One Typology for a Big Word: 
Waiting Room of Democracy
APR 19  APR 25, 2021
Peter Sloterdijk认为“民主依赖于为有序叙说事件提供空间维度的能力,因此,它意味着需要不断地培养耐心。”要成为一名公民,你必须在别人说话时锻炼必要的耐心来倾听。如果以前的民主集会的空间类型总是设想人群聚集在一起,那么这个等候室就是一个空间,在这里,两个人被随机配对,相互交谈和倾听。在其他情况下,当人们被要求等待时,这个房间会安排两个陌生人,让他们耐心地(满怀希望地)讨论如何才能让公民彼此生活在一起。和其他等候室一样,这个房间本身并不是终点。然而,有必要重新确立公民的基本素质,以便在即时满足和模拟的时代中继续存在。“民主候诊室”是“大词类型学”的一部分,这是一系列设想新类型空间作为社会大词的突破性项目
Peter Sloterdijk argued “Democracy depends on the ability to lend a spatial dimension to things said one after the other; it therefore implies constant training in patience.” To become a citizen, one must exercise the necessary patience to listen while others speak. If previous spatial types of democratic assembly have always envisioned crowds getting together, this waiting room is a space where two individuals are randomly paired up to speak and listen to each other. In other instances when people are asked to wait, this room places two strangers while they patiently (hopefully) discuss what it takes for citizens to live with each other. As with other waiting rooms, this room is not an end in itself. Nevertheless, it is necessary to reestablish an essential quality for citizenship to continue to exist in times of instant gratification and simulation. The Waiting Room of Democracy is part of Typologies for Big Words, a series of speculative projects imagining new types of spaces as holes opening in society’s big words.
By Sergio Lopez-Pineiro/Holes of Matter
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Engineering Independence: 
Concrete Architecture in the Global South
Apr 30, 2021
《独立性工程:南半球的混凝土建筑》探讨了全球动力和塑造南半球结构设计师工作的地方性因素,突出了传统西方学术界很大程度上忽略的重要贡献。研讨会由4年级的学生和教师组织和开展。s48 Concrete合作研讨会,由Caitlin Mueller和Mohamed Ismail在今年春天领导。
Engineering Independence: Concrete Architecture in the Global South explores the global dynamics and local factors that shape the work of structural designers in the Global South, highlighting significant contributions largely omitted from conventional western scholarship. The symposium is organized and developed by students and faculty in the 4.s48 Collaborations in Concrete seminar, led this spring by Caitlin Mueller and Mohamed Ismail.
During the second half of the twentieth century, countries throughout the Global South gained independence from colonial rule. Subsequently, many newly-formed nation states commissioned grand architectural monuments that declared their newfound position on the global stage. At a time when material costs far outweighed the costs of labor, architects and engineers worked in close collaboration to realize these iconic and, quite often, materially efficient structures. A growing understanding of concrete’s structural potential paired with the widespread availability of its component materials meant that many of these architectural visions were realized in concrete. 
Today, the looming climate crisis demands innovative approaches to sustainable design. Over 90% of global urbanization by 2050 is expected to occur in the Global South. This means that demand for concrete construction in developing countries will rise, as will the environmental costs of concrete construction. Now, more than ever before, we should draw inspiration from post-colonial structural designers while crafting the materially efficient construction of the future.
BT Lectures
Public Lecture Series
Extraction Infrastructure Web
Energy infrastructure has physical presence, both in the sectional depths of energy withdrawals from the earths fossil fuel repositories, and in the sprawling networks that collect, refine, and distribute energy across the continental United States.
This visualization of pipeline networks by operator/owner re-contextualizes the natural gas pipeline network, not as a static all-encompassing national system, but as dynamic navigation of political boundaries, local geographies, and economic inequalities between regions of extraction and centers of consumption seen in the variance of pipeline networks ranging from the fan-like collection networks in the mid-west and sunbelt, and the transmission corridors of the east and west coasts.
Alexander Kobald, Joe Ferdinando
Bartlett Team Publish Paper on Workplace Environment and Productivity
28 April 2021
The paper,  ‘Differential perceptions of teamwork, focused work and perceived productivity as an effect of desk characteristics within a workplace layout’, discusses open-plan offices and critiques large office spaces. The study finds that office workers with more visual control over their environment rated their focus, productivity and teamwork more highly. As companies and workers navigate ways of returning to the workplace, the findings may help employers rethink how and where employees work, and how office spaces function and impact their teams’ experiences of their professional environment.
The study was carried out in spring 2018 when Kerstin, Rosica and Petros studied four floors of the London headquarters of a large international technology company. In a staff survey they reviewed workers’ satisfaction with workspaces and meeting rooms, along with a floorplan and the seating positions of all participants.
Workers seated beside windows, facing the room with a small number of desks in their field of vision, regarded themselves as more productive and focused and felt more connected to their teams. Some of the factors that negatively impacted how workers rated their environment included a high number of desks in their fields of vision and facing away from the main space with people behind them. The paper suggests counteracting these factors by designing smaller, more intimate workspaces where workers can see their colleagues. 
阅读《公共科学图书馆·综合》(PLoS One)的论文
More information
Read the paper at PLoS One
View Kerstin’s Sailer’s profile
Find out more about Space Syntax: Architecture and Cities MSc/MRes
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建道教育|ArchiDogs全新推出网络课堂超越公开课(SuperLecture)系列”,课程涵盖了建筑、景观、室内和城市设计和其他设计专业。公开课演讲嘉宾由自世界顶尖设计事务所,设计公司,以及世界顶尖设计院校的资深设计师 组成,所有课程内容将在 小鹅通隆重推出。这一网络开放课程将开启大家对于海外设计课程的全新认识,为你的设计生涯翻开新的篇章。课程的具体内容及开课时间将在建道微信公众号定期发布,请大家密切关注。
