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MCS 设计的人工智能驱动的 MRI 造影剂
AI-Driven Robotic Design of MRI Contrast Agents
梅隆科学学院 (MCS)的科学家使用 PSC 的 Bridges-2 系统创建了一个“人工化学家”,这是一个模仿人类化学家专业知识的计算机程序。人工智能(AI)程序,或算法,能够指导自动化实验室合成新的造影剂,供医学 MRI 成像。得益于人工智能,相比于往前最先进的人类设计材料,新的造影剂的信噪比将高出 50%。这种性能的提升提供了改进诊断的可能性, 以及帮助其他依赖新化合物的领域实现可能突破。
Using PSC’s Bridges-2 system, scientists at Mellon College of Science (MCS) have created an “artificial chemist,” a computer program that mimics the expertise of human chemists. The artificial intelligence (AI) program, or algorithm, is capable of directing an automated laboratory to synthesize new contrast agents for medical MRI imaging. The new contrast agents, thanks to the AI, have a ratio of signal to noise as much as 50 percent higher than previous state-of-the-art, human-designed materials. This performance boost offers the possibility of improved diagnosis as well as a host of possible breakthroughs in other fields relying on new chemical compounds.
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Harper 因编程语言的贡献获奖
Harper Honored for Contributions to Programming Languages
计算机科学系的教授 Robert Harper 获得了 2021 年 ACM SIGPLAN 编程语言成就奖,以表彰他对该领域的重大而持久的贡献。

Harper 自 1988 年一直在 CMU 任教,该组织不仅是认可他在类型论方面的基础工作,和其在现代编程语言的设计、规范、实现和验证中的应用,还肯定了他的指导经验。Harper 有诸多有影响力的成果,包括 Typed Intermediate Language (TIL) 编译器系统,以及 “Programming in Standard ML” 和 “Practical Foundations for Programming Languages” 这两本书的出版,这些成果都将继续且持续影响着编程语言的教学。
Robert Harper, a professor in the Computer Science Department, has received the 2021 ACM SIGPLAN Programming Languages Achievement Award in recognition of his significant and lasting contributions to the field.

The organization recognized Harper, who has been on the CMU faculty since 1988, not only for his foundational work in type theory and its use in the design, specification, implementation and verification of modern programming languages but also for his mentorship. Harper's influential work includes the Typed Intermediate Language (TIL) compiler system, along with the books "Programming in Standard ML" and "Practical Foundations for Programming Languages," which continue to impact the teaching of programming languages.
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翻译 / 编辑 / 排版:方楠 Christine Fang
