本文作者: Jemma
在英文写作中,动词在一句话中常常扮演谓语的角色,而主语做出了什么样的动作是这句话里最关键的信息。因此,动词应该是简洁有力的。动词冗余(unnecessary verbs)是本篇文章要介绍的中式英语。这一类中式英语通常涉及弱化动词,而将动作实义放在名词上的特点。
不必要动词+名词(unnec. verb + noun)
最常见的动词冗余现象是一个实义不强、较为通用的动词(a weak, colorless, all-purpose verb)与一个表示动作的名词组合起来。例如 “We must make an improvement in our work.” 很明显,make这个动词不携带动作实义,因而多余。这句话完全可以修改成“We must improve our work.” 更多例子比如:
A: They should conduct a careful examination of...
B: They should carefully examine...
A: They must make up their minds to implement the reform of the current system.
B: They must make up their minds to reform the current system.
A: Approval should be given to all these projects.
B: All these projects should be approved.
A: Solutions to these problems can be found only through...
B: These problems can be solved only through...
To maketo have是英语中的常用动词,因为他们的含义可以根据上下文具体解释,这两个词经常涉及动词冗余的搭配。例如:
To make an investigation of = to investigate
To make a careful study of = to study carefully
To make a decision to = to decide to
To make a proposal that = to propose that
To have trust in = to trust
To have an influence on = to influence
To have adequate knowledge of = to know enough about
To have respect for = to respect
To give guidance to = to guide
To provide assistance to= to assist
To achieve success in = to succeed in
To exercise control over = to control
To register an increase = to increase
(unnec. verb + unnec. noun + third word)
第二种情况是由一个实义弱化的动词,一个分类名词(参见上一篇文章)以及第三个单词构成的冗余。比如“Our efforts to reach the goal of modernization...”当中的主要实义词是reach, goal,和modernization,但只有modernization包涵了实际的动作实现现代化。将这句话裁剪成“Our efforts to modernize...”完全不影响意思的传达。类似例子还有:
A: We adopted the policy of withdrawal.
B: We withdraw / We decided to withdraw.
A: In all matters we must assume the attitude of admitting what we do and do not know.
B: We should always (be ready to) admit what we do and do not know.
A: This measure will have a restrictive effect on the activities of speculators.
B: This measure will restrict the activities of speculators.
A: We failed to take care to ensure that there must be an all-round balance between the various planned targets.
B: We failed to ensure an all-round balance between the planned targets.
在很多情况下,动词冗余变成习惯性表达,Pinkham把它们称为overworked introductory verb phrases或者throat-clearing verb phrases。这些表达本身在句子中并不符合逻辑,却容易冲淡重点。而它们由于被经常性的重复使用,变成固定化的模式,也会失去影响力,被人忽略。在真正被需要时,反而没有了力量。例如:
A: The principal task at present is to do a good job in disseminating and applying the results of scientific and technological research.
B: The principal task is to disseminate and apply the results of scientific and technological research.
在这句话中,这个“task”其实并不是“to do a good job”,而是to disseminate and apply...” 很明显,“to do a good job”是一个throat-clearing verb phrase
我们介绍了动词冗余的两种典型情况,但并非所有符合以上两种结构的表达都是动词冗余。首先,必须要确定是否有多余、没有意义的词。比如表达时间一般是有实义的(e.g., at present it is necessary to ...)。其次,要去考虑这个词在上下文中的重要性。比如 “We must make great efforts in education.” 确实具有实义。又比如 “China has always followed a policy of peaceful coexistence.” 这个policy确实存在,删去它反而不合适。