嘉宾|苑轲 James Yuan,法务总监,某国际医药公司总法律顾问办公室;副执行编辑,斯坦福法学院中国指导性案例项目(CGCP)  
组稿&翻译李曼昀,北大STL J.D.&J.M.
采稿&审校张旭东,UCB LL.M.
                  张   超,杜 伦 LL.M.
问:回顾Law Review经历,对自己之后的专业学习或工作起到了怎样的帮助?
Q: In retrospect, how did your experience regarding Law Review help you with your later professional studies or career life?
由于我当年法学院JD一年级的暑假参加了一个海外交流项目,而错过学校的Law Review 的写作竞赛,遗憾未能正式加入学校的Law Review。然而,在JD二年级的时候,因有幸协助一教授的研究课题,从而成为了MS Law Review 的一名编外成员,并在后续成为斯坦福法学院中国指导性案例项目一名副执行编辑。
It was unfortunate that I was not a listed editor at my school’s Law Review Board - I was on an overseas exchange program during the summer of my 1L and missed the Law Review Writing Competition.  However, I had become an unofficial Law Review staff when I was in 2L as I was helping a professor with a research project and an Associate Managing Editor of the Stanford Law School China Guiding Cases Project subsequently.
细想起来,作为一名法律人,无论是在专业学习还是工作方面,Law Review给了我以下的帮助和影响:
Specifically, as a legal professional, Law Review has helped and influenced me in the following aspects of my legal study and work:
1. Law Review现在是我的案头工具书之一
首先,长期参与作为英美法系外延的Law Review,该经历教会我批判性推理和思维的学习方法。让我比他人更为深入、正确地对相关法条和案例进行分析和理解,并更为全面、准确地掌握相关法律问题。在现今法律实务工作中,面对一些新出的法条和案例,我也仍会去检阅一些Law Review的文章。
First, as an extension of the common law system, long-term participation in Law Review taught me the method of legal reasoning and critical thinking, enabled me to analyze and understand the relevant laws and cases thoroughly and precisely, and also helped me grasp the legal issues comprehensively and accurately. In my current legal practice, I still check Law Review articles to understand new laws and cases.
2. Law Review培养了我工作慎勉意识
其次,Law Review教会我作为一个法律人所需对待工作和生活应持有的严谨态度。大多数时候,编辑工作是非常的枯燥乏味,但正是这样的经历教会我,无论是法律调研、案例分析、甚至在写作标点符号和注释方面,我们都需要尽职尽责地去履行作为一名法律人所背负的慎勉责任。
Second, Law Review has provided me with a rigorous work ethic towards work and life as a legal professional. As many know, the editorial task is usually rather tedious. However, such experience taught a legal professional like me to pay close attention and be diligent with every detail of my legal research, case analysis, and even punctuation and annotation.
3. Law Review锻炼了我的法律写作能力
再次,随着近年来国内对法律文书质量的需求,法律写作已成为每一名法律人都必须重视的专业技能之一。法律编辑工作让我在大量阅读和校验中学会如何清楚、准确地通过文字和语言给所自己面对的法律问题和他人“一个交代”。Law Review这类平台也将势必成为包括法律职业人、学者、学生在内众多法律人进行思想碰撞的主战场。
Third, with the increasing demand for legal writings of high quality in China in recent years, legal writing has become one of the specialized skills that every legal professional must take importance to. Through extensive reading and proofreading, legal editing has taught me how to clearly and accurately "account" for the legal issues I encounter, as well as advise others through words and language. As a platform, Law Review will inevitably become a key battlefield for legal professionals, scholars, and law students to clash and exchange ideas and thoughts.