时间:8日6日星期五离开家园,8月7日星期六到达肯尼亚首都内罗毕Nairobi,8月8日星期天开始safari 动物世界之旅;8月15日星期六晚上结束动物世界之旅,下午五点以后的航班离开,8月16日星期天回到家园。总共是10天的行程。也可以自己在内罗毕住一晚,16日离开。 

花费:Safari 团费,每人1850美元(lodge,大吉普,每车6人,不是9人)。机票大约770美元(以纽约往返为例),全程花费总计2620美元。这个行程费用,远低于一般的私人定制Safari旅行团(大约4700美元,不包括机票),和一般的Safari旅行团。
付款方式,要求写明每个人护照上的名字,性别,微信号,参加的行程日期,人数等,把支票或汇款单拍照,连同护照信息页拍照,寄到下面 email = [email protected] ; 另外在群里说一下,交费了。 
(1) 支票寄到:Global View,PO Box 305, Spotswood, NJ 08884。pays to “Global View Tours LLC”(可以把支票正反面拍照发给群主,不必邮寄) 
(2) Zelle Quick Pay,从你的开户银行电子转账到账号:[email protected], name = Global View Tours LLC。 
(3) 去Chase 银行,存支票或现金到账号: #661736386 ,ABA 号码 # 021202337,Name = Global View Tours LLC
需要护照上的名字,以及Safari费用(1850 美元)去锁住Safari车辆和行程。机票,保险,签证,旅馆交通等,看风景会帮你解决。护照需要有效期6个月以上(按照离开肯尼亚的时间以后六个月计算),两页空白页。 

特别建议:出门旅行购买保险,紧急援助保险,紧急医疗保险,行程取消和干扰打断保险,行李丢失延误损坏保险,航班延误变化保险等。推荐下面两个保险网站:(1)旅行医疗保险:GeoBlue,https://www.geobluetravelinsurance.com/ ;一定据实填写,只能保六个月以内的travel。最后的价格根据年龄而不同。最低要保50000美元。(2)全面旅行保险,包括30万美元以上的紧急救援保险,10万美元的医疗保险,还有旅行开始以后的因故取消,延误,受阻,行李,租车碰撞等,查询和购买旅游保险,请点击:https://www.worldnomads.com/Turnstile/AffiliateLink?partnerCode=knfngjng&utm_source=knfngjng&source=weblink&utm_content=weblink&path=https://www.worldnomads.com/travel-insurance/? 。
签证:中国护照和美国护照,加拿大护照,都需要电子签证(http://evisa.go.ke/evisa.html )。 
疫苗:如果只去肯尼亚,推荐打黄热病Yellow fever 疫苗,但是不强迫。Walgreen 和 CVS 就可以打。 
Day 1: NAIROBI Meal plan: (X) 第一天,内罗毕接机,余下时间可以做 city tour,游览这座城市(联合国的非洲总部在这个城市),中餐和晚餐自费 After airport formalities, be met by our representatives and proceed to Kenya comfort hotel for dinner and overnight. 
Day 2: NAIROBI/MASAI MARA Meal plan: (X,L,D) 第二天,内罗毕去马赛马拉,傍晚出行看动物世界,包括早餐,中餐和晚餐 After breakfast, be met by our representatives and proceed to Masai Mara game reserve with brief stop over at the Great Rift Valley viewpoint. Arrive in time for lunch. After proceed for the Afternoon game drive in search of Black manned lions, elephants, Leopard, cheetah, buffalo and other plains game. Dinner and overnight at resort. 
Day 3: MASAI MARA Meal plan: (B,L,D) 第三天,马赛马拉,全天出行看动物世界,包括早餐,中餐和晚餐 After breakfast, proceed for a full day game drive as you explore this spectacular National Park. Picnic lunch at the hippo pool site/Mara river.Proceed for afternoon game drive. Dinner and overnight at resort. Day 4: MASAI MARA Meal plan: (B,L,D) 
第四天,马赛马拉,全天出行看动物世界,包括早餐,中餐和晚餐,可选清晨热气球 Optional early morning hot air balloon safari with bush breakfast. After breakfast proceed for morning game drive, with optional nature Walk or visit to Masai village where you will be able to experience their culture. Continue with the Afternoon game drive. Dinner and overnight at resort. Day 5: MARA/ NAKURU Meal plan: (B,L,D) 
第五天,早晨看动物,然后离开马赛马拉去纳库鲁湖区看犀牛,包早餐,中餐和晚餐 After breakfast, enjoy morning game drive as you depart for Lake Nakuru. stop over at the Thompson's falls, arrive in time for lunch. Lake Nakuru is world renowned for its masses of flamingos and is often referred to as the "pink lake". Besides birds, it is possible to see small game like Water buck, Impala, Rhino and Buffalo in the surrounding gardens. Dinner and overnight at lodge. Day 6: NAKURU/BOGORIA/NAKURU Meal plan: (B,L,D) 
第六天,穿越赤道去博格里亚湖区看火烈鸟,包括早餐,中餐和晚餐 After early breakfast, proceed to Lake Bogoria, arrive in time for hot lunch at the Bogoria Spa resort. Afternoon proceed into the park for game viewing. The park is famous for flamingos that carpet the lake, as well as hot springs/geysers. The reserve also has plenty of wildlife including the rare greater Kudu - most likely the only place you will see them. Then proceed to Nakuru town at hotel for Dinner and overnight. Day 7: NAKURU/AMBOSELI Meal plan: (B,L,D) 
第七天,去阿姆博塞利公园(乞力马扎罗山,大象),包括早餐,中餐和晚餐 After breakfast, head south to Amboseli. Arrive in time for lunch. enjoy afternoon game drive for a chance to see Lion, Giraffe Elephants and many other game animals with Mt. Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest peak.Dinner and overnight at AA lodge. Day 8: AMBOSELI/NAIROBI Meal plan: (B,L,X) 
第八天,下午到内罗毕,参观走出非洲原作者的庄园,包括早餐,送机。如果航班较晚,晚餐可以在当地最著名的BBQ参观,可以品尝当地特有的肉类,比如,鸵鸟,鳄鱼,马肉,鹿肉,野牛肉等(自费) After early breakfast, proceed to Nairobi arriving mid or late afternoon, on arrival enjoy optional visit to the Karen Blixen/ Bomas of Kenya or Giraffe center / Shopping mall then proceed to carnivore restaurant before proceeding to the airport for Home bound flight.
Safari Price includes:
Transport in a private Land Cruiser Jeep with pop up roof for ease in photography. Same English speaking tour guide driver from beginning to the end of the trip.
Accommodation in lodge/camp full board.
All park entrance fees
All Government taxes and levies
3 Meals a Day Vegetarian and non-vegetarian.
Unlimited game drives
Unlimited Mineral water
Airport transfers
Safari Price excludes:
International flight
Kenyan Visa
Personal effects
Travel/baggage insurance
Balloon safari
Entrance fees to Masai village, Giraffe Center, Karen Blixen (optional activity)
Reservation: A deposit of 30% is required at the time of booking and
the balance before the tour begins.
Cancellation: Any monies paid will be refunded less the cost of cancellation fees levied by hotels or food expenses.
Rates: Included all expenses in respect of vehicle and driver as per itinerary, meals on safari and entrance fees where included in the
safari itinerary.
Transportation: Cars, Minibuses, Land-Rovers or Coaches will be provided according to the route and number of clients. The company
reserves the right to employ the services of subcontractors. English - speaking drivers/guides are provided.
Accommodation: Based on two persons sharing a twin room: where possible rooms with private bath are requested. Single rooms are
available at an additional cost but cannot be guaranteed.
Hotel/lodges are named as an indication of category and rooms may be reserved at similar hotels/lodges.
Alteration to tours: The Company reserves the right to alter arrangements or cancel the operation of a scheduled tour should
conditions necessitate. It also reserves the right to decline to accept or retain any person as a member of any tour at anytime, in
which case an equitable amount will be refunded.


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