For consumers, influencers are at once a walking advert and a trusted friend. For intermediaries that sit between them and brands, they are a hot commodity. For the brands’ corporate owners, they are becoming a conduit to millennial and Gen-Z consumers, who will be responsible for 70% of the $350bn or so in global spending on bling by 2025, according to Bain, a consultancy. And for regulators, they are the subject of ever closer scrutiny. On March 29th news reports surfaced that China’s paternalistic authorities are planning new curbs on how much money internet users can spend on tipping their favourite influencers, how much those influencers can earn from fans, and what they are allowed to post. Taken together, all this makes them impossible to ignore.
①For consumers, influencers are at once a walking advert and a trusted friend.
influencer 是由 influence 变化而来,指“有影响力的人”,文中指“网红”“大V”。此外,也可以直接用拼音 wanghong 表示,比如《经济学人》关于中国网红的一句报道:
Dedicated wanghong incubators, of which China now has around 50, seek out promising candidates and help them hone online business models.
或者用 Internet star/celebrity 表示,再看一个《经济学人》里的例句:
The fans are helping this new breed of Chinese internet star to monetise their popularity—and to shake up the country’s e-commerce industry in the process.
at once 在这里是个熟词僻义,大家都知道它“立即、马上”的意思,但在这里它表示“同时”,相当于 at the same timetogether,比如:
I can't do two things at once! 我不能同时做两件事!
Don't all talk at once. 不要同时发言。
文中 are at once... and... 就可以翻译成“既是...又是...”。
a walking advert 行走的广告,也可以翻译成“活生生的广告”。
②For intermediaries that sit between them and brands, they are a hot commodity.
intermediary 表示“中间人、中间商”,前缀“inter-”表示“在...之间、相互”,比如 inter-racial marriage 各种族间通婚,interface 界面,interaction 相互作用,international 国际。“mediary”跟 media(媒介)有关,所以合起来 intermediary 就是“中间人、中间商”的意思,比如淘宝店铺,它连接品牌和消费者,就属于 intermediary.
that sit between them and brands 是定语从句,修饰 intermediaries,其中 them 指上句出现的 consumers。
sit 不是“坐”的意思,而是“处于”,比如:
A large bus was sitting outside.
commodity 指“商品”,经济领域中的“大宗商品”,英文就是 commodities。
commodity 除了“商品”讲,还可以表示 a thing that is useful or has a useful quality 有用的东西,有使用价值的事物。a hot commodity 可以当成一个固定搭配积累下来,表示“热门事物、香饽饽”。《经济学人》中有篇文章讲到了数据的重要性,文中有句话就出现了这个表达:
On the one hand, the data they are scooping up from consumers are becoming an ever more prized commodity.
Tickets on trains out of the capital, Seoul, are a hot commodity too.
Vegetables in Shanghai have become a hot commodity.
③For the brands’ corporate owners, they are becoming a
consumers, who will
be responsible for
70% of the $350bn or so in global spending on
by 2025, according to Bain, a consultancy.

这句话有点长,我们先看主干:For the brands’ corporate owners, they are becoming a conduit to millennial and Gen-Z consumers
brands’ corporate owners 指“品牌的企业拥有者”,即“拥有该品牌的企业”,比如 ONLY、杰克琼斯、VERO MODA 是服装品牌(brands),这些品牌都归时装集团BESTSELLER所有(corporate owners)。
they 指的是 influencers “网红大V”。
conduit 本是指液体、气体、电线的“管道”,常引申为传递思想观点、金钱、武器、毒品的“通道”,用法为 be a conduit to/for,比如:
Pakistan became a conduit for drugs produced in Afghanistan.
文中 a conduit to millennial and Gen-Z consumers 意思是:连接千禧一代和Z一代消费者的渠道。
millennial 指“千禧一代”,根据维基百科,大部分媒体定义的 millennials 是指出生于1981 和1996之间的人,到千年期结束时达到成年年龄。“千禧一代”有时也被称为“Generation Y”,其父辈为“Generation X”(1965-1980年出生),有着独立、冷漠、物质主义、不负责任等特征。 
Gen Z 的年龄段众说纷纭,牛津高阶将其定义为 the group of people who were born between the late 1990s and the early 2010s,我们可以简单理解为1995-2010年出生的人,也就是95后和00后。
BBC 有篇文章报道了中国的“教育内卷化”现象,里面有句话就出现了 millennial 和 Gen Z:
The student was crowned as "Tsinghua's Involuted King", and the idea of involution began trending across China's young generation, resonating especially with millennials born after the 1990s and Gen Z.
写作中,我们就可以用 millennial 和 Gen Z 来替换 young people,使表达更新颖。
至此,文中 For the brands’ corporate owners, they are becoming a conduit to millennial and Gen-Z consumers 这句话的意思就很好理解了:对品牌的企业所有者来说,网红大V成为连接千禧一代和Z一代消费者的渠道。
millennial and Gen-Z consumers后面加了一个定语从句,对这一群体作进一步介绍:who will be responsible for 70% of the $350bn or so in global spending on bling by 2025
be responsible for 在这里不是“对...负责”的意思,而表示 if something is responsible for a change, problem, event etc, it causes it “是...的原因、成为...的起因”,看两个例句:
The floods were responsible for over a hundred deaths.
Cigarette smoking is responsible for about 90% of deaths from lung cancer.
因患肺癌而死亡者,约 90% 是吸烟所致。
当 be responsible for 后面加百分比时,也可以翻译成“”,因此第二个例句也可以翻译成:
the $350bn or so 指“3500亿美元左右”,or so 是“大约”的意思,看一个《经济学人》关于“疫情对经济影响”的例句:
Year-long lockdowns would cost America and the euro zone a third or so of GDP.
a third or so of GDP:大约1/3的GDP。
the $350bn or so in global spending 意思是“全球消费的3500亿美元左右”,spending on bling 指“奢侈品方面的支出/消费”,合起来 the $350bn or so in global spending on bling 就是:全球奢侈品消费的约3500亿美元。
注意这两个介词:「钱+in」表示“在...方面/领域的多少钱”,「spending on sth」指“某商品上的开销”。
bling 这个词很有意思,平时我们看到亮闪闪的东西会说“这东西 bling~bling~的”,因此这个词可用来指那些闪亮昂贵的“珠宝、首饰”,文中泛指“奢侈品”,可以替换 luxury。《老爸老妈浪漫史》中就出现过这个词:
Where'd you get the bling, Robin?
who will be responsible for 70% of the $350bn or so in global spending on bling by 2025
④And for regulators, they are the subject of ever closer scrutiny.
subject 此处不是“学科”,而是指“对象”(不是你以为的那种对象,而是指批评、学习、调查的对象)
Over the past few years, some of the positions he has adopted have made him the subject of criticism.
He's now the subject of an official inquiry.
scrutiny 指 careful and thorough examination “仔细审查”,2021年6月的六级真题中就出现过这个词:
Just as the environmental harm caused by aviation and other transport must come under far greater scrutiny, the social cost of tourism must also be confronted.
come under scrutiny = be the subject of scrutiny = be scrutinized 受到审查。
我们还可以从真题例句中提炼出一个写作句型:Just as..., ...also... “正如...,...也需...”,可用来进行类比,比如关于体育锻炼的话题,我们可以说:
Just as the engine needs to be run at regular intervals, the body also needs regular exercise.
Just as the environment was not polluted overnight, the route forward is also by many small steps, beginning with the garbage-recycling program.
文中 they are the subject of ever closer scrutiny 的意思是:网红成为愈加严格的监管对象。
⑤On March 29th news reports surfaced that China’s paternalistic authorities are planning new curbs on how much money internet users can spend on tipping their favourite influencers, how much those influencers can earn from fans, and what they are allowed to post.
这句话的主干是:On March 29th / news reports surfaced
On March 29th 交代了时间:3月29日。
surface 作名词是“水面”的意思,作动词则表示“浮出水面”,进一步引申为“出现、暴露”,看几个例句:
The paper says the evidence, when it surfaces, is certain to cause uproar.
The emotions will surface at some point in life.
The same old problems would surface again.
文中 news reports surfaced 的意思是:新闻报道出现了。
新闻报道的内容是什么?news reports 后面加了一个同位语从句,补充“新闻报道”的内容:that China’s paternalistic authorities / are planning new curbs on / how much money internet users can spend on tipping their favourite influencers, how much those influencers can earn from fans, and what they are allowed to post.
paternalistic authorities 指“家长作风的机构”,paternalistic 源自 parent 一词。
plan curbs on...意思是“计划对...进行限制”,比如“双减政策”:The authorities are planning curbs on private education companies.
文中 planning new curbs on 后面跟了三组并列成分,分别是:
1)how much money / internet users can spend / on tipping their favourite influencers
2)how much / those influencers can earn from fans
3)what they are allowed to post
1)句中,internet users can spend / on tipping their favourite influencers 是 money 的定语从句,我们还原成句子的形式是:internet users can spend / the money / on tipping their favourite influencers
tip 作名词是“小费”,这里作动词表示“给小费”,在文中语境下可以翻译成“打”。
3)句中,post 可用在社交媒体语境中,作名词表示“推送、动态”,作动词表示“发布消息”,what they are allowed to post 意思是:网红被允许发布的内容。
On March 29th news reports surfaced that China’s paternalistic authorities are planning new curbs on how much money internet users can spend on tipping their favourite influencers, how much those influencers can earn from fans, and what they are allowed to post.
⑥Taken together, all this makes them impossible to ignore.
taken together 可用在句子开头,作状语,表示“整体来看、综合来看”,写作中可用来总结。
For consumers, influencers are at once a walking advert and a trusted friend. For intermediaries that sit between them and brands, they are a hot commodity. For the brands’ corporate owners, they are becoming a conduit to millennial and Gen-Z consumers, who will be responsible for 70% of the $350bn or so in global spending on bling by 2025, according to Bain, a consultancy. And for regulators, they are the subject of ever closer scrutiny. On March 29th news reports surfaced that China’s paternalistic authorities are planning new curbs on how much money internet users can spend on tipping their favourite influencers, how much those influencers can earn from fans, and what they are allowed to post. Taken together, all this makes them impossible to ignore.