#English Study#What is the difference: Who and Whom. The use of 'who' and 'whom' is confusing for English learners as well as native speakers. ‘Who’ is usually used as a subject. For example: “Who is the youngest teacher?” ‘Whom’ is the object form of ‘Who’. Grammatically speaking, ‘Whom’ has the same function as other object pronouns, such as me, him, her, and them. For example: “There’s the man about whom I was speaking.”
。Who和Whom的用法对于英语学习者和母语是英语的人来说都很容易混淆。Who通常作为主语使用。例如:"Who is the youngest teacher?(谁是最年轻的老师?)" Whom是Who的宾语形式。从语法上讲,Whom与其他宾语代词的功能相同,如我(me)、他(him)、她(her)和他们(them)。例如:"There’s the man about whom I was speaking.(这就是我所说的那个人。)"

下面是一个小测试,哪一个选项是正确的呢?🧐 (答案在评论区哦)

Here is a test, which option is correct?🧐 (The answer is in the comments.)
Hundreds of millions of dollars of assistance has already gotten to surrounding countries that are caring for Ukrainians ____ have been displaced, ____ are refugees. (数亿美元的援助已经交付给了那些周边国家,这些国家在照顾那些流离失所成为难民的乌克兰人。)
正确答案是A, 你答对了吗?