按语:《个人信息保护法(草案)》于2020年10月13日经第十三届全国人大常委会第二十二次会议进行了初次审议。作为首部专门规定个人信息保护的法律,它的正式颁布实施无疑会对在中国从事经营活动的企业产生重大影响。草案颁布后出现了大量的中文解读,我们选择用英文文章帮助在中国企业的外国同事进一步了解相关问题。如有任何问题,请随时与我们联系。陈立彤律师的电子邮箱:[email protected]
China’s Personal Information Protection Law (2)
Henry Chen
Continued from China’s Personal Information Protection Law (1), hereinafter are some other salient features of the draft law:
Clear demarcation of processors’ responsibilities
The draft elected to categorize the way a processor handles personal information rendering the text more succinct and clearer than GDPR.
Where two or more processors are jointly to decide the processing purposes and methods, they should properly allocate their respective rights and obligations by an agreement.  Such agreement does not have any adverse effect on any individual data subject’s right to seek to redress wrongs done to him from either one of the processors.  In other words, the processors could be jointly and severally liable for infringing on individual data subjects’ rights (Article 21).
For the situation of processing personal information by delegation, for example, where Processor A delegates its processing responsibilities to Processor B, both parties (e.g., Party A and Party B) need to enter into an agreement in relation to the purposes of processing, methods of processing, types of personal information, protective measures and their respective rights and obligations.  Party A also needs to exercise oversight over Party B’s processing.  Party B shall not diverge from what is agreed in the agreement, and shall return or delete the processed personal information after the agreement is performed.  Party B shall not delegate the task of processing to any other third party without Party A’s prior consent (Article 22).
Notably informed and separate consent is required if a processor is to provide personal information to any third party.  The third party that received the personal information shall not act beyond the purpose why the information is transferred.  Especially, the receiving party shall not use any technology to re-identify the personal information that was already anonymized (Article 24). 
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