在牛年结束,虎年重新开始之际,我想祝大家身体健康,万事如意。自疫情开始以来已经过去了 2 年,虽然这段旅程仍然崎岖不平,但我们对未来充满希望,相信很快的这一切就会结束。
Dear Alums,
As we end the year of the Ox and start fresh with the year of the Tiger, I want to wish everyone good health and a prosperous year ahead. It has been 2 years since the beginning of the pandemic, and whilst this ride remains bumpy, we are hopeful that we will get through this together.
2021 年的回顾与反思
对于深圳校友会来说,2021 年是自 2019 年 1 月成为正式分会以来的第二个年头。最初是由20位朋友成立的吃饭群,现在变成了近 200 人的校友群。大家紧密分享想法,互相开玩笑,并一起成长。虽然在这个时候,一起吃饭不是件容易事,但我们会在群里分享信息,互相碰撞想法,并在适合的情况下共进一餐。
(注:深圳校友会是大中华区最年轻的校友会之一。我们的校友平均年龄为 26 岁)
However, when we reflect on the year of the Ox, we felt that the pandemic has led us to embrace change, and through our efforts, we have all emerged from the pandemic stronger than before. We have heard many stories of alums raising new funding for their companies, with their co-founder also being alums either they went to school with or met in their past careers. We have also heard many stories of alums moving to Shenzhen or Southern China in pursuit of a new role at major tech companies in the world or starting something of their own, whether it is a new company or even a blog. These moves have made them grow, flourish and become stronger in a time of change.
For the Shenzhen Chapter, 2021 also marks the 2nd since we became an official chapter in January 2019. What started out as a group of 20 friends who decided to create a group and meet up occasionally, has become a near 200-person group of close alums that share ideas, joke with each other, and grow together. Whilst meeting in person may be difficult at times, we share ideas online in our chat groups, and when possible, meet for lunch or dinner.
(Fun fact that you may not know – the Shenzhen chapter is one of the youngest chapters in Greater China - on average our alums are 26 years old)
As we head into the year of the Tiger, we started to ask ourselves: How do we further grow our community?
2021 年的回顾与反思
因此,在担任会长两年后,我决定卸任并让新的会长接任。在咨询了许多校友之后,我们最后邀请了吴梦皎 Claire (Heinz 2014) 担任下一任会长。我们很高兴她决定接任这个角色。
As Chapter President, how to grow the community was something that I have thought long and hard for the past year, and I've consulted my mentor and friends on their experience when it comes to this. The conclusion was clear: It’s time to embrace change. 
Hence after 2 years as the chapter president, I have decided to step down and pass the baton. After consulting many alums, we have invited Claire Wu (Heinz 2014) to be the next chapter President. We are pleased that she has decided to take on the role.
关于 Claire
Claire 于 2014 年毕业于 CMU 的 Heinz 学院,获得公共政策和管理硕士学位。她是中国领先的人工智能创业独角兽——追一科技的战略总监。她以前在知名银行和风险投资基金工作,并多年专注在技术领域。
Claire 在大中华地区的校友圈非常活跃。她是深圳校友会的创始成员之一。在过去 2 年,她带领举办了多次聚会,获得校友们的赞赏及踊跃参加。Claire 也代表 CMU 与世界领先大学的校友会建立了牢固的关系。我相信在 Claire 的带领下,校友会将继续发展壮大。
“感谢大家的信任并给与我这个机会成为下一任会长。我很高兴能担任这个新角色,并期待在未来与更多校友合作。自 2019 年以来,将校友会扩大 5 倍是一次非常激动人心的旅程。在后续的未来,我们也希望不断发展校友会,也期待大家以及加入我们!”
Claire 将继续与林桂民(SCS2011)和陶源(SCS2012)合作,他们两位都继续担任副会长的职位。
Claire graduated in 2014 from the Heinz School with a M.S. in public policy and Management. She is a Strategy Director at ZhuiyiTechnology, a leading AI startup unicorn in China. She previously worked at leading financial institutions and venture capital funds with a specialization in the technology sector. 
Claire is not an unfamiliar face. She is one of the founding members of the Shenzhen Chapter. She led multiple meetups in the past years that were well-attended by alums. Claire also represented CMU and fostered strong relationships with local chapters of leading schools. With Claire leading the chapter in the coming years, I am confident that the chapter will continue to grow and flourish. 
Claire said: “Thank you everyone for the opportunity to be the next Chapter President. I am very excited to take up this new role and look forward to collaborating with more alums in the future. It has been a very exciting journey to scale the chapter 5x since 2019, and we are looking for ways to grow the chapter. We welcome everyone to join us in this initiative!”
桂民于 2011 年毕业于 CMU 计算机学院,获得硕士学位。他是多次创业者,自 2012 年以来在教育领域创立了多家初创公司。他目前是领先的跨境电子商务平台的联合创始人之一。
 “我很开心能够与 Andy、Claire 和陶源一起创立校友会并在短短期间扩大校友会的规模。我们为此感到自豪。期待新的校友能够加入我们,共同建设整个校友会!”
Guimin graduated with a Master of Science from the School of Computer Science in 2011. He is a serial entrepreneur and founded multiple startups since 2012 in education. He is currently one of the co-founders of a leading cross-border e-commerce platform. Guimin is also one of the founding members of the chapter.
Guimin said: “Working together with Andy, Claire, and Yuanto scale up the chapter has been an amazing journey. We built the chapter just like we have built a new company and we are proud of it. The work is not done yet – join us and build this together!” 
陶源于 2012 年毕业并获得计算机科学学士学位。他目前是德迅投资的投资副总裁。德迅投资是由腾讯联合创始人之一曾李青创办的领先风险投资公司。陶源有多年的创业经验,并专注于教育领域。
Yuan graduated in 2012 with a B.S in Computer Science. He is currently Vice President of Investment at Decent Capital, a leading venture capital firm started by Jason Zeng, one of the co-founders of Tencent. He previously had several years of startup experience with a focus on education. Yuan is also one of the founding members of the chapter.
Yuan said: “As a lifelong learner and tech enthusiast, it has been a pleasure to work with everyone to leverage our learnings to grow the chapter. I look forward to contributing to the alumni community and growing together. I invite everyone to join us on this journey!”
至于我呢,我将继续留在校友会中,并以一个校友的身份,持续支持校友会的发展。如果你刚好在深圳或香港,欢迎与我联络 —— 我很期待与您见面并听取你的故事。
同时,深圳校友会也正在招募新的小伙伴加入校友会团队,有兴趣的人欢迎找Claire/桂民/陶源聊一下。有兴趣的小伙伴可以添加 Claire 微信号 15510336057 联络。
For me, I’m not going anywhere. I will continue to remain part of the community as an alumnus and to support it in any way. If you happen in Shenzhen or in Hong Kong, feel free to reach out to me – I look forward to hearing your story.
李柏纬 Andy Lee
DC / Tepper 2010
2022. 01. 28
翻译 / 编辑 :李柏纬 Andy Lee
排版:方楠 Christine Fang
