嘉宾|Patrick Xiong,某知名美资所Associate;加州法律评论编辑(California Law Review)
采稿&审校张旭东,UCB LL.M.
                 张   超,杜 伦 LL.M.
编辑|Caramel, 西北LL.M.
问:回顾Law Review经历,对自己之后的专业学习或工作起到了怎样的帮助?
Q: In retrospect, how did your experience regarding Law Review help you with your later professional studies or career life?
1. Law Review是一块职场敲门金砖
Law Review的经历对求职帮助很大。因为雇主清楚,大多数Law review在招人时会通过写作竞赛用blind grading的机制进行筛选,而且Law Review对成员写作能力的要求较高; 加上两年时间的工作和训练,所以雇主通常会很认可Law Review经历,也会觉得Law Review成员有较强的工作能力。有的雇主还会在简历筛选时把这项经历特别圈出。自己在Law Review工作期间,在editing和writing方面得到的训练较多。有些成员会发表notes或者评论近期案例,也是一种让简历出彩的方式。
Law review experience is highly valued in the job hunting process. Employers know that most law reviews select their members through a write-on competition using a blind grading mechanism. As such, strong writing skills are required for membership on a law review. In addition, employers expect law review members to be more competent coming out of their two-year exposure to cutting-edge legal scholarship as journal editors. Some employers even highlight law review experience specially when sifting through resumes. During my stint on the law review, I received a lot of training in editing and writing. Some other members will publish notes or comments on recent cases and legislations, which often becomes a resume line that makes them stand out.
2. Law Review是不同文化的发声筒
同时,与Law Review的同事交流中发现了一个有趣的现象。很多同学是为了public interest而参加Law Review。由于Law Review的编辑都是在校学生,因此学生有权决定教授文章的发表与否。他们则希望通过自己不一样的经历和背景,让Law Review呈现、刊发更多样化的话题。比如Race, LGBT, Women就是典型的例子。
I also noticed that many students who pursue careers in public interest are motivated to join the law review to advance their cause. It is worth mentioning that law reviews are students-run organizations and that they have the final say on which articles get published. Members who come from various backgrounds therefore often strive to present and publish more diverse topics, such as race and racism, LGBT, and women’s rights.