#English Study#Media Literacy:Pundit. Pundit is an expert in a particular subject or field who is frequently called on to give opinions about it to the public. In the US, you can find pundits talking on TV almost any time. However, Sunday mornings have historically been a time when these experts go on network TV to talk about the issues of the day. When and where do you see pundits talking about issues where you live? 

Do you want to improve your English skills? Do you want to learn more about media literacy? If you are an English language learner and you answered "yes" to these questions, then this self-paced course is for you. Enrollment for the English for Media Literacy MOOC is open through December 17th. Visit https://www.openenglishprograms.org/MOOC to enroll today.#AmericanEnglish#
Pundit 指的是某一特定主题或领域的专家,经常被要求向公众提供有关意见。在美国,你几乎随时都可以看到专家评论员们在电视上讲话。但一直以来,周日上午才是这些专家在网络电视上谈论时事的专属时间。在你生活的地方,你通常会在什么时间及哪里看到专家们谈论时事和问题?
你想提高你的英语技能吗?你想了解更多有关媒体素养的信息吗?如果你是一名英语学习者并且你对这些问题的回答为“是”,那么这门自定进度的课程就很适合你。英语媒体素养慕课(MOOC)一直到 12 月 17 日都开放注册。今天就访问 https://www.openenglishprograms.org/MOOC 来报名吧!#AmericanEnglish#