-Adam! When did you get - Where are you? When did you get so mushy? Oh, my God. I love this man with so - all of my heart to the point where
- This is one of the kindest human beings you´ll ever meet. Aside from being one of the most talented and generous and just a stunning everything. I mean, this isn´t your Icon award, so I can´t go too on and on, but I´ll do it next time. I love you.
-I love you.
-Oh, my God, you guys. Thank you for this incredible honor. I mean, you know, this town doles out a lot of awards, but, you know, the People´s Choice, this, uh... This has always been special to me, you know, because as actors, we don´t do this for the critics or for, you know, for each other or to make our families proud. You know, we do this for the money.  No, I´m kidding. Sorry. I´m kidding. Does this go up any farther? No. Um, we do it for you guys. Come on, seriously. We really do, and I mean, none of us could do what we do if it was not without all of you. And you have all been so good to me over the years.
-Love you, girl!
-I love you, too!
-Good job, Jen.
-Yeah. I mean, when I first heard that I had won this Icon award. Oh, sorry. First thing I thought was, "Holy shite, have I been around this long?"
-You want me to hold it?
-Turns out I have. No, I´m doing weights.
-I´m multitasking. No. But if I have any claim to this word "Icon," it´s only because I was able to be on an iconic show with... ...yes, with an iconic cast, and, um, yes, and an iconic haircut. I mean, "Friends" was truly
- it was the gift of a lifetime, and I would not be standing up here without that amazing show, without those amazing five other actors, and with an audience who stuck with us for a decade and through streaming services now and, you know, syndication, and you know, I´m sure coming to watch soon near you or something. But anyway, you believed in us. 
You really did. And you believed in those very impossibly large apartments.  And... But you had to believe it, because we were telling our story. But anyway, it´s paved the way for everything that I´ve had the chance to do since, and it feels so good, also, that I get to be back on television where it all really started! And I´m so excited! And I´m with another incredible ensemble, cast on the morning show, so thank you for tuning into that. So, I just really
- Thank you for being on this journey with me, and I just - - I love you guys. So thank you for sticking by me. Good night.
Just days after receiving an award - and holding a simultaneous Friends reunion with Courteney Cox and Lisa Kudrow - Jennifer Aniston was presented with yet another award this weekend.
The actress received the People's Icon of 2019 award, at the People's Choice Awards in Los Angeles on Sunday evening. Her frequent co-star Adam Sandler presented the 51-year-old with the gong and gushed about Aniston, when introducing her to the crowd.
After Sandler's sweet intro, Aniston uttered her gratitude, focusing on one particular TV show for serving as a catalyst for her hugely successful career.
'If I have any claim to this word 'icon' it's only because I was on an iconic show, with an iconic cast and an iconic haircut,' she told the screaming crowd.

'Friends was truly the gift of a lifetime and I would not be standing up here without that amazing show, those amazing five other actors and an audience who stuck with us for a decade and through streaming services now... you believed in us and you believed in those very impossibly large apartments but you had to believe it but we were telling our story.'
Aniston credited the show for 'paving the way' for everything she's done since.
'Thank you for being on this journey with me and I love you, guys. Thank you for sticking by me,' an emotional Aniston told the crowd.
Last week, the star was joined by the two other thirds of the female Friends stars, Cox and Kudrow, at the SAG Patron of the Artists Awards.
Also posing for pictures with the trio backstage was Paul Rudd, who also should be counted as an honorary Friend as he did marry Phoebe 'Princess Consuela BannanaHammock' Buffay in the final series of the sitcom.
Since making her Instagram debut with a bang last month, Aniston has regularly weaved Friends content onto her page, most recently when paying tribute to her longtime hairdresser and friend Chris McMillan, she posted a major throwback to 1980s Rachel Green.
Keep it coming, Jen.
她曾经是电视荧幕上最受欢迎的 " 老友瑞秋",后来她是备受狗仔关注的 "苦情前妻 ",现在她成为全球最美的女人。她就是詹妮弗 · 安妮斯顿。
《人物杂志》(People Magazine)在其最新公布的“2016全球最美女性”中,47岁的詹妮弗·安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)力压众女星,拿下第一。


珍妮弗说:“有一天我和布拉德走在街上,看到一对老夫妻,他们已经很老了但他们看着对方的眼神就像在说“我已经爱了你一万年但是还不够!” 我希望有一天我和皮特也能这样。”


2005 年 1 月 7 日,经过七年的相处,四年半的婚姻,詹妮弗和皮特一致宣布放弃,分道扬镳。
詹妮弗对《 名利场 》说," 分手声明是我们一起写的,写得很认真。我们以美丽的姿态退出了这段感情,如同我们美丽地开始它一样。"

2005年年末,她离开了曾与皮特居住的房子,并把新家从皮特喜欢的那种冷冰冰的装饰风格中解脱出来了," 布拉德和我以前开玩笑说我们的每件家具要么是博物馆里的老古董,要么就用起来极不舒服 " 她笑着说。

为了舒缓压力,詹妮弗学了空手道,每周上三次课来使自己平静。她还痴迷于瑜伽," 我读了许多修养身心的书 "。




