论文类型的问题。只回答两个。题目相同(每题 30 分)。
1. 大多数战略文献都同意全面的形势分析是良好战略的基础。情境分析包括哪些内容?为什么它如此重要?如果您刚刚开始担任制造自行车的公司的营销经理,您将如何进行情境分析?
2. 像 General Mills 或 Nestlé 这样的大型消费品公司与一家快速增长的高科技行业的小型创业公司的基本经营理念或方向可能有何不同?这种差异将如何表现出来?
3. Minnetonka, Inc. 是一家相对较小的公司,它率先开发了消费者健康和美容产品,例如 Softsoap 和 Check-Up 抗牙菌斑牙膏。
一种。在由宝洁和高露洁棕榄等巨头主导的行业中,作为新产品市场的先驱,为像 Minnetonka 这样的公司提供什么潜在优势?
并非所有新的市场开拓者都能有效地利用其早期领先优势所固有的潜在优势。您建议 Minnetonka 应该怎样做才能在其进入的新市场中获得并保持领先地位?
companies to the ransomware attacks and identify the business impact to both.
Follow this structure for the critical comparison:
1. Compare and contrast the level(s) of transparency and timeliness the incident response, any
differences in incident handling you have detected (if any) between the two cases. should either
of the two companies have simply paid the ransom demanded? If not, why not? [500 words]
2. To what degree do you think in the case of Finablr the cyber attack may have acted as an early
warning sign, a kind of ‘canary in the coal mine’ for wider company governance standards, and
possible IT investment deficiencies? [250 words]
3. More generally what risk does ransomware pose to your own business? (if you are taking time
out from a cyber or IT security job role at the moment, frame your response in relation to a
generic e-finance vertical market chosen exemplar). [250 words]
4. Learning the lessons from these attacks is vital. Draw up an idealised incident response timeline
(expressed in days), identifying your actions and responses to a ransomware cyber attack upon a
generic fintech (e.g. e-banking ) provider. You should show adversarial actions too. (Both
preparatory, initial launch and subsequent to the attack, hence your defence).
o You can complete this as a table, with suitable annotated entries showing a maximum of
20 rows extending over a time period extending to no longer than two calendar months.
5. Submit an annotated bibliography showing all references consulted (cross-reference these to
each of the tasks above—aim to cite approx. 15-20 carefully chosen sources.