2021年8月25日,我们刊发了岑瀑啸医生的科普讲座以及由她的语音整理的文字《新冠免疫纵横谈》后,我们收到一些读者的问题,岑医生在每天工作12-14小时的繁重工作之余, 用英文作答,随后我们将之翻译成中文科普如下。

岑医生:谢谢,有些人对疫苗中含有稳定剂聚乙二醇,担心会因为聚乙二醇可能引起过敏而拒绝接种疫苗。我是这么跟他们说的:mRNA 疫苗比较简单,成分少。大部分我们体内已有的成分。辉瑞 mRNA 疫苗的成分含量最低。你可以去查查。唯一的有效成分是 mRNA 和蔗糖和脂肪。
疫苗中需要聚乙二醇( PEG )来稳定你体内的 mRNA 疫苗分子,这样mRNA 疫苗分子就不会在教会你的身体如何制造针对病毒的抗体所需的 72 小时之前溶解。PEG 就是防冻液里的东西。它也在各种自我护理用品,如药物,面霜,婴儿湿巾和药物,如泻药。
(过敏体质的人)可以通过皮肤测试来确定是否对 PEG 过敏。如果对 PEG 过敏,这类人不应该接种 mRNA 疫苗。而应该接种J & J / Janssen(强生公司)的新冠疫苗。因为多山梨酯是 J & J / Janssen 疫苗中的成分。这些病人可以求助免疫专科医生,根据对疫苗反应风险进行分析,推荐最合适的疫苗。

岑医生:许多人在看了几个 YouTube 视频后开始到处提到表观遗传学,担心疫苗会改变人体基因和遗传物质。
我的回答是:- mRNA新冠疫苗不同于基因疗法。mRNA新冠疫苗在体内停留时间是短暂的,不能整合到 DNA 。疫苗进入细胞后制造了新冠抗原,被免疫系统识别,疫苗本身就被分解了。我所知道的疫苗唯一对人体产生的长期变化可能是让免疫细胞记得刺突蛋白的样子。
说起表观遗传学,机体自然感染新冠病毒后,治疗所需击退数以百万,上亿计,甚至更多倍的新冠病毒在整个身体内的复制,侵犯人体内的病毒对人体自身蛋白合成的改变,这种改变与相对较少的疫苗刺激而产生的刺突蛋白相比,我要说,几乎是*无限*(数量级)的。(相对有限的)新冠 mRNA 遗传物质只对局部细胞有作用,而且疫苗 mRNA ,在几天内被分解。
随着Delta 变异病毒,和不断出现的新型变异病毒,人体免疫力下降,长时间全球范围疫苗接种不足,事实上这种疾病已经从地方性的疾病把人类推向不可预见的未来, 对于不采取疫苗接种获得保护的人来说,新冠病毒来为任何人谁不额外保护自己的任何疫苗的拜访是迟早的事。
表观遗传学是指DNA 非序列修饰从而改变基因表达。MRNA 是在需要蛋白质的时候制造的。MRN A 在细胞核中根据 DNA转录再转运到细胞质中。DNA 不是从 mRNA 转录过来的, mRNA 不会重新进入细胞核与 DNA 相互作用,它生活在细胞质中,核糖体可以把它读作指令,从而生成蛋白质。
即使RNA 可以逆向转录,新冠疫苗和新冠病毒在人体使用的是相同的免疫机制, SARS CoV 2(新冠病毒) 将 RNA 侵入我们的细胞中,复制新的病毒。那么,为什么疫苗中的 mRNA 会比 SARS CoV 2 (新冠病毒)对 人体DNA 的影响更大呢?不同的是SARS coV 2 (新冠病毒)向人体细胞释放RNA量更大。
疫苗 mRNA 不会改变我们的 DNA 。现在即使是想通过改变 DNA 来治疗遗传病的也做不到,人类到今天也没有好的基因疗法。这就是我们的 DNA 免受医疗干预的天然保护程度。现在唯一能保证没有长期健康影响的就只有死亡本身。如果坐在一架已经在空中的飞机上,飞机的一个发动机已经脱落。你是抓住面前的降落伞,还是明明知道飞机即将坠毁,仍然等待降落伞使用安全的长期数据?
反疫苗的人担心“没有动物实验,我们人类成为 mRNA 疫苗的豚鼠”不会改变我的所知——新冠可以使相当数量的人丧命,更多的人生病。这就是为什么我决定成为“实验”的一部分。人生就是一场实验。正如我所知道的,吃腌制食品、用塑料容器喝水或吃东西,使用电脑,都会产生不良影响,我总是可以尝试用更好的方法来减轻不良的表观遗传变化。这就是为什么我们现在要尽可能健康地生活。睡个好觉,吃彩虹(五颜六色的水果和蔬菜),喝水,限制垃圾食品。

新冠Delta变异病毒比以往任何时候都备受关注,现在的选择其实是未知的疫苗与未知的病毒之间的博弈。新冠Delta 变异病毒几乎是很难避免的。在过去的一年半的时间里,我一直在观察病毒的不可预测性,也目睹了在数百万次疫苗接种后的安全性,我宁愿在疫苗上碰碰运气。
Thank u. There are ppl who are allergic to PEG and refuse to get vaccinated. Here’s what I told them: mRNA vaccines are simpler with few ingredients.  Most of the ingredients we already have in our body. The pfizer mRNA vaccines have the smallest amount of ingredients.  You can look them up.  The only active ingredient is the mRNA and sucrose and fat. 
Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is needed in the vaccine to stablilize the mRNA vaccine molecule in your body so it will not dissolve prior to the 72 hours needed to teach your body how to manufacture antibodies to the virus.  PEG is what is in antifreeze.  It is also in all kinds of self care items like medications, face creams, baby wipes and in medications like laxatives. 
You may be able to find out if you are allergic to PEG with allergy testing.  A skin test for PEG allergy is available.    
If you’re allergic to PEG you should not get an mRNA vaccine.  
Polysorbate is the ingredient in the J&J/Janssen vaccine that you should consider getting.  Consider asking your allergist to stratify risk of a vaccine reaction and make a recommendation for the best vaccine in your case.  

Many people after watching a couple of YouTube clips started to bring up epigenetics left and right.  
Here’s my response: — mRNA is not gene therapy. mRNA is short lived and CANNOT integrate into DNA. It gets into cells makes the vaccine antigen which is then recognized by the immune system. Then it degrades. The only long lived change that I know of may be in the Immune cells themselves as they will remember what the spike protein looks like. 
Well, the epigenetics of millions of billions x more covid virus continuing to replicate and affect the entire body in the situation of individual natural infection and treatments required to fight that off I’d say are *infinitely* higher than the effect of what would be relatively few copies of spike protein made from relatively few mRNA molecules where the mRNA genetic material and localized cells that took up the vaccine mRNA are destroyed within a few days. 
With the delta variant, new upcoming variants, waning immunity, persistent global under vaccination, and the fact this disease is going to be endemic into the unforeseeable future, covid is coming for anyone who doesn’t additionally protect themselves with any vaccine.  
Epigenetics are  DNA, non-sequence modifications that altered gene expression.  mRNA is made when you need proteins. mRNA is transcribed from DNA in the nucleus and transported to the cytoplasm.  DNA is not transcribed from mRNA, the mRNA does not re-enter the nucleus to interact with the DNA, and it lives in the cytoplasm where ribosomes can read it as instructions and make the proteins. 
Even if there were evidence RNA did something like this, viruses use the same system, SARSCoV2 dumps RNA into our cells to be replicated for new viruses. So, why would the mRNA from vaccine affect DNA more than SARSCoV2, which is dumping a lot more RNA into your cells?
Vaccine mRNA does not change our DNA. It can’t. Even people who want to change their DNA to cure genetic diseases cannot, and we have no good gene therapy today. That’s how well protected our DNA is from medical intervention. The only thing that guarantees zero long term health effect is death now. If you are sitting in a plane already in the air and one engine has already fallen off. Do you grab the parachute in front of you or wait for long term data on the parachute knowing that the plane is going to crash soon?
…. there's a lot we don't know. forget the vaccine. there's a lot we don't know about life. The food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink. And we don't worry about epigenetic changes from all those things. Not because there isn't the possibility of badness, but because there isn't an a priori reason to think that these things confer worse outcomes than the alternative (eg not eating this food, not drinking this water). what is the alternative to the vax? Covid. With its own unknowns. All you can do is look at the parts you do know. And there, the vaccine beats covid on every front. 
Epigenetic effects of food additives, plastics around us, staring at a computer for hours everyday, isolation during the pandemic,……. all human actions contain risk - benefit analysis. All we know is how this virus is affecting us as humanity now. Antivaxxers worrying “no animal experiments and we human are the guinea pigs for mRNA vaccines” will not change what I do know —- Covid is lethal for way too many people, with excessive morbidity for others. That is why I decided to be ok with being a part of “the experiment”. Life is an experiment. As I know there are adverse effects of eating preserved food, drinking or eating out of plastic containers, using computers, I can always try to mitigate poor epigenetic changes with better ones. This is why it is also important to live as healthily as we can right now. Sleep well, eat the rainbow (colorful fruit and veggies), drink water, limit junk. We do want to have our systems be a strong as possible since we inevitably encounter this virus. We know the vaccine reduces death very significantly, as well as morbidity. The rest we have to work out as we go along. 
Close to 100% of people will get covid, likely more than once. This is not a benign illness in many cases. There are definitely epigenetic effects of viruses. 
I have read that historical viral infections have and continue to change the human genome or at least how our body reads our DNS sequences, which is the definition of epigenetics. Likely some or much of the junk or filler DNA that we all have is actually remnants of ancestral virus infections. As we live, we accumulate more of these and more mutations. I’m sure as well, more epigenetic changes. I doubt that mRNA vaccines will be any worse that what we are currently using in terms of other vaccines and certainly getting COVID19 infection has a large range of immediate and likely long term health effects. I would not mess around, vaccine is the best medical science can offer to combat Covid at this time. 
With the delta variant now more than ever the choice is between unknowns with vaccine vs unknowns with virus. It’s going to be really hard to avoid with the delta variant. I would rather take my chances with with the vaccine, especially after a year and a half of watching what the virus can unpredictability do. And after millions of shots have been safely given. 
 岑瀑啸医生在1992年于中山医科大学六年制医学系全英班毕业后赴美,1995到1998年在当时附属于纽约大学的Lenox Hill Hospital任内科住院医生,1998年至2001年,在费城的天普大学医院(Temple University Hospital)任心血管专科住院医师兼内科带教导师(Clinical Instructor),2001年起至今,在佛罗里达的奥兰多AdventHealth医院(原名Florida Hospital)任心血管/心移植专科医生。
岑医生在2003年获得FACC(Fellow of American College of Cardiology)的终身称号。另外,她有Creighton University的医学伦理硕士学位,是AdventHealth医疗系统临床医学伦理委员会成员。
岑医生著有杂文集《医道凝眸》和《医者阅世》,分别在2013年和2015年由天津人民出版社出版。在2019年,岑医生在她所工作的AdventHealth医疗系统,成为由两千六百多位医生投票选出的四位年度“医疗服务标准”医生之一。2021 年3月,她最新出版的英文科普书《Everyday Medical Ethics》由加拿大 Onebook Press 出版,在亚马逊网站(Amazon.com) 有售。关于岑医师的新书资讯可击文末“阅读原文”会自动跳转。
岑医生談新冠檢測 | 核酸、抗原、抗体