UCLA数学教授Richard Wong分享会
本次panel 我们UCLA联萌科研就帮大家请到了目前在UCLA任职的Adjunct Professor -- Richard Wong,直接和我们本科生同学沟通交流,让大家可以了解真实的硕博之路,机会难得,快点保存好会议链接和时间!
  • What mathematics research is and looks like?
  • Pros and cons of graduate studies in mathematics.
  • advice for undergraduate students, and sharing his path through academia
panel中,Richard教授也会给大家中间休息的时间和很多提问时间,请大家珍惜这次机会,ask tons of questions!
Richard Wong 教授介绍
    I am an Assistant Adjunct Professor in Mathematics at UCLA. I'm part of the algebraic topology group, and my mentor is Mike Hill. I received my Ph.D. in 2021 from the University of Texas at Austin, where I was advised by Andrew Blumberg. Previously I was an undergraduate at Rutgers University, where I graduated in 2015 with highest honors in mathematics and a minor in cognitive science. 

    My research interests are in computations in (equivariant, stable) homotopy theory. For example, I apply the computational methods of homotopy theory to answer questions about the modular representation theory of finite groups. 
    Teaching and communicating mathematics is an important part of my mathematical identity, and I value the impact that I have as an educator. It is for this reason that I am committed to inclusive and equitable teaching that affirms and empowers students.
    Similarly, I have been involved with a number of outreach efforts. I am committed to actively promoting and supporting diversity, inclusivity, and equity in mathematics. I believe that in order to make mathematics more accessible and inclusive for all, one must actively work to break down the systemic barriers that exist due to ace, gender, socio-economic background.
Fall 2021 Instructions:
Math 32A & Math32AH
Summer 2021 instruction:
Organized an online series of Summer Minicourses, along with Arun Debray, Amy Li, and Saad Slaoui.
美西时间  1/25 周二 6 pm - 7 pm

美东时间  1/25 周二 9 pm - 10 pm
北京时间  1/26 周三 10 am - 11 am
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