气候科学家大卫·霍兰德(David Holland)将这块冰块(更正式地称为思韦茨冰架)描述为南极酒瓶的软木塞,侧放以固定葡萄酒,将佛罗里达大小的思韦茨冰川固定在适当的位置。如果冰架坍塌,思韦茨冰川中的水量将使海平面上升两英尺(约等于0.6米)。如果思韦茨的崩塌引发附近冰川的崩塌,全球海平面可能会上升 10 英尺。(约等于3米)(数据来源:绿色和平)这一切多就会发生呢?带着这些问题,欢迎您参与线上Zoom讲座:气候变暖对两极的影响。
On the edge of western Antarctica sits the world’s most unstable glacier, held back from falling into the sea by a slab of floating ice. Climate scientist David Holland describes this slab of ice — more formally known as the Thwaites ice shelf — as a cork in an Antarctic wine bottle lying on its side, securing the wine, or in this case, the Florida-sized Thwaites glacier in place. If the ice shelf were to collapse, the amount of water in the Thwaites glacier would raise sea levels by two feet. And if Thwaites’ collapse triggers the fall of nearby glaciers, global sea levels could rise by up to 10 feet. (Source: Greenpeace) How long will it take? With all this questions in mind, please join the online Zoom Lecture: Impacts of Climate Change on the Poles in a Warming World.
David Michael Holland发表了 100 多篇关于极地环境科学的同行评议文章。2000 年,他获得了美国国家科学基金会职业奖。2008-2013年间,他担任纽约大学Courant 研究院大气海洋科学中心主任。他同时担任纽约大学环境流体动力学实验室和纽约大学阿布扎比分校全球海平面变化中心的主任。2021 年他被选为美国地球物理学会成员。
David Michael Holland has published more than 100 peer-reviewed articles on polar environmental science. In 2000, he was awarded an NSF Career Award. He served as Director of the Center for Atmosphere-Ocean Science in the Courant Institute during 2008-2013. Since then he has become the Director of the Environmental Fluid Dynamics Laboratory at NYU New York and the Center for global Sea Level Change at NYU Abu Dhabi. He was elected a fellow of the American Geophysical Union in 2021.
应对气候危机从拜登政府执政的最初几天就已成为优先事项。拜登总统称美国在气候方面的领导力 “比以往任何时候都更加必要和紧迫”,并将气候变化直接置于“国家外交和国家安全规划的最前沿”。我们欢迎您持续关注气候变化线上讲座及系列活动。
Tackling the climate crisis has been a priority from the very first days of the Biden-Harris Administration. President Biden has called U.S. climate leadership “more necessary and urgent than ever” and placed climate change squarely “at the forefront of this Nation’s foreign and national security planning.”. We welcome you to continue follow our climate change series.