译者 | 杨洁 剑桥大学 LLM
         王诗凡 北京大学国际法学院 JM&JD 
         王潇 隆德大学 LLM

审稿 | Ellen Chen Cornell LLM
      沈亦璋  GULC LLM
      Kristine BJTU LLB
      郑晨焕 WUSTL LLM

      邱天燊 爱丁堡 LLB

      曹炜嘉 WUSTL JSD
编辑 | Gary 詹远 UNSW JD
Policing the Emergency Room
译者:杨洁 剑桥大学 LLM
    A. Poor People in the ER 
    B. Police in the ER
    A. Discounting Medical Vulnerability
        1. An Acontextualized Approach to Privacy 
        2. Deference to General Police Investigation 
    B. Enlisting Medical Professional Assistance 
        1.Medical Professional Participation 
        2.Medical Professionals as Good Citizens 
    C. Possible Race-Based Policing
        1. Convergence in Safety-Net ERs
        2. Heightened Surveillance
        3. Pretextual Investigations
    A. Sanctuary in the ER Context
    B.Doctrinal Privacy Rooted in Sanctuary 
    C. Beyond Doctrine 
    D. Limits to ERs as Sanctuaries 
The problems of policing extend beyond the street and into areas of our lives that are often hidden from view. This Article focuses on how policing affects people in one such place where they are particularly vulnerable: the emergency room. It explores how the courts’ interpretation of the Fourth and Fifth Amendments has resulted in the criminalization of the emergency room. The ER is where people go when they are vulnerable and injured. ERs play a crucial “safety-net” function for those who do not have access to other types of medical care. Yet courts have interpreted the ER as an extension of the public street, generally permitting the police to engage in highly intrusive searches and questioning there. The doctrine cannot account for the unique characteristics of the ER and the medical vulnerability of patients. Further, police investigations in the ER are enhanced by the participation of medical professionals who have existing professional norms as well as their own history and current evidence of bias and discrimination. Finally, the courts’ treatment of the ER as an extension of the street raises the same concerns of racialized street policing because of the convergence of police and marginalized groups in safety-net emergency rooms. The presence of police in the ER has a particularly pernicious effect in emergency rooms that have large percentages of racial minority and poor patients. Especially in these ERs, the doctrine’s blind eye to medical vulnerability also renders invisible the race and class dynamics undergirding policing and access to healthcare. I conclude by suggesting that the reasonable expectation of privacy standard should incorporate considerations of medical vulnerability and medical privacy. Further, as we question the harm or necessity of police presence in communities, we should conceptualize ERs as patient sanctuaries to achieve a better balance between the rights of vulnerable patients and public safety. 
作者:Hiroshi Motomura
译者:王潇 隆德大学 LLM
    I. LOOKING OUTWARD....... 2797
        A. Foreign Affairs .......2798
        B. The Parole Power ....... 2799
        C. The Suspension Power ....... 2800
        D. International Immigration Power .......2802
    II. LOOKING INWARD .......2804
        A. Beyond “Conventional Wisdom” .......2805
        B. Discretion, Delegation, and the “Shadow System” ...2808
        C. Familiar Answers, New Questions .......2810
    III. LOOKING AHEAD .......2814
        A. Controlling Presidential Power .......2815
        B. Reducing Presidential Power .......2819
        C. Beyond the Domestic to the International .......2822
        D. Reimagining Limits on Presidential Power .......2826
    I. 域外视角 .......2797
        A. 外交事务.......2798
        B. 假释权.......2799
        C. 暂停的权力.......2800
        D. 国际移民的权力.......2802
    II. 域内视角.......2804
        A. 超越“传统智慧”.......2805
        B. 自由裁量权、授权和“影子系统”.......2808
        C. 熟悉的答案,新的问题.......2810
    III. 展望未来.......2814
        A. 控制总统权力.......2815
        B. 削减总统权力.......2819
        C. 从国内到国际.......2822
        D. 重构对总统权力的限制.......2826
The book’s analytical architecture has two dimensions. The first is temporal. Cox and Rodríguez look back at the past and ahead to the future. Their retrospective explains how presidential immigration power evolved from the late eighteenth century through its great expansion in the late twentieth century (pp. 17–46) to its current scope. The book also looks ahead to the future, exploring reforms that can mobilize the virtues of presidential power while curbing its vices (pp. 238–47). 
The second dimension of The President and Immigration Law is geographical. Cox and Rodríguez show how Presidents have exercised their immigration power outward — at the border and beyond. Relying on several federal statutes, Presidents have sometimes opened the border to certain newcomers and at other times barred certain others. Cox and Rodríguez also show how Presidents have exercised their power over immigration inside the United States, especially through domestic immigration enforcement. The source of this power is not specific statutes but rather a massive immigration enforcement system marked with vast discretion to deport noncitizens, or to leave them be (pp. 79–130).
Part I of this Review examines the book’s historical account of presidential immigration power as it operates internationally at the border and beyond. This account is a very valuable part of Cox and Rodríguez’s analysis. Part II assesses the book’s treatment of presidential power in the context of domestic enforcement. Here, Cox and Rodríguez find new, broader meaning in arguments and analyses that may seem familiar. Part III concludes by suggesting why and how the future of presidential immigration power will most likely return to its international origins more than Cox and Rodríguez acknowledge. In the future, the most significant presidential decisions in responding to migration will probably not be domestic. They are more likely to be outward-facing decisions that influence the conditions that cause people to migrate, not just from their countries of origin but also through countries of transit to the United States and other destinations.
译者:王诗凡 北京大学国际法学院 JM&JD
The President’s pardon power is a near-blank check hidden among the Constitution’s checks and balances. Despite substantial hand-wringing about possible abuses of the power, scholars have almost entirely overlooked the most potent tool in the President‘s pardon power arsenal: the ability to attach conditions to clemency grants (the “conditional pardon power”). As a subset of the general pardon power, the conditional pardon power is assumed to be similarly ‘unfettered’, ‘plenary’, or ‘unlimited’. This cannot be correct.
If the conditional pardon power were truly “unfettered,” then the President could wield it for political advantage. He or she could pardon, and thereby re-enfranchise, thousands of convicted felons in key swing states upon the condition that they vote for his or her party in the upcoming election. Pardon recipients who failed to fulfill the condition would be thrown back in jail.
If the conditional pardon power were truly ‘plenary’, then the President could use it to replace a duly enacted penal scheme with one of his or her own choosing. Imagine Congress unanimously passed, over the President’s veto, a bill requiring jailtime for police officers who killed unarmed civilians with chokeholds. A President who preferred only limited civil liability could unilaterally impose a different penal scheme by pardoning all such officers upon the condition they pay the victim’s family a sum of money not to exceed $500.
And if the conditional pardon power were truly ‘unlimited’, then the President could impose horrifying conditions. He or she could pardon a healthy prisoner upon the condition that the prisoner donate her kidney to the President’s ailing cousin, or commute a death sentence upon the condition that the prisoner be strung up by his ankles and tortured in the Rose Garden for the First Family’s entertainment.
This Note’s examination of the conditional pardon power is valuable for a few reasons. First, the power is ripe for abuse. It could allow a norm-breaking President to infringe upon individual rights and, as perniciously, to undermine America’s separation of powers. Second, the original understanding of the conditional pardon power is sorely under developed. Given the increasingly originalist federal judiciary, the outcome of future conditional pardon cases could turn on the power’s original meaning. Finally, the conditional pardon power is underappreciated but not entirely neglected. America’s history books contain scattered instances of conditional pardons, some of which received scrutiny from the Supreme Court. History provides enough data points for this Note’s pardon power connect-the-dots to sketch an intelligible picture of the President’s conditional pardon power.
This Note concludes that the President’s pardons may not include conditions that deprive an individual of rights not already deprived by that individual’s conviction(or, in the case of preemptive pardons, rights that would have been deprived by a guilty plea). This internal limitation is externally reinforced by the Due Process Clause. This Note’s historical and constitutional arguments should inform judges faced with conditional pardon cases. Whatever disagreements may arise over this Note’s descriptive account of the conditional pardon power’s limits, the examination of risks from unfettered conditional pardons commends to future administrations the wisdom of prudential limits.
Part I introduces the conditional pardon power jurisprudence. It begins by examining three cases showing that (1) English common law informs the President’s pardon power and (2) American courts oscillate between two distinct theories of the President’s pardon power. The first theory, which this Note dubs the ‘merciful-contract’ theory of pardons, envisions pardons as a private act between President and pardon recipient. By contrast, the ‘public-welfare’ theory understands pardons as an instrument of the general welfare. This Part next describes two conceptions of the conditional pardon power: a ‘Broad Position’ that would impose no limits on the conditional pardon power and a ‘Narrow Position’ that insists on limits but fails to precisely define them.
Part II argues that the Broad Position cannot be correct. After establishing that the conditional pardon power poses unique danger to constitutional rights, it concludes that the English common law, the Framing, and structural inference from our constitutional system all suggest a conditional pardon power that is far from plenary.
Part III identifies this limit: pardon conditions may only divest rights already forfeited by dint of conviction. It explains the limit using examples before fitting it into the theoretical framework of the pardon power. Finally, this Part compares the identified limit with other proposals and situates it within constitutional theory generally. Part IV concludes.
-- United States v. Jones, 962 F.3d 956 (7th Cir. 2020).
-- 美国诉琼斯案,962 F.3d 956(7th Cir. 2020)
译者:杨洁 剑桥大学 LLM
In United States v. Booker, the Supreme Court invalidated the mandatory nature of the United States Sentencing Guidelines, restoring district court judges’ discretion to impose sentences anywhere within the statutory sentencing range.Booker invited both procedural and substantive appellate review of criminal sentencing, but subsequent decisions did not clarify the substantive review part of the equation. Today, appellate courts police district courts for adherence to procedural formalities but do little to promote substantive reasonableness in sentencing. Recently, in United States v. Jones, the Seventh Circuit vacated a district court’s sentence that significantly exceeded the range suggested by the Guidelines. However, the panel seemed to pave the way for the district court to impose the same sentence on remand, as long as it hewed more closely to procedural formalities. Jones illustrates the drawbacks of the post-Booker federal sentencing scheme. Even if procedural appellate review ensures that district courts provide an explanation for the sentences they choose, defendants are left vulnerable to district judges’ personal sentencing philosophies and subjective assessments, undermining sentencing uniformity and frustrating Congress’s ability to implement criminal justice reform.
在美国诉布克(United States v. Booker)案中,最高法院宣告《美国量刑指南》的强制性无效,恢复了地区法院法官在法定量刑区间内酌定量刑的自由裁量权。布克案允许对刑事量刑进行程序性与实质性上诉审查,但其后的判决并未厘清实质性审查的部分。如今,上诉法院监督地方法院遵守程序性手续,但对提高量刑中实质合理性的贡献微乎其微。近日,在美国诉琼斯案(United States v. Jones)中,第七巡回法院撤销了一个地区法院的判决,该判决大大偏离了《指南》中的建议量刑区间。然而,合议庭似乎为该地区法院发回重审后维持原判铺平了道路,只要其能更严格地遵守程序性手续。琼斯案揭露了布克案后联邦量刑体制的弊端。即便程序性上诉审查能够确保地区法院提供量刑理由,被告人仍会受到地区法官个人量刑哲学和主观评估的影响,损害量刑一致性,并削弱国会推行刑事司法改革的能力。
Deference to district court judges in sentencing is justified by their greater familiarity with the facts of the case and the personal characteristics of the defendant. But this deference comes at the cost of sacrificing “consistency and uniformity” in sentencing. True, the Guidelines still have considerable influence in the post-Booker sentencing scheme. About half of federal sentences fall within the Guidelines range, and appellate courts may freely presume that within-Guidelines sentences are reasonable. However, above-Guidelines sentences — even sentences, like the one imposed on Jones, that deviate widely from the Guidelines range — impact hundreds of defendants each year. Without substantive appellate review, these defendants are left without recourse even if procedural appellate review ensures that the justification provided by the district court checks the obligatory boxes. As long as the discretion of district court judges in sentencing remains constrained only by perfunctory, formalistic procedural review, offenders unlucky enough to be sentenced by a tough-on-crime district court will be unable to benefit from future criminal justice reform. 
Otto v. City of Boca Raton, 981 F.3d 854 (11th Cir. 2020).
—奥托诉博卡拉顿市,981 F.3d 854(11th Cir. 2020)
译者:杨洁 剑桥大学 LLM
Conversion therapy, also known as sexual orientation change efforts(SOCE), is the scientifically discredited practice of trying to change someone’s sexual orientation or gender identity. While the most appalling forms of conversion therapy have largely been abandoned, the controversial practice remains alive and well today, primarily through speech-based talk therapy. Today, half of the nearly 700,000 LGBTQ+ U.S. adults who have undergone conversion therapy received the treatment as children. In an effort to protect LGBTQ+ children, twenty states have passed ordinances banning licensed physicians from practicing conversion therapy on minors. These bans were aimed at minors, for whom the treatment is especially harmful because minors are typically pressured by family to participate.
Just days after California passed the first ban, multiple lawsuits challenging the ban’s constitutionality were filed. Each circuit that has reviewed these bans has upheld them, until now. Recently, in Otto v. City of Boca Raton, the Eleventh Circuit held that local bans on juvenile conversion therapy violated the First Amendment. In doing so, the Otto panel incorrectly categorized talk therapy as constitutionally protected speech when Supreme Court precedent would instead suggest treating it as speech only incidental to conduct, subject to lower scrutiny. The holding threatens to turn the First Amendment into a blunt weapon against all regulations aimed at professional conduct. 
仅在加州颁布第一项禁令几天后,多起挑战该禁令合宪性的诉讼便被提起。在此之前,每一审查过此等禁令的巡回法院均判决支持。近日,在奥托诉博卡拉顿市 (Otto v. City of Boca Raton)一案中,第十一巡回法院判决,地方禁止青少年接受转化治疗违反了第一修正案。基于此,奥托案的合议庭错误地将话疗视为宪法保护的言论,而最高院的先例实则仅将其视为行为的附属品,审查较为宽松。这一判决可能使第一修正案沦为对抗任何规制专业行为法规的钝器。
Otto created a circuit split and represented a stark departure from sister circuits that have upheld bans against SOCE therapy for minors. Otto has sweeping implications — not only subjecting all restrictions on professional speech to strict scrutiny but also prohibiting minor conversion therapy bans in numerous states. Suffering conversion therapy at the hands of licensed therapists is particularly pernicious because licensed medical professionals hold unique positions of authority, credibility, and trust in society. The Eleventh Circuit’s ruling in Otto represents a massive leap backwards in the fight for LGBTQ+ civil rights.
Nonetheless, Otto is only one decision in a long line of cases reflecting the judiciary’s trend toward expanding the scope of protected speech under the First Amendment. With a fresh circuit split and ongoing courtroom battles over minor SOCE bans, the constitutionality of such laws may soon reach the Supreme Court. While the Court has consistently chipped away at its own First Amendment limits, it has not yet eliminated its exception for speech incidental to conduct. So long as the Supreme Court continues to cling to this exception to uphold abortion restrictions against free speech challenges, circuit courts must also continue to abide by what remains of this delicate framework. 
Revitch v. DIRECTV, LLC
Revitch 诉 DIRECTV, LLC
Ninth Circuit Refuses to Enforce Infinite Arbitration Agreement.
Recent Case : 977 F.3d 713 (9th Cir. 2020)
最近案例:977 F.3d 713(第九巡回法院,2020年)
译者:王潇 隆德大学  LLM
The Federal Arbitration Act (FAA) requires courts to enforce agreements by private parties to resolve their disputes in arbitration rather than litigation. Despite abundant evidence that Congress intended the FAA to apply only in federal court and only to commercial dealings, the Supreme Court has reinterpreted the law since the 1980s, imposing it on state courts and finding in it a command to enforce even one-sided arbitration contracts imposed on consumers and workers by corporate actors eager to keep claims individual, secret, and rare. Emboldened by these victories, corporations have begun drafting agreements with “infinite” terms that purport to bind individuals in perpetuity to arbitrate any and all claims they might bring against a vast group of counterparties. Recently, in Revitch v. DIRECTV, LLC, the Ninth Circuit declined to enforce such an agreement against a consumer plaintiff. While the Revitch court reached a just result, its reasoning arguably contravened state law and Supreme Court precedent, making the decision unlikely to support broad-based judicial rejection of these contracts. However, a separate concurrence in the case was more doctrinally sound and may therefore light the way for future courts to hold infinite arbitration agreements unenforceable.
For decades, lower courts have struggled to resist the Supreme Court’s pro-arbitration FAA jurisprudence. They have almost universally failed, and the Court has instead “doubled down on FAA expansion,” ushering arbitration deep into American life. While Revitch’s core holding will likely do little to reverse this trend, Judge O’Scannlain’s revival of the FAA’s “arising out of” limitation may prove invaluable for courts confronting the corporate bar’s latest arbitration excesses.
联邦仲裁法(FAA)要求法院强制执行私人当事人的协议,通过仲裁而非诉讼来解决争端。尽管有大量证据表明国会希望FAA仅适用于联邦法院且仅适用于商业交易,但1980年代,最高法院重新解释了该法律,开始将其强加于州法院,并在该法中裁定,强制执行由企业行为者强加给消费者和工人的单边仲裁合同,以达到企业行为者渴望保持个人的、秘密的和稀有的索赔的目的。受到这些胜利的鼓舞,公司开始起草具有“无限”条款的协议,旨在永久的在仲裁上约束个人,以解决他们针对大量对手方提出的任何和所有索赔。最近,在Revitch诉DIRECTV, LLC一案中,第九巡回法院拒绝执行针对消费者原告的此类协议。虽然Revitch案法院得出了公正的结果,但其推理实际上违反了州法律和最高法院的判例,使得该决定不太可能支持对这些合同进行广泛的司法拒绝。然而,该案中的单独同意在理论上更为合理,因此这可能为未来法院认定无限仲裁协议不可强制执行铺平道路。
—美国诉特莱斯,966 F.3d 506(6th Cir. 2020)
译者:杨洁 剑桥大学 LLM
Courts have long differentiated apartment living from single-family home living. While those who live in single-family homes enjoy expansive Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable searches and seizures, those who live in apartments do not. In Florida v. Jardines, the Supreme Court held that a front porch was part of a single-family home’s “curtilage” and thus enjoys similar Fourth Amendment protections as the home itself. But, like many other Supreme Court Fourth Amendment decisions, Jardines concerned only a single-family home. Recently, in United States v. Trice, the Sixth Circuit held that a hallway wall opposite a tenant’s apartment was not curtilage and thus was not a constitutionally protected area. By failing to extend the Jardines curtilage analysis to the apartment context, the Sixth Circuit missed an opportunity to expand Fourth Amendment protections under the curtilage doctrine and thereby contributed to the racial, ethnic, and class inequalities that result under current Fourth Amendment jurisprudence.
长期以来,法院一直将公寓和独立住宅相区分。尽管独立住宅的居民享有第四修正案下的广泛保护,得以免受不合理的搜查和扣押,公寓居民则不然。在佛罗里达诉贾迪斯案(Florida v. Jardines)中,最高法院判决庭院属于独立住宅的“宅”,因而享有第四修正案对住宅本身的同等保护。然而,恰如最高法院针对第四修正案的诸多判决,贾迪斯案仅涉及独立住宅。近日,在美国诉特里切(United States v. Trice)案中,第六巡回法院判决租客公寓靠走廊的墙壁不属于宅地,因而不受宪法保护。在未能将贾迪斯案中的宅地分析应用于公寓的语境之下,第六巡回法院错失了拓宽宅地理论 (curtilage doctrine)下第四修正案保护范围的良机,从而助长了当前第四修正案法理下滋生的种族、民族与阶级不平等。
While the Sixth Circuit had an opportunity to expand Fourth Amendment protections in the apartment context, its rigid curtilage analysis all but foreclosed the possibility. Trice perpetuated distinctions that allocate Fourth Amendment protections on the basis of class, race, and ethnicity. As some have noted, the Framers certainly could not have foreseen that Fourth Amendment rights would be distributed in this manner. The Sixth Circuit had the policy and doctrinal backing to begin to remedy this inequity, yet it failed to do so.

Commonwealth v. McCarthy
Commonwealth 诉 McCarthy
Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Holds that Use of Automated License Plate Readers May Constitute a Search.
Recent Case : 142 N.E.3d 1090 (Mass. 2020)
最近案例:142 N.E.3d 1090 (马萨诸塞州法院,2020年)
译者:王潇 隆德大学 LLM
In 2016 and 2017, U.S. law enforcement scanned 2.5 billion license plates, 99.5% of which belonged to vehicles unassociated with criminal activity. The first appellate court in the country to address whether use of automated license plate readers (ALPRs) constitutes a search under the Fourth Amendment, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) in Commonwealth v. McCarthy considered the surveillance’s duration, surreptitiousness, and categories of information in its analysis. The SJC held that while “widespread use” of ALPRs can constitute a search, the limited use thereof in this case did not. Given the case’s limited facts, McCarthy just scratched the surface of ALPRs’ use in Fourth Amendment search doctrine. This comment identifies practical realities of ALPRs that may merit greater constitutional scrutiny in future cases, owing to the potentially indefinite duration of ALPR data; the opaque, public-private nature of many ALPR databases; and the scale and categories of information revealed by ALPR surveillance. Overall, in conducting its fact-specific analysis on ALPR use in this case, the McCarthy court just scratched the surface of the broader implications of ALPR technology in Fourth Amendment search doctrine. ALPRs’ practical realities raise concerns regarding these databases’ potentially indefinite duration, lack of transparency in their public-private nature, and facilitation of access to new categories of information on an unprecedented scale. ALPRs’ use therefore may merit greater constitutional scrutiny in future Fourth Amendment cases.
Kiel Brennan-Marquez
译者:王潇 隆德大学 LLM
In Privacy as Privilege, Professor Rebecca Wexler argues that courts should stop construing the Stored Communications Act (SCA) to block criminal defense-side subpoenas for communication records. She has woven a narrative in which communication privacy collides with the ability of criminal defendants to mount a robust case. This story is not wrong; such collisions occur. The more important story, however, is a slightly different one. It originates from the same facts, and it also features disadvantaged criminal defendants. But they are not the main characters. Rather, the main characters are the giant tech companies that have routinely been served with defense subpoenas (under the SCA), appeared in court to contest those subpoenas, and won — securing “privacy victories” for their users. And the moral of the story, boiled down, is that we should beware of these victories; for they are not quite what they appear. A system in which the boundaries of communication privacy are negotiated at the behest of the very entities whose profit model relies on their erosion is not a healthy one. It may be preferable to a system in which no communication privacy is protected. But it merits little praise beyond that.
In terms of genre, Wexler’s narrative is tragic. It conjures to mind a world in which two relatively powerless actors — criminal defendants and consumers — are pitted against one another, a conflict fated for zero-sum resolution. Longer term, however, the more important narrative is not a tragedy. It is a polemic. And its focus is not on the less powerful characters, but the more powerful ones: the surveillance state and its corporate handmaidens, both of whom would prefer all of us, as subjects of power, to imagine their relationship in oppositional rather than synergistic terms.
在《隐私权作为特权》一文中,Rebecca Wexler教授认为,法院应该停止通过解释《存储通信法》(SCA)阻止刑事辩护方传唤通信记录。她编造了一个通信隐私与刑事被告提起有力诉讼的能力相冲突的故事。这个故事没有错;这样的冲突是存在的。然而,更重要的故事则与之略有不同。它来源于相同的事实,同样含有弱势的刑事被告。但这次他们不是主角。相反,主角是那些经常根据SCA收到辩护传票的大型科技公司,他们出庭对这些传票进行抗辩,并为他们的用户赢得“隐私胜利”。这个故事的寓意,归结起来,就是我们应该提防这些胜利;因为它们并不完全像看起来的那样。如果一个系统的通信隐私边界是由那些以侵蚀为盈利模式的实体来决定的话,这不是一个健康的系统。它可能比没有通信隐私保护的系统好一些。但除此之外,它不值得赞扬。
Enough is Not Enough: Reflection on Sexual Harassment in the Federal Judiciary
Reflection by Olivia Warren
Olivia Warren的反思
译者:王潇 隆德大学  LLM
To my knowledge, there have been no public conversations about or reflections upon individual actions and inactions that might have contributed to the problem. There continue to be some 30,000 employees of the federal judiciary subject to harassment and discrimination without many basic employment protections.
I don’t know how to make enough out of this public silence. I don’t have the answers to fix this problem: I am not an expert in building harassment-free workplaces, and thus I cannot, should not, and will not be prescriptive — despite this Essay’s publication in a law review. Instead, I intend for my experience to be an invitation and an invocation for those who have not spent all of their chips through congressional testimony in their first year of legal practice to consider the power still in their hands. This work includes evaluating their enormous power in legal, political, and educational institutions that could rectify, or at least ameliorate, this problem quite swiftly, if there was the will to do so. Equally important, this work requires the examination of their power in daily interactions with the people around them, including people who have been harassed and people who have harassed others.
* Ms. Warren is a Staff Attorney at the Center for Death Penalty Litigation in Durham, North Carolina. On February 13, 2020, she provided oral and written testimony to the United States House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet about the sexual harassment she experienced while clerking for the late Judge Stephen Reinhardt on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals from May of 2017 to March of 2018.
*Warren女士是北卡罗莱纳州达勒姆市死刑诉讼中心的专职律师。2020年2月13日,她向美国众议院司法委员会、法院小组委员会、知识产权小组委员会以及互联网提供了口头和书面的证据,该证据是关于她在2017年5月至2018年3月在第九巡回上诉法院担任书记员期间,被已故法官Stephen Reinhardt性骚扰的经历。
Guha Krishnamurthi & Charanya Krishnaswami
译者:杨洁 剑桥大学 LLM
In the United States, caste oppression is real and present in our midst. In the summer of 2020, several employees of large tech firms like Google, Apple, Microsoft, and Cisco came forward with harrowing tales of workplace discrimination, including being paid less, denied promotions, and mocked for their caste background. And, undoubtedly, the scourge of caste discrimination extends beyond Big Tech. While caste discrimination is in no sense new, these recent reports should serve as a needed wake-up call. Eradicating caste discrimination demands our immediate collective attention and action.
As just one step in the complex and continuing fight to eradicate caste oppression, this Essay contends that caste discrimination is cognizable under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In particular, we argue that in light of our understanding of the caste system and the Supreme Court’s teaching in Bostock v. Clayton County, caste discrimination is a type of racial discrimination, religious discrimination, and national origin discrimination—all covered under Title VII. Recognizing caste discrimination as such provides potent tools to the relevant stakeholders to combat caste oppression. But more importantly, it also confers duties upon employers and government institutions to be vigilant in ensuring that employees are safeguarded from caste discrimination. 
作为根除种姓压迫复杂而持续的斗争中的一步,本文认为1964年《民权法案》第七章可以规范种姓歧视。我们特别主张,根据最高法院在博斯托克诉克莱顿县(Bostock v. Clayton County)一案中对种姓制度的理解,种姓歧视是一种对种族、宗教和血统的歧视,而这些都在第七章的涵射范围之中。如此认定种姓歧视为相关利益方抗击种姓压迫提供了有力工具。但更为重要的是,它同时赋予了雇主及政府机构注意义务,以确保其雇员免受种族歧视之害。