Kyligence 由 Apache Kylin(领先的开源分布式 OLAP 分析引擎)核心团队创立,为企业级客户提供数字化转型基础设施,以进一步简化和自动化数据管理及分析。
Kyligence 深耕企业服务市场,为银行、保险、制造、零售等行业近百家全球客户提供了下一代企业级数据管理与分析平台,包括 UBS、Microsoft, AppZen, Xactly, 浦发银行、平安银行、太平洋保险、中国银联、VIVO、上汽等全球知名企业和各行各业领导者。2021年4月21日Kyligence 宣布完成7000万美元的D轮融资。
作为一家全球领先的大数据管理与分析公司,Kyligence以双总部运行,中国总部位于上海,美国总部位于加利福尼亚硅谷。历经五年的迅速发展,Kyligence 现已在全球近20个城市设立办公室,海外覆盖纽约,圣何塞,西雅图等城市,国内包含北京,上海,深圳,广州,武汉,杭州,成都等城市。
  • Kyligence 由全球领先的开源分布式的分析性数据仓库 Apache Kylin 核心团队创建,可零距离接触 Kylin 社区 PMC、Committer 等社区活跃人群;
  • 强大的技术团队,包括 MLSQL 作者在内的多位开源社区大佬,亲授经验并带领你实际参与和贡献开源项目,成为开源社区的 Committer 不再遥远!
  • 「Kyligence University」在线学习平台,满足多岗位员工的学习需求;
  • 「Tech Brown Bag 午餐交流会」以技术会友,谈天说地,百无禁忌;
  • 「前后线同事交流会」最新的行业案例、行业趋势探讨,互通有无;
  • 深度参与全球财富 500 强企业技术架构的规划及建设,更有硅谷学习交流的机会。
  • 顶级的医疗保险及商业保险;
  • 公司匹配的401K计划;
  • 公司股票期权、年终奖;
  • 美国法定年假10 天 + 全薪年假;
  • 顶配 MAC 及显示器,等等。
Software Engineer(华盛顿州,西雅图附近)
1. 与Apache Kylin核心开发者一起,研发基于Apache Kylin的下一代智能大数据分析平台;
2. 在实时数仓、SQL优化、云原生架构、分布式存储和索引、增强分析等领域负责关键技术的攻克;
3. 在复杂的业务场景中,利用各种工具抽丝剥茧,排查、定位、分析系统缺陷或性能瓶颈;
4. 参与到代码评审、知识传递、初级员工培养等工作中,展现leadership能力;
5. 利用公司产品,打通用户在数据域(数仓、数据湖)与应用域(用户画像、OLAP系统、精准营销系统)之间的隔阂。
1. 计算机、软件工程等相关专业,本科及以上学历;
2. 3年以上Java开发经验,熟悉常用的JAVA开源框架( 如SpringMVC、MyBatis、SpringBoot、SpringCloud等),并理解框架的原理和机制;
3. 熟悉 Hadoop/Spark/Impala/Flink/Druid/HBase/Redis/ElasticSearch 等两种及以上技术,具有任一框架优化经验者更佳;
4. 具备系统开发经验(而不是简单地搭建运维过某开源系统),对高性能、高吞吐、高可靠的业务场景有丰富的理解和处理经验;
5. 善于交流,有良好的团队合作精神和协调沟通能力,积极主动,有强烈的责任心和主人翁意识。
1. 参与Apache Kylin开源项目,有望成为Apache Kylin社区贡献者;
2. 来自高并发、高性能、高可靠架构的设计挑战;
3. 与数仓领域的资深架构师、资深开发大牛一起学习交流;
4. 严谨的工程文化,不迫于业务压力妥协代码工程质量,锻炼个人过硬的技术本领,不做CRUD boy;
5. 与国内为数不多的技术驱动的知名创业公司Kyligence Inc. (founded by Apache Kylin creators)一起分享成长红利。
Solutions Architect (Nationwide, US)
About the Role
Presales Solution Architects at Kyligence are an integral part of our sales team. In this role, you’ll be working closely with our Account Executives to support POCs and deals that drive the adoption of Kyligence technologies. You will become an evangelist for Kyligence’s products and a trusted advisor to our clients.
There has never been a better time to be at Kyligence. Having recently closed our Series D funding round at $70M, we’re investing heavily to support our amazing growth and continued expansion across the globe.
If you’re looking for an environment where your ideas and expertise will help drive new strategies, you’ll get to work with a battle-tested product that’s already in use with the world’s largest companies, and where your efforts are celebrated and recognized – Kyligence is exactly where you should be.
What You’ll Be Doing at Kyligence
  • Provide technical sales leadership to the account team
  • Understand the business, technical requirements, and pain points of our prospects
  • Propose the right solution to solve our prospects’ problems
  • Define, plan, and execute the technical evaluation process and gain technical buy-in from prospects and their team
  • Coordinate post sales transitions to professional and customer service teams
  • Create and deliver technical marketing content including blogs, knowledge base resources, webinars, and more
  • Participate in events and promotional activities such as trade shows and Meetups
What We’d like to See from You
  • 4-year bachelor's degree in computer science, engineering, or information management-related subject
  • 5+ years of experience working with large-scale enterprise data warehouses or analytics platforms
  • 5+ years of hands-on experience in the field of Big Data
  • 3+ years of direct experience working with Cloud technologies (Azure/AWS/Google Cloud)
  • A deep understanding of OLAP technology and multidimensional modeling
  • Must be comfortable with Linux operating systems
  • Excellent communication skills. you can talk technology with engineers while explaining the business benefits to analysts and executives
  • Experience with Apache Kylin or Kyligence is a big plus
  • Able to travel to client sites for meetings and POCs
一键投递简历:[email protected]