  1. “黑色星期五”是怎么来的?
  2. “网络星期一”是怎么回事?
  3. 今年的“黑五”发生了什么变化?
The start of the pre-Christmas shopping season, which this year falls on November 27th, has long been a bonanza for American retailers. The term itself is often credited to Philadelphia’s policemen, who used it to describe the pandemonium caused by suburban shoppers and tourists thronging the city ahead of the annual Army-Navy American-football game on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. By the 1980s shops recognised the branding opportunity—and began marking the occasion with deep discounts and “doorbuster” deals to pull people from their turkey-laden tables to shopping aisles. 
These days retailers make one-fifth of their holiday revenue, defined as sales in November and December, in the five days from Thanksgiving to Cyber Monday, invented in 2005 by the National Retail Federation (NRF), a trade group, in recognition ofan online sales bump on the first working day after the holiday weekend. Black Friday typically attracts more than twice the foot traffic of other annual shopping sprees in America. 
This year, though, covid-19 has made many shoppers reluctant to elbow their way to cut-price wedding gowns or TV sets. So large retailers have, like Best Buy, stretched Black Friday from a frenzied 24 hours to several weeks. Walmart, Target and other big-box retailers announced discounts on holiday items as early as October 11th.


①The start of the pre-Christmas shopping season, which this year falls on November 27th, has long been a bonanza for American retailers.
这句话的主干是:The start of the pre-Christmas shopping season has long been a bonanza for American retailers.
圣诞节前的大采购是一个期间段,不是某一天,所以文中说的是 the pre-Christmas shopping season(圣诞节前购物季),而第一天(the start of),也就是“黑色星期五”,是最重要的一天,文中用的是 bonanza 一词来表示。
bonanza [bəˈnænzə] 指 a situation in which people can make a lot of money or be very successful “发财(或成功)的机遇”,2014年《经济学人》报道了“阿里巴巴敲钟上市”,题目中就出现了这个词:
bazaar [bə'zɑ:r] 指“集市、小市场”,from bazaar to bonanza 巧用押头韵,体现出阿里巴巴从小集市发展到电商巨头的历程。
5G is a cash bonanza for investors.
文中 a bonanza for American retailers 的意思是:黑五对美国零售商来说是一次赚钱的机会。
The start of the pre-Christmas shopping season后面还加了一个定语从句,补充了“购物季”的具体日期:which this year falls on November 27th
which代指the start of the pre-Christmas shopping season 购物季首日。
注意一个搭配:节日+fall on+日期,表示“XX日期是XX节”,此外也可以用“节日+be observed on+日期”表示,比如:
which this year is observed on November 27th

②The term itself is often credited to Philadelphia’s policemen, who used it to describe the pandemonium caused by suburban shoppers and tourists thronging the city ahead of the annual Army-Navy American-football game on the Saturday after Thanksgiving.
我们首先来看主干:The term itself is often credited to Philadelphia’s policemen
The compulsory course is worth two credits.
文中的 credit 是动词,常用搭配为:credit B to A credit A with B “把B归功于A”,比如:
The 5G rollout is largely credited to Huawei, a Chinese telecommunications company.
Huawei, a Chinese telecommunications company, is largely credited with the 5G rollout.
所以,文中 The term itself is often credited to Philadelphia’s policemen 就很好理解了:这个词(指“黑五”)通常归功于费城警察。
注意 Philadelphia 的读音:[,filə'delfiə]
“费城警察”后面又跟了一个who引导的定语从句,进行补充:who used it to describe the pandemonium
it 指前面的 term,即“黑五”这个词;
pandemonium [ˌpændəˈməʊniəm] 同 chaos,指“混乱的局面”。
是什么造成混乱局面呢?pandemonium后面跟了一个V-ed形式的后置定语,进行补充:caused by suburban shoppers and tourists
= the pandemonium was caused by suburban shoppers and tourists
pandemonium和suburban shoppers and tourists是被动的关系,所以要用V-ed形式的后置定语。
什么样的购物者和游客呢?后面作者又通过一个V-ing形式的后置定语,对其进行修饰:thronging the city
= the suburban shoppers and tourists thronged the city
the suburban shoppers and tourists和throng是主动的关系,所以要用V-ing形式的后置定语。
throng是个具有文学色彩的表达,作名词时指“一大群人”(a crowd of people),文中作动词,指“涌向某地”,后面可以先加介词再加地点,表示“涌入”,也可以直接加地点,表示“挤满”。比如,每年“黑五”都会有大批消费者涌入商店,我们可以说:
Consumers throng into malls every "Black Friday".
文中 thronging the city 指:(郊区购物者和游客)把城市挤得水泄不通。
在什么时候挤满城市了呢?最后作者又补充了一个时间:ahead of the annual Army-Navy American-football game / on the Saturday after Thanksgiving
ahead of...:在...之前
on the Saturday after Thanksgiving:在感恩节后的周六。
The term itself is often credited to Philadelphia’s policemen, who used it to describe the pandemonium / caused by suburban shoppers and tourists / thronging the city / ahead of the annual Army-Navy American-football game / on the Saturday after Thanksgiving.
Army-Navy American-football game
而英文的修饰成分往往后置,如果要修饰一个名词,可通过V-ing/V-ed形式的后置定语、也可通过定语从句进行补充,比如pandemonium caused by suburban shoppers and tourists thronging the city,理论上,一个英文句子可以无穷无尽地写下去。
The term itself is often credited to Philadelphia’s policemen, who used it to describe the pandemonium caused by suburban shoppers and tourists thronging the city ahead of the annual Army-Navy American-football game on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, which has historical roots in religious and cultural traditions, and was celebrated on November 26th in 2020, a year of unusual uncertainty, which has seen the outbreak of an unprecedented pandemic that has killed more than 200 thousand people in the United States alone, a growing divided country which has elected a new president call Biden, who...

③By the 1980s shops recognised the branding opportunity—and began marking the occasion with deep discounts and “doorbuster” deals to pull people from their turkey-laden tables to shopping aisles.
句首点明“黑五”一词进入商业领域的时间:By the 1980s
1)shops recognised the branding opportunity
2)began marking the occasion with deep discounts and “doorbuster” deals
brand是“品牌”的意思,branding可以理解成“品牌宣传、推广”,所以 recognised the branding opportunity 便是:意识到这是一次品牌推广的机会。
mark 有 celebrate 的意思,mark...with sth指“用...纪念/庆祝某节日或活动”,比如你参加了一个志愿者活动,活动结束前主办方给你发了一个奖章作为纪念,就可以说:
The organizer presented you with a medal to mark the occasion.
We mark the Spring Festival with firecrackers.
discount是“折扣”的意思,比如“享八折优惠”,如果是商家作主语,可以说 offer a 20% discount,如果是消费者作主语,可以说 get a 20% discount.
文中 deep discount 很好理解,字面意思是“很深的折扣”,即“超大折扣”。
doorbuster 是一种营销策略,商店早上开门时通常会在门口放一些折扣很大的限时特价商品,以吸引顾客,这些商品就叫 doorbuster deals 开门大抢购商品。看一张图片:
店家为什么要提供如此大的折扣?后面通过to do结构补充了这样做的目的:to pull people from their turkey-laden tables to shopping aisles
pull people from... to...:把人们从...拉到...,因为pull也有“吸引”(attract)的意思,所以这里也可以理解成:把人们从...吸引到...。
-laden”是一个常见的构词法,指“满是...的,充满...的”,相当于 full of,但比 full of 更有文学色彩。《经济学人》中曾有篇文章讲到了四川火锅,文中就用“spice-laden”一词来形容四川火锅的辣味十足。
文中 turkey-laden tables 指“满是火鸡的桌子”;
后面的 shopping aisle 指“商店过道”,注意 aisle 的读音:[aɪl]
By the 1980s shops recognised the branding opportunity—and began marking the occasion with deep discounts and “doorbuster” deals to pull people from their turkey-laden tables to shopping aisles.


①These days / retailers make one-fifth of their holiday revenue, / defined as sales in November and December, / in the five days from Thanksgiving to Cyber Monday, / invented in 2005 by the National Retail Federation (NRF), a trade group, / in recognition of an online sales bump on the first working day after the holiday weekend.
这个句子有点长,我们先把主干拎出来:These days / retailers make one-fifth of their holiday revenue in the five days
现在(These days),零售商在五天内(in the five days)就赚到了假期收入的1/5(make one-fifth of their holiday revenue)。
one-fifth of their holiday revenue:假期收入的1/5。
这里的holiday revenue指什么呢?后面后置定语进行解释:defined as sales in November and December
= holiday revenue is defined as sales in November and December
那the five days指的是哪5天呢?后面补充到:from Thanksgiving to Cyber Monday
感恩节是星期四,Cyber Monday我先剧透一下,位于感恩节后的第一个星期一,从星期四到下周一,正好5天,数字对上了。
Cyber Monday到底是什么东西?后面又通过定语从句进行补充:invented in 2005 by the National Retail Federation (NRF), a trade group
= Cyber Monday was invented in 2005 by the National Retail Federation (NRF), a trade group
为什么要发明一个“网络星期一”呢?后面通过一个介词结构继续补充:in recognition of / an online sales bump / on the first working day / after the holiday weekend.
in recognition of...是一个高中搭配,它指showing respect and thanks for... 为...表达尊敬和感激。
an online sales bump 是一个名词搭配,bump我们都知道,作动词有“撞上”的意思,作名词表示“肿块”(撞到东西会起肿块),我们脑补一下肿块的形状:是不是高高的、凸起来的?就像图片里一样
所以bump由“肿块”引申出激增的意思,相当于 a sudden increase,文中
an online sales bump = a sudden increase in online sales 线上销售额的激增。
Jack Ma’s online company has given itself an annual sales bump thanks to a holiday devoted to consumerism.
a holiday devoted to consumerism的字面意思是“致力于消费主义的节日”,指的就是“双11”,我翻译为“剁手节”。
a sales bump 的反义词是 a sales slump

回到文中来,on the first working day / after the holiday weekend 指“假期后的第一个工作日”。
这里的the holiday weekend指 从感恩节到周末的这段时间。下周一就要上班了,所以是 the first working day。
所以,in recognition of / an online sales bump / on the first working day / after the holiday weekend 这部分我们就可以理解了:为了表达对假期结束后第一个工作日线上销售激增的认可。
These days retailers make one-fifth of their holiday revenue, defined as sales in November and December, in the five days from Thanksgiving to Cyber Monday, invented in 2005 by the National Retail Federation (NRF), a trade group, in recognition of an online sales bump on the first working day after the holiday weekend.

②Black Friday typically attracts more than twice the foot traffic of other annual shopping sprees in America.
相对来讲,这句话就很好理解了,我们只要抓住两个词:foot traffic 和 shopping sprees.
foot traffic 在零售领域很常见,指“客流量”,foot是“脚”,这里代指“人迹、足迹”;traffic除了“交通”,也有“流量”的意思,可以指顾客流量、交通流量,我们手机上网用的流量也是 network traffic 或 data traffic.
spree 指一段狂热期(a short period of time when you do a lot of one activity),shopping sprees就是“购物狂潮”的意思,“双十一”的“剁手”行为,就可以说 go on a shopping spree 疯狂购物。
the foot traffic of other annual shopping sprees in America指:美国其它年度购物狂潮的客流量。
more than twice the foot traffic of other annual shopping sprees in America 的意思是:美国其它年度购物狂潮的客流量的两倍之多。


This year, though, covid-19 has made many shoppers reluctant to elbow their way to cut-price wedding gowns or TV sets. So large retailers have, like Best Buy, stretched Black Friday from a frenzied 24 hours to several weeks. Walmart, Target and other big-box retailers announced discounts on holiday items as early as October 11th.
首先是 elbow their way 这个词,elbow本是名词,指“胳膊肘”,这里名词动用,表示“用肘推、用肘挤”,elbow one's way to 就是“一路用胳膊肘挤着到了某地”,形容人多、难以前行。
wedding gowns or TV sets 不单指“婚纱或电视机”,而是泛指“商品”。
Coronavirus outbreaks are deadly enough without the added misery of guns and bombs.
表示“战争”,作者没有用 war 这个词,而是用了更具体的 guns and bombs 枪和炸弹,更有画面感。
回到文中来,elbow their way to cut-price wedding gowns or TV sets 就可以理解成:用胳膊肘推搡着去抢购折扣商品,如图:
a frenzied 24 hours 中,24 hours是一个时间整体——持续24小时的时间段,而不是指具体的24个小时,所以前面加了冠词 a。
frenzied 同 crazy,指“疯狂的”,a frenzied 24 hours 和前面的 elbow their way to...相互呼应。
这段话中还出现了几个美国著名的零售商:Best Buy 百思买,Walmart 沃尔玛,Target 塔吉特,感兴趣的同学可以了解一下。