加利福尼亚州 / California
444 Washington Street, San Francisco, CA 94111
I-485 类别:
EB-1A / 第一优先 杰出人才
I-485 PD:
I-485 RD:
进门拿着护照和appointment letter先安检,然后上二楼到reception desk。有一个工作人员负责反复核对appointment letter上的信息和他们系统里的信息,光A#就核对了5遍,然后给我assign到F 区坐等。等到10:20,一个女IO出来喊我的名字,态度很好,寒暄了一通,问我的律师来没来,我说只有我自己。她说面EB她也是第一次,我是lucky boy。
1.    What is your name? XXX Have you used other names? No
2.    Do you still live in the address provided on your submitted I-485? No, I submitted address change online. OK, I can see it in my files. Did you receive the confirmation letter? No, I did not, but the online status showed the request had been completed.她在485相应的地方做了标记,写上了新地址。
3.    Who else live in your old and new address? XXX
4.    How many times have you (your wife) been married? Once 这个问题问了我一愣。
5.    When did you get married? XXX
6.    Did you get your wife J-2 VISA? No
7.    Have you ever been issued other types of VISA? YES, 2 B1/B2, 1 J-1.
8.    When was your last entry to the US? Yesterday(Give her my new I-94) Oh, I also came back yesterday. We both made it.
9.    After getting the Combo Card, have you ever used J-1 to enter the US? No
10.  Do you have J-1 waiver? Yes, I have (I gave the original waiver approval letter. She also found a copy in her file stack)
11.  Are you still a researcher with XXX? Yes. How long you have been with them? Over a year, since last Sept. What is your research? XXX Did you also do this in your PhD? Not exactly the same but similar stuff.
12.  Are you a member of any party? No
13.  Where are your parents? China
14.  485 Part 3-C questions: No No No No No No No No No……
问完Part-C 的问题,她说I think I have everything. Before approve your case, we have to run a final background check. You should expect your card mailed to you within 2-3 weeks。
我说这算是approval了吗?她说还得看 final background。然后问我,你还有什么问题吗?我说我12月8号要travel去开会,这可咋弄?她说Emmm, good question, let me grab your passport and documents and talk to my supervisor. We should have some options for you. 等了20分钟吧。。。。她回来了,说有两个options: A. We approve your case today, give you a Fast Pass to field office tomorrow, then you can get an I-551 stamp which is your temporary green card. B. We approve your case when you come back. But this will cause some delays and rollbacks. 我坚定地选择了第一个选项!!!
1. Interview Notice (taken)
2. 485 receipt
3. All other receipts
4. 140 approval letter
5. J-1 waiver approval letter
6. Birth certificate (did not even ask me for this)
7. Marriage certificate
8. Tax
9. Pay stub
10. EVL
11. VISA stamps
12. SSN
13. Degree
14. CV
15. Google scholar page
16. Most recent I-94 (taken)