根据皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)5月7日发布的一份报告显示,随着十一月大选的临近,符合条件的亚裔选民数量将创下历史新高。在过去20年间,亚裔选民人数激增139%,与其他所有主要族裔相比,亚裔美国人成为合格选民中增长最快的群体
美国华人联合会(UCA)是一个面向和服务于美国华人、致力推动公民社会参与的非党派、非盈利组织。UCA致力于增强美国华裔社区的权益,培养年轻一代和青年领袖也是UCA的重要使命之一。2019年,UCA的一些地方组织和分会参与了由Civic Leadership USA(CLUSA)赞助主办的青年领袖实习项目。
2020 Fall UCA Democracy Internship Program Proposal 
I. Goal of the Program 
Voting is the cornerstone of our democracy and the fundamental right that underpins all our civil liberties. The right to vote, essential to a well-functioning democracy, is the most enshrined right in the Constitution and is protected by five separate Amendments. In order to instill an early sense and habit of civic engagement and political participation in our next generation, and to maximize the political participation and voter turnout rate in the historic 2020 Presidential Election among Chinese and other Asian American communities, UCA would like to propose the following plan for carrying out UCA Democracy Internship for the Fall of 2020. 
II. Program Plan 
UCA will find affiliated organizations and chapters to participate in 2020 Fall UCA Democracy Internship Program, and to recruit qualified students to perform tasks in the areas of voter registration and maximizing voter turnout rate. 
1. Scope of Work for Participating Organizations 
  • Each participating organization shall recruit 2-3 qualified college students (preferred) or high school students (junior or senior) who are either US citizens or permanent residents, to join the program, with the exception of no more than 5 interns for a large membership organization; 
  • Each participating organization would assign 1-2 adult mentors to student interns providing guidance and monitoring interns activities; 
  • Each participating organization is responsible for providing an orientation in addition to trainings from CLUSA or UCA; 
  • Each participating organization will provide resources and contact information of local Chinese and Asian American organizations including Chinese Schools, and assist student interns with community and voter outreach activities; 
  • Each participating organization is responsible for collecting student interns assignment completion document, evaluating their progress, keeping record, and submitting a final report summarizing student interns working hours and performance. 
2. Responsibilities of Student Interns 
  • All interns shall work a minimum of 60 hours between September 8 (or earlier) to November 3, 2020, and employ all means and tools to register for vote Asian American youth as top priority, then Asian American population in general, and then any people, in that order vote; 
  • Although any means should be considered to register new voters, all interns shall focus on registering young people through social media tools such Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat, TikTok and others, and working with other local youth or previous school mates, so as to truly increase the registration rate of the young people, who historically has the lowest registration rate in America; 
  • All interns shall keep in contact with people she or he has registered, and contact them again when voting or early voting starts before or on November 3 Presidential Election; 
  • All interns shall research and find contact information of local Chinese and Asian American organizations including local Chinese Schools, and reach out to voters within their organizations in order to assist voters and help turnout vote. 
  • All interns will join a network group set up by UCA for the 2020 Fall Democracy Internship Program throughout the fall season, and make sure all interns have chance to know each other and learn from each other; 
  • All interns will receive stipend of $400 upon successful completion of the program. 
III. Program Timeline 
Now – 09/01, 2020 Chapters & Organizations Sign Up 
09/02 – 09/07, 2020Students Recruitment 
09/08 – 10/03, 2020 Voter Registration 
10/04 – 11/03, 2020 Community & Voters Outreach to maximizing turnout 
IV. Contact 
Hong Qi @ [email protected], or 206-388-9596 

