3月21日,大辛辛那提中华文化交流协会(GCCCEA)和辛辛那提亚太联盟(APAPA )协同25个跨种族的社区组织在市区地标全国地下铁路自由中心外的广场上举行了一次盛大的“停止亚裔仇恨”集会。本次集会主要为我们社区提供一个发声、治愈和呐喊的平台,并呼吁所有的反种族主义团体和个人团结起来一致抵抗种族仇恨和种族主义。市长约翰.克兰里 (JOHN CRANLEY),汉密尔顿郡法庭庭长艾弗泰伯.普里沃 (AFTAB PUREVAL),以及超过五十位的各大社区组织负责人都到场声援亚太裔。集会吸引了大约400-500参与者。在开放麦克风期间,众多社区成员踊跃参加发言,或是分享自己的故事,或是抒发积在心头已久的感想。辛辛那提的各大媒体也对本次活动做了详尽的报道。希望这次活动为亚裔维护自己的权益和团结其他力量一致反对种族主义立下一个新的开端。

停止亚裔仇恨 化此刻为持久的动力
全美的亚太裔社区正在面临一个危机。自从2020年3月份新冠疫情在美国泛滥开来,停止亚太仇恨(STOP AAPI HATE)这个追踪针对亚裔暴力事件的组织一共记录了接近3800宗亚裔被袭击事件。在纽约和旧金山的中国城中,亚裔老人在被袭击,甚至被谋杀。上周二(3月16日),在亚特兰大一宗枪击案中,有六名亚裔被杀害。这个危机必须被制止。
Statement from the Stop Asian Hate Event Organizers
Stop Asian Hate 
- Let’s turn this moment into momentum
Within 48 hours, 27 organizations came together in support of Asian Americans under attack. We are deeply grateful to the coalition. We will stand in solidarity to fight bigotry, racism, and hate crimes.
The Asian and Pacific Islander (API) communities across the country are facing a crisis at the moment. Since the COVID pandemic hit in March, 2020, Stop AAPI Hate, a coalition that tracks incidents of violence against Asian Americans in the U.S., reported nearly 3,800 anti-Asian incidents in the past 12 months. Senior Asian American citizens are being attacked and killed in Chinatown from San Francisco to New York. The shooting in Atlanta Tuesday that claimed eight innocent lives, six of whom are Asian sent the entire community reeling.  This has to STOP.
To our API family, please take time to grieve and heal. Remember that you are loved, seen, and important. We have to keep standing up, speaking out, rallying together, and fighting for change. We cannot lose hope.
Racism has no place in the society. Asian Americans are here to stay. We will claim our American citizenship, and all the rights and responsibilities that come with it. We are children, parents, and grandparents. We are your neighbors, workers, small business owners, professionals, scientists, engineers, and artists. This land is our home. All Americans regardless racial background should be able to walk down the street, go to work or school, play with their children safely, and belong.
To our allies, we ask you to join us in fighting bigotry, racism, and hate crimes. We are not the model minority that takes care of ourselves miraculously in every situation. We ask our government to protect our API citizens and prosecute hate crimes against Asian Americans effectively. We demand to be included in the political agenda and policy making process. Schools and universities around the country, listen to your API students. They need your support to provide a safe environment and an education that includes an accurate and complete picture of the API history, our accomplishments, and our challenges. Businesses, we should not be the quiet workhorses who are stuck in the middle or at the bottom. If you truly appreciate the value of diversity and inclusion, promote more API employees who may look and think differently to senior leadership. Media, do not follow the conventional narrative and political rhetoric. Employ more API journalists, come to learn about us as individuals, and bring more visibility to our community.
Our community is deeply grateful to the overwhelming support we have received since last week. We need to turn this moment into momentum.
Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs (APAPA) Cincinnati Chapter 俄州亚太联盟辛辛那提分会
Greater Cincinnati Chinese Cultural Exchange Association (GCCCEA) 大辛辛那提中华文化交流协会
- 赞助 -
【编者按】本文仅代表作者观点,不代表APAPA Ohio及OCAA官方立场。所有图片均由作者提供或来自网络。如存在版权问题,请与我们联系。更多精彩文章,请查看我们公众号的主页。欢迎大家积极投稿:[email protected]
俄州亚太联盟公众号是APAPA Ohio在Ohio Chinese American Association俄亥俄华人协会OCAA)的支持下办的公众号,旨在为俄亥俄的亚裔群体、尤其是华人群体提供一个分享、交流、互助的平台,宣传APAPA Ohio 、OCAA和其他亚裔团体的活动,促进亚裔社区对美国社会、政治、文化、体育艺术、教育、法律等的了解。APAPA的全名是Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs Association (美国亚太联盟),是在美国联邦政府注册的501(c)(3)非营利组织。