您可能已经了解过由Tandon学院发起的GLASS项目,即Global Leaders and Scholars in STEM(注:STEM是科学Science、技术Technology、工程Engineering、数学Math的首字母缩写)。
我们希望邀请您填写Mentorship Interest Form(点击文末左下角“阅读原文”),告诉我们一些关于您的专业知识和兴趣领域。
如您想要了解更多有关GLASS项目情况以及合作方式,欢迎发送邮件到[email protected],我们的项目负责人会与您取得联系,谢谢!
以下为原文内容/See Below for the English Version
Dear Alumni,

You may have already had the opportunity to hear about our Global Leaders and Scholars in STEM (GLASS) initiative, which challenges the most academically accomplished and ambitious among our students to become visionary and determined global citizens. 
We want them to recognize that the power of a Tandon education comes with the potential and responsibility to defend and advance our infrastructure, communities, economies, and planet.
But the GLASS is only half full: While they have the ambition and academic achievement required, they need one more thing—mentors like you!
Please consider filling out our Mentorship Interest Form to tell us a little about your areas of expertise and interest. (The deadline is May 18, so why not take a moment to do it today?)
You’re already out there making the world a better place, and you can help our students do the same!
To schedule a meeting to learn more about the GLASS program and ways in which we can collaborate, please email the GLASS program coordinators at ——

纽约大学(New York University,NYU)成立于1831年,是美国私立名校之一,其提倡Global Network University理念,拥有纽约、上海、阿布扎比三大校区和十多个学习中心分布全球各地。
近年,NYU在世界大学学术排名与U.S. News中均位列全球Top30以内。至2019年初,NYU共诞生了37位诺贝尔奖得主、8位图灵奖得主、5位菲尔兹奖得主、30位奥斯卡金像奖得主、及30余位普利策奖得主。

纽约大学校友会(NYU Alumni Club)旨在服务纽约大学毕业校友,会定期组织社交活动和主题讲座,努力促进校友之间的联系与合作。

(拉丁语原文为Perstare et Praestare)