8月11日,美国民主党总统候选人Joe Biden 宣布了加州参议员卡玛拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris,中文名贺锦丽)会是他的副总统搭档。
Kamala Harris: Thank  you, Joe. As I said, Joe, when you called me, I am incredibly honored by this  responsibility and I’m ready to get to work. I’m ready to get to  work.
Kamala Harris: After  the most competitive primary in history, the country received a resounding  message that Joe was the person to lead us forward. Joe, I’m so proud to stand  with you. I do so mindful of all the heroic and ambitious women before me whose  sacrifice, determination and resilience makes my presence here today even  possible. This is a moment of real consequence for America. Everything we care  about, our economy, our health, our children, the kind of country we live in,  it’s all on the line. We’re reeling from the worst public health crisis in a  century. The president’s mismanagement of the pandemic has plunged us into the  worst economic crisis since the Great Depression and we’re experiencing a moral  reckoning with racism and systemic injustice that has brought a new coalition of  conscience to the streets of our country, demanding change. America is crying  out for leadership, yet we have a president who cares more about himself than  the people who elected him. A president who is making every challenge we face  even more difficult to solve.
Kamala Harris: But  here’s the good news, we don’t have to accept the failed government of Donald  Trump and Mike Pence in just 83 days. We have a chance to choose a better future  for our country. So Joe, Dr. Biden, thank you for the trust you’ve placed in me.  Jill, I know you will be an incredible First Lady. My husband, Doug, and I are  so grateful to become a part of your extended  family.
Kamala Harris: Ever  since I received Joe’s call, I’ve been thinking, yes, about the first Biden that  I really came to know, and that of course is Joe’s beloved son, one of his  beloved sons, Beau. In the midst of the Great Recession, Beau and I spoke on the  phone practically every day, sometimes multiple times a day, working together to  win back billions of dollars for homeowners from the big banks of the nation  that were foreclosing on people’s homes.
Kamala Harris: Let me  just tell you about Beau Biden. I learned quickly that Beau was the kind of guy  who inspired people to be a better version of themselves. He really was the best  of us. And when I would ask him, “Where did you get that? Where did this come  from?” He’d always talk about his dad. I will tell you the love that they shared  was incredible to watch. It was the most beautiful display of the love between a  father and a son. Beau talked about how Joe would spend four hours every day  riding the rails back and forth from Wilmington to Washington so he could make  breakfast for his kids in the morning and make it home in time to tuck them in  bed each night. All of this so two little boys, who had just lost their mom and  their sister in a tragic accident, would know that the world was still turning,  and that’s how I came to know Joe.
Kamala Harris: He’s  someone whose first response when things get tough is never to think about  himself, but to care for everyone else. He’s someone who never asks, why is this  happening to me? And instead asks, what can I do to make life better for you?  His empathy, his compassion, his sense of duty to care for others is why I am so  proud to be on this ticket.
Kamala Harris: Joe and  I, yes, we are cut from the same cloth, family is everything to me too. I cannot  wait for America to get to know my husband, Doug, and our amazing kids, Cole and  Ella. Because whether I’m cheering in the bleachers at a swim meet, or setting  up a college room dorm, or helping my goddaughter prepare for her school debate,  or building Legos with my godson, or hugging my two baby nieces, or cooking  dinner, Sunday dinner, my family means everything to me. I’ve had a lot of  titles over my career, and certainly vice president will be great, but Mamala  will always be the one that means the most.
Kamala Harris: My  mother and father, they came from opposite sides of the world to arrive in  America, one from India and the other from Jamaica, in search of a world-class  education. But what brought them together was the civil rights movement of the  1960s. That’s how they met, as students in the streets of Oakland, marching and  shouting for this thing called justice in a struggle that continues today, and I  was part of it. My parents would bring me to protests, strapped tightly in my  stroller. My mother, Shyamala, raised my sister, Maya, and me to believe that it  was up to us and every generation of Americans to keep on marching. She’d tell  us, “Don’t sit around and complain about things, do something.” So I did  something, I devoted my life to making real the words carved in the United  States Supreme Court, equal justice under law.
Kamala Harris: 30 years  ago, I stood before a judge for the first time, breathed deep and uttered the  phrase that would truly guide my career and the rest of my career, Kamala Harris  for the people. The people, that’s who I represented as district attorney,  fighting on behalf of victims who needed help. The people, that’s who I fought  for as California’s Attorney General when I took on transnational criminal  organizations who traffic in guns and drugs and human beings. And it’s the  people who I have fought for as the United States Senator where I’ve worked  every day to hold Trump officials accountable to the American people. And the  people are who Joe and I will fight for every day in the White  House.
Kamala Harris: Let me  tell you, as somebody who has presented my fair share of arguments in court, the  case against Donald Trump and Mike Pence is open and shut. Just look where  they’ve gotten us, more than 16 million out of work, millions of kids who cannot  go back to school, a crisis of poverty, of homelessness afflicting black, brown,  and indigenous people the most, a crisis of hunger afflicting one in five  mothers who have children that are hungry and tragically, more than 165,000  lives that have been cut short, many with loved ones who never got the chance to  say goodbye. It didn’t have to be this way. Six years ago, in fact, we had a  different health crisis, it was called Ebola. We all remember that pandemic, but  you know what happened then? Barack Obama and Joe Biden did their job, only  two-
Kamala Harris: … and  Joe Biden did their job. Only two people in the United States died. Two. That is  what’s called leadership. But compare that to the moment we find ourselves in  now. When other countries are following the science, Trump pushed miracle cures  he saw on Fox News. While other countries were flattening the curve, he said the  virus would just poof, go away, quote, like a miracle. So when other countries  opened back up for business, what did we do? We had to shut down again. This  virus has impacted almost every country, but there’s a reason it has hit America  worse than any other advanced nation. It’s because of Trump’s failure to take it  seriously from the start, his refusal to get testing up and running, his flip  flopping on social distancing and wearing masks, his delusional belief that he  knows better than the experts.
Kamala Harris: All of  that is reason. And the reason that an American dies of COVID-19 every 80  seconds. It’s why countless businesses have had to shut their doors for good.  It’s why there is complete chaos over when and how to reopen our schools.  Mothers and fathers are confused and uncertain and angry about childcare and the  safety of their kids at school. Whether they will be in danger if they go, or  fall behind if they don’t. Trump is also the reason millions of Americans are  now unemployed. He inherited the longest economic expansion in history from  Barack Obama and Joe Biden. And then, like everything else he inherited, he ran  it straight into the ground. Because of Trump’s failures of leadership, our  economy has taken one of the biggest hits out of all the major industrialized  nations with an unemployment rate that has tripled as of today. This is what  happens when we elect a guy who just isn’t up for the job. Our country ends up  in tatters, and so does our reputation around the  world.
Kamala Harris: But  let’s be clear. This election isn’t just about defeating Donald Trump or Mike  Pence. It’s about building this country back better. And that’s exactly what Joe  and I will do. We’ll create millions of jobs and fight climate change through a  clean energy revolution, bring back critical supply chains so the future is made  in America, build on the affordable care act. So everyone has a peace of mind  that comes with health insurance, and finally offer caregivers the dignity, the  respect, and the pay they deserve. We’ll protect a woman’s right to make her own  decisions about her own body, root out systemic racism in our justice system,  and pass a new voting rights act. A John Lewis voting rights act that will  ensure every voice is heard and every voice is  counted.
Kamala Harris: The  civil rights struggle is nothing new to Joe. It’s why he got into public  service. It’s why he helped reauthorize the voting rights act and restore  unemployment discrimination and employment discrimination laws. And today, he  takes his place in the ongoing story of America’s march toward equality and  justice, as the only, as the only who has served alongside the first black  president and has chosen the first black woman as his running mate. But as Joe  always points out, this election is about more than politics. It’s about who we  are as a country. And I’ll admit over the past four years, there have been  moments when I have truly worried about our future. But whenever I think that  there is a reason for doubt, whenever I’ve had my own doubts, I think of you,  the American people, the doctors and nurses and frontline workers who are  risking your lives to save others, the truck drivers and the workers in grocery  stores, in factories, in farms, working there, putting your own safety on the  line to help us get through this pandemic. The women and students taking to the  streets in unprecedented numbers. The dreamers and immigrants who know that  families belong together. The LGBTQ Americans who know that love is love. People  of every age and color and creed who are finally declaring in one voice that  yes, black lives matter.
Kamala Harris: All  across this country, a whole new generation of children is growing up hearing  the cries for justice and the chance of hope on which I was raised. Some  strapped into strollers of their own. And trust me, it’s a song you’ll never  forget. So to everyone, keeping up the fight, you are doing something. You are  doing something great. You are the heroes of our time and you are the reason I  know we are going to bring our country closer to realizing its great promise,  but to do it, we’ll need to work, organize and vote like never before, because  we need more than a victory on November 3rd. We need a mandate that proves that  the past few years do not represent who we are or who we aspire to  be.
Kamala Harris: Joe  likes to say that character is on the ballot. And it’s true. When he saw what  happened in Charlottesville three years ago today, he knew we were in a battle  for the soul of our nation. And together with your help, that’s a battle we will  win. Earlier this year, I said, “I do whatever Joe asks me to do.” And so now  I’m asking you to do the same. So visit joebiden.com to get involved in this  campaign and vote, because electing Joe Biden is just the start of the work  ahead of us. And I couldn’t be prouder to be by his side, running to represent  you, the people. Thank you and may God bless the United States of America. Thank  you.
在我的职业生涯中,我获得了很多头衔,当然,副总统一定会很棒。但是妈妈萝拉(Mama Lola)永远是最有意义的。而且你知道,我的父亲和母亲从世界的两端来到美国。一个来自印度,另一个来自牙买加,以寻求世界一流的教育。但是,促使他们走到一起的是1960年代的民权运动。他们在奥克兰街头的学生游行中结识,他们为“正义”呐喊,这场斗争一直持续到今天。而我也参与其中。我的父母带我去抗议,把我紧紧地绑在婴儿车上,我的母亲香巴拉(Shambhala)抚养我的妹妹玛雅(Maya)和我,认为继续前行取决于我们和每一代美国人。她告诉我们不要坐在那里抱怨事情,做点什么。
因此,我用我的一生,致力于将平等正义刻在美国最高法院法律里。30年前,我第一次站在法官面前,深深地吸一口气,说出那句话,这决定了我的事业和以后的事业。“卡马拉·哈里斯为人民服务。” 这些人是我作为地区检察官代表为那些为需要帮助的受害人而战的人,这些人也正是我作为加州检察长,接手贩运枪支、毒品和人的跨国犯罪组织时而为之奋斗的人。这些人也是我作为美国参议员而为之奋斗的人。这些人是我每天都在努力让川普的官员们为之负责的美国人。这些人是乔和我将每天在白宫为之奋斗的人。
许多有亲人的人从来没有机会说再见。不必是这样的。实际上,六年前,我们发生了另一次健康危机。它被称为埃博拉病毒,我们都记得这种流行病。但是你知道发生了什么吗?巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)和乔·拜登(JoeBiden)做了他们的工作。在美国只有两个人死亡。这就是所谓的领导力。但是,与我们现在的这一刻相比。当其他国家遵循科学时,川普推销他在福克斯新闻上看到的奇迹疗法。当其他国家的曲线正在变平时,他说病毒会突然消失。“像奇迹一样”。那么,当其他国家开放商业时,我们做了什么?我们不得不再次关闭。
该病毒几乎影响到每个国家,但有一个原因使它对美国的打击比其他任何发达国家都严重。这是因为川普未能认真对待它。从一开始,他就拒绝接受测试,并在社交疏离和戴着口罩问题上翻来覆去。他的错觉认为他比专家更懂。所有这些都是美国每80秒就有一人死于covid-19的原因。这就是为什么无数企业不得不永远关门的原因。这就是为什么何时以及如何重新开放我们的学校完全是混乱的原因。父母对于他们的孩子在学校是否安全感到困惑,不确定和愤怒,如果他们去了就会面临危险,不去就会落后。川普也是数百万美国人失业的原因。他继承了历史上最长的经济扩张,那来自巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)和乔·拜登(JoeBiden)。然后,就像他继承的其他一切一样,由于领导的失败,直接落下,在所有主要工业化国家中,我们的经济遭受了最大的打击之一,失业率是之前的三倍。当我们选出一个不适合这份工作的人时,就会这样。