Leader perfectionism—friend or foe of employee creativity?
Locus of control as a key contingency
主 讲:刘  知(北京大学光华管理学院)
主 持:刘瑞明(中国人民大学国家发展与战略研究院)
时 间:2021年10月20日(周三)15:30-17:00
地 点:中国人民大学崇德西楼(原科研楼A座)815会议室
This research aims to explain whether leader perfectionism toward employees fosters or hinders employee creativity. From a self-regulation perspective, we theorize that depending on employees’ locus of control, leader perfectionism can influence two regulatory states of employees (i.e., engagement and emotional exhaustion) linearly or curvilinearly, which in turn affect their creativity in opposite directions. In a lab experiment and a multisource, multiwave field study, we found that for internals, leader perfectionism had a curvilinear effect on their engagement (but no effect on emotional exhaustion) and subsequent creativity such that the effect was positive but became weaker when leader perfectionism was extreme. By contrast, we found partial support across the two studies that for externals, leader perfectionism had a positive effect on their emotional exhaustion (but no effect on engagement), which undermined their creativity. We discuss the theoretical contributions of this research and its practical implications for organizations.
刘知,北京大学光华管理学院助理教授,美国哥伦比亚大学商学院管理学博士。主要研究兴趣包括组织文化与规则、组织道德与公平、 领导特质和行为、创造力和创新等 。在管理学和心理学等领域的国际和国内一流学术期刊发表多篇论文,包括Academy of Management Journal, Annual Review of Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Research in Organizational Behavior, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Asian Journal of Social Psychology, Academy of Management Best Proceedings及《南开管理评论等》。在一流国际会议上承担论坛召集人并报告论文20余篇。主持并参与多项国家自然科学基金青年、面上和重点项目 。