外媒报道,《老友记》“Gunther”扮演者James Michael Tyler因癌症不幸去世,享年59岁!
James Michael Tyler, an actor beloved for his portrayal of Gunther on “Friends,” died of prostate cancer on Sunday morning, his manager confirmed to Variety. He was 59.Tyler died peacefully in his Los Angeles home.
James Michael Tyler,在《老友记》中扮演Gunther而深受喜爱的演员,周日因癌症不幸去世,享年59岁。泰勒在洛杉矶的家中平静地去世。
“Michael’s loved ones knew him as an actor, musician, cancer-awareness advocate and loving husband,” his manager said in a statement. “Michael loved live music, cheering on his Clemson Tigers and would often find himself in fun and unplanned adventures. If you met him once, you made a friend for life.”
随后《老友记》官方推特发文悼念:“华纳为失去James Michael Tyler而哀悼,一位深受喜爱的演员,也是‘老友记’大家庭不可或缺的一部分,我们与他的家人、朋友、同事和粉丝同在。”
The actor was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer in September 2018. Tyler shared his story earlier this year, becoming a campaigner for individuals with prostates to get a first blood test as early as 40 years old.
2018年9月,James Michael Tyler被诊断患有晚期前列腺癌。泰勒在今年早些时候分享了他的故事,他成为一名倡导者,呼吁患有前列腺疾病的人在40岁时进行首次血液检测。
Tyler was most well-known for his performance as Gunther, a worker at the Central Perk cafe who reserves an unrequited love for Jennifer Aniston’s Rachel, on the wildly popular NBC sitcom “Friends.” Dubbed by fan as “the seventh ‘Friend,'” the actor was a series mainstay, first appearing as a background character in the second episode of “Friends” and returning as a guest star across the remainder of its 10-year run. He is the most frequently recurring guest star across the series.
Beyond “Friends,” Tyler’s acting credits stretch back to 1992, including series like “Sabrina the Teenage Witch,” “Scrubs” and “Modern Music.” While undergoing treatment, he continued to perform, starring in two short films — “The Gesture and the Word” and “Processing” — which earned him best actor awards at several domestic and international film festivals.
James Michael Tyler最出名的是NBC情景喜剧《老友记》中饰演中央咖啡馆的工作人员Gunther,他喜欢詹妮弗·安妮斯顿的瑞秋。影迷称他为“第七个‘老友记’”,在《老友记》第二集中首次以背景角色出现,并在其10年的剩余时间里以客串明星的身份回归。他是整个系列中最经常出现的客串明星。
许多热爱《老友记》的粉丝都称“甘瑟”是剧中的第七个“老友”,今年HBO Max上线《老友记》重聚特别节目,许多剧中演员均惊喜回归,唯有Tyler缺席只是通过视频连线,最后经媒体证实他正接受治疗。